600W Hps Waterfarm 3 Strain Scrog: Mohan Ram, Cream Caramel and Blue Widow

peps have been dropping off of here fr months...another epic grower just lost a bunch a beans and just finished a dam amazing grow of Kandy Kush and Pineapple Express.....dude inspired me to attempt pineapple express plus help me decide to go hydro for most of my indoor /........prolly inspired a ton of other as well, and maybe 3 weeks after the grow he peaced the fawk out.................... along with a ton of others and it has been more and more noticeable as the days pass in which turn to months and still nothing from these awsome growers......i have had tech issues i have been gone too, but i'm stayin here..........i like it here just fine i can follow rules if i could find them and read them and i may drop off the map for a few days maybe a week at a time but thats to keep it fresh ya know.......maybe ppl r upset about these changes and "new rules" (i have no idea where to find them so i dont kno if im breaking n e if i am so sorry..............idk where they all go or went but if u want to follow my grow im lacking camera right now but i got peps over there that have been around since i got here and most do the same as i ......keep shit fresh.....i believe n e .................
Guys, sorry theres been no update, me n ottter have been mega busy lately with work n stuff. We were going to get some time this weekend to take pics, and update you on the progress, but.... WE GOT FUCKING BUSTED! Not only did we get busted, it was THE most unlucky bust ever.

I was out at work this afternoon when i got a phone call from otter going crazy, she was out in town, she got back to the house to find all the plants GONE! Nothing else in the house was taken, including the big jar of weed, or any of the grow equipment including the waterfarms the plants were in (weird) We wondered if we were robbed, but why would anyone take plants that were just in the first week of flowering and not take anything else (weird again)
She left the house sharply and spoke to the woman over the road who told her it was the police! FUCK!

When i finished work i came home, theres hydroton all over the fucking street! I tidied up a bit and went to talk to the woman over the road, she showed me a video on her phone of the police coming out of MY house with my fucking plants! so I went off to meet otter round a friends house for a beer and a spliff! We got home, and started taking down the grow rooms (Saaad) then a policeman knocked on the door...
"afternoon officer"
"afternoon, how are you?"
"well, not too good really"
"can I come in and tell you whats going on?"
"sure, come in, I'm pretty confused!"
Anyway...He begins to tell me the story of how he came to find my plants.

Basically the police got a call this morning from a man who told them he was going to kill himself, the police asked him where he lives, and he gives them MY FUCKING ADDRESS!!!! totally fucking randomly, he even admitted it was a random address he kinda made up to the police when they later found him elsewhere! So the police had to come to my house to find out if this man was attemping to kill himself, I was at work, otter was out in town and in that short time the police came and left.
so the police broke into the house, and checked the house and TA-DAAA there they are, my fucking plants!!!!! they just ripped them out of the pots and left. Loads of people in the street watching it all... FUCK!
Now he has given me bail and I have to go to the police station on saturday to be booked in for an interview under suspicion of "cultivating cannabis" The policeman was really nice, and told us that we had to be THE most unlucky people today!! By the looks of it Im hopefully not going to get in too much trouble, fingers crossed, Ill keep ya all posted....
Badger x :(
sorry for ur loss homes.......... not under the same circumstance i have lost one of mine also...............SAGE..........someone stole it from me, out of the ground.......the whle thing, rootz and all...............................i have been wondering whut came of u 2............epic growers...........................nice to know and sad to hear all is good and bad........life is fawked and hope the guy who faked the fuzz 2 ur house has some wicked case of the herp or something cause karma sux when good pplz get f**ked with................and y'all r dope in ma book............................ hope shit gets better and if u go to the pen homes ill write............................always had alot to say.......more so when typing.............get at me both of u................................fingerz crossed arms crossed toes crossed leg crossed.................................................................................................................good luck
the reason i like this post so we r all clear and no one takes my liking this post the wrong way it is cause badger came on and gave us the cold hard truth and it sux. but i like it cause they got balls to say whuts whut and tel tell it.........hats off to u 2 for hold it together...........i'de a flipped........sorry for ur loss......................my heart goes out to yall as well...................besta luck with the next grow.........least they didnt get Kandy u kno............that was really something to watch there ........epic as it were........... peace
Guys, sorry theres been no update, me n ottter have been mega busy lately with work n stuff. We were going to get some time this weekend to take pics, and update you on the progress, but.... WE GOT FUCKING BUSTED! Not only did we get busted, it was THE most unlucky bust ever.

I was out at work this afternoon when i got a phone call from otter going crazy, she was out in town, she got back to the house to find all the plants GONE! Nothing else in the house was taken, including the big jar of weed, or any of the grow equipment including the waterfarms the plants were in (weird) We wondered if we were robbed, but why would anyone take plants that were just in the first week of flowering and not take anything else (weird again)
She left the house sharply and spoke to the woman over the road who told her it was the police! FUCK!

When i finished work i came home, theres hydroton all over the fucking street! I tidied up a bit and went to talk to the woman over the road, she showed me a video on her phone of the police coming out of MY house with my fucking plants! so I went off to meet otter round a friends house for a beer and a spliff! We got home, and started taking down the grow rooms (Saaad) then a policeman knocked on the door...
"afternoon officer"
"afternoon, how are you?"
"well, not too good really"
"can I come in and tell you whats going on?"
"sure, come in, I'm pretty confused!"
Anyway...He begins to tell me the story of how he came to find my plants.

Basically the police got a call this morning from a man who told them he was going to kill himself, the police asked him where he lives, and he gives them MY FUCKING ADDRESS!!!! totally fucking randomly, he even admitted it was a random address he kinda made up to the police when they later found him elsewhere! So the police had to come to my house to find out if this man was attemping to kill himself, I was at work, otter was out in town and in that short time the police came and left.
so the police broke into the house, and checked the house and TA-DAAA there they are, my fucking plants!!!!! they just ripped them out of the pots and left. Loads of people in the street watching it all... FUCK!
Now he has given me bail and I have to go to the police station on saturday to be booked in for an interview under suspicion of "cultivating cannabis" The policeman was really nice, and told us that we had to be THE most unlucky people today!! By the looks of it Im hopefully not going to get in too much trouble, fingers crossed, Ill keep ya all posted....
Badger x :(
Damn... Not cool - Im fairly certain evidence obtained through a search of a house requires either a warrant or probable cause. Your plants had nothing to do with anything.
aaah guys, thanks for the support, it really sucks, three beautiful babies dead and gone from a really unlucky break, I was looking forward to seeing what these three would produce for us. The copper was well nice about it and even said if he'd have been able to ignore it he would have but there were 4 of them in my house and 1 was a sergeant so they had no choice. And unfortunately they ARE the police and to ignore something like this is to risk their livelihoods. I don't blame them- they are just doing their jobs, even though they don't like doing it sometimes. I could tell he felt awful for stumbling over our little grow and he could tell we are just nice people who like to grow their own smoke.

I am just keeping my fingers crossed for Badger tomorrow. Hopefully, by the sounds of it it will just be a caution but you never know and I don't want to count our lucky stars just yet. Poor Badger, he wouldn't let me take any blame. I love that woodland critter- he's a winner! :D

I guess the universe was trying to tell us something...

I like the way that the system tries to force people who want to grow guilt free, untainted cannabis back into a market they are trying to put a stop to. it makes no sense at all. And bang goes our next few months supply of lovely non-gangster related medicine. :(

Please all send your good vibes out for Badger tomorrow- he's going to need it. I will let you know what happens to him tomorrow and then play it by ear after that.

Obviously we are going to lay off the growing for the foreseeable future. This has shook us up you know. what are the chances of that kind of thing happening? So so random and unlucky. If the police have a weekly chart of some kind I guess we will win the 'most unlucky bastards' award! I hope that guy gets in some trouble for wasting police time or pranking them- they take prank calls to the emergency services quite seriously here. That man is certainly due some bad juju from the universe!

Big love to all and I guess continue doing great things, we're going to have to sit this one out tho.

**edit** NY, thats unlucky, similar thing happened to us last year, my neighbour even caught the guy in the act but was a lot smaller than the dude nicking it so couldn't do shit about it. Sorry to hear that man, its a wrench to find your babies dead and gone.

Kriznarf, They had no choice- they had to check cupboards because the guy who was threatening to 'kill himself' might have hid in the cupboard or hung himself in there or something. And I guess when presented with evidence like that they couldn't ignore it.

A lady over the road filmed the whole thing. when I no longer live here and some time has passed etc... I might post up the video for you all to have a good laugh.
im am not a man of praying but for u good badger...........we shall pray for u.............for the best possible non-incarcerating solution..............praise be to the fonz...............................lol jk besta of luck when in doubt run like hell and dnt stop ill hide ya out...lol.........dont know where u r but trying to make u laugh...is it workin?????? huh huh huh.................sorry...........had to try.....talk 2 u friends
I am very sorry to hear this. I would like to know whether or not this mystery caller actually exists. I hate to be so untrusting of the men and women behind the badge but there are some among them have been known to use very underhanded tactics to obtain results. I hope for your sake that you only receive some form of a slap on the wrist. Your plant count is very low from what I understand so it should be super easy to play the personal use card. If you were in Canada I know that personal use is much easier to claim than the US which is where I believe you're located.

Best of luck to you both and very sorry to hear about this shit.
Much love guys you're in my thoughts.
Ok, Badger has just got back from the police station! All is well, he was issued with a 'simple caution' for growing and possessing cannabis for personal use. He was told if he is caught with cannabis again then he will have to face a court. No criminal record, policeman was really nice. Badger advised them to watch this:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PSKJrgGqx_E he had a debate with the arresting officer and the desk sergeant about the legality of weed and they thanked him for the interesting chat! I'm so relieved!

Obviously we aren't going t get cocky but WOO HOO! :D :D :D UK can be a good place sometimes and there ARE such things as decent coppers. I'm sure in the next few days Badger will tell you in his own words what happened. If this was the US it would be a different story I imagine, which is really sad as we are doing far less harm growing our own than being forced into a market where, somewhere along the line, by buying cannabis from other people we are doing harm to others. ridiculous state of affairs.

thanks for the support, and while I agree that the police have been known to use underhand tactics to get into houses this really genuinely was a random act by the universe! Such a strange planet we live on and such a bizarre species we are!

peace and KEEP GROWING that wonderful wonderful plant people, please do us proud and if any of the information we have passed on up to this point has been useful to you then please use it and pass it along, I am open to private messages showing me your results and if I can help in any way I will if you need it.

otter xxx
It sucks that you were dealt this card, but I am VERY glad to hear that nothing serious, aside from the loss of some great girls, came of it. All the best to you two. I guess it's time to start rationing the good smoke you've got left while you figure things out.
glad to kno all is well on ur end.......................glad to have soem good news for once these past few weeks have been hell lost my PE also now, but yeah here u both woulda been popped at least here in ny where they bring the suck on the daily......hate it here, but its ma home these r ma pplz this is where i reside................good for u 2. happy to hear the better outcome out came................................peace...Real
Ok, Badger has just got back from the police station! All is well, he was issued with a 'simple caution' for growing and possessing cannabis for personal use. He was told if he is caught with cannabis again then he will have to face a court. No criminal record, policeman was really nice. Badger advised them to watch this:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PSKJrgGqx_E he had a debate with the arresting officer and the desk sergeant about the legality of weed and they thanked him for the interesting chat! I'm so relieved!

Obviously we aren't going t get cocky but WOO HOO! :D :D :D UK can be a good place sometimes and there ARE such things as decent coppers. I'm sure in the next few days Badger will tell you in his own words what happened. If this was the US it would be a different story I imagine, which is really sad as we are doing far less harm growing our own than being forced into a market where, somewhere along the line, by buying cannabis from other people we are doing harm to others. ridiculous state of affairs.

thanks for the support, and while I agree that the police have been known to use underhand tactics to get into houses this really genuinely was a random act by the universe! Such a strange planet we live on and such a bizarre species we are!

peace and KEEP GROWING that wonderful wonderful plant people, please do us proud and if any of the information we have passed on up to this point has been useful to you then please use it and pass it along, I am open to private messages showing me your results and if I can help in any way I will if you need it.

otter xxx
Hey Otter - wow, sorry to hear about the bad luck - I think all growers take a step back and re-evaluate a lot of things when we hear of these types of situations. Even though we all understand the risks involved when growing your own meds - it still really sucks to hear about decent peeps like yourselves having to go through all that... you guys are in my thoughts all the time as I still draw encouragment and inspiration from your grows. All the best and I hope to keep hearing from you these next weeks and months as you recover.

I hope you know that your epic grows along with the likes of Scottyballs will be referenced here for years to come as new and veteran growers alike draw from these
great grow journals. Peeps coming across these great references are sure to carry on the waterfarm 'legacy' for years to come - I know I will.

Thanks!!! :leaf:
Hey Otter - wow, sorry to hear about the bad luck - I think all growers take a step back and re-evaluate a lot of things when we hear of these types of situations. Even though we all understand the risks involved when growing your own meds - it still really sucks to hear about decent peeps like yourselves having to go through all that... you guys are in my thoughts all the time as I still draw encouragment and inspiration from your grows. All the best and I hope to keep hearing from you these next weeks and months as you recover.

I hope you know that your epic grows along with the likes of Scottyballs will be referenced here for years to come as new and veteran growers alike draw from these
great grow journals. Peeps coming across these great references are sure to carry on the waterfarm 'legacy' for years to come - I know I will.

Thanks!!! :leaf:

Wow thanks! Scottyballs was our main inspiration, we discovered his grows which sent us down the rabbithole massively so that is a real honour to be compared to the greats! I will float around on here but gonna stay out of commenting for a bit, please dont take this as a slight, I have been admiring all your grows but from a back seat for now! Thanks for the boost man and hopefully you will see us do something truly great on here one day.
Dayzt u the man.......u inspire me with this post below..............u r truly kind hearted..........our hearts bleed for them in this time of loss anger and pain and u gave them the boost i think they needed............well done............
Hey Otter - wow, sorry to hear about the bad luck - I think all growers take a step back and re-evaluate a lot of things when we hear of these types of situations. Even though we all understand the risks involved when growing your own meds - it still really sucks to hear about decent peeps like yourselves having to go through all that... you guys are in my thoughts all the time as I still draw encouragment and inspiration from your grows. All the best and I hope to keep hearing from you these next weeks and months as you recover.

I hope you know that your epic grows along with the likes of Scottyballs will be referenced here for years to come as new and veteran growers alike draw from these
great grow journals. Peeps coming across these great references are sure to carry on the waterfarm 'legacy' for years to come - I know I will.

Thanks!!! :leaf:

Otter & Badger
now u will have a follwing......lol headds up guys bad things happen to good pplz for the most effed up reasons u could think of and whut happens next they come out on top and swing 10lb colas (in our dreamz) sayin hold that copper.................. one day we will have our clarity crystal clear to the anti-smoker and the governments world wide chin up.........u guys r great......................Lil be around gonna shoot u a pm here.............................Peace
my names mullup . so bad to hear about the bust , im in australia where you would be lookin at a jail if you didnt have a clean record .Question = would the pigs look in your pc for photos of previous grows ?