600w Organic Bubba Kush Grow Journal~ First Grow

They seem to be doing fine...I know a picture can only show but so much...but even with the shots you took, it definitely appears they are moving in the right direction. Now that you've Topped, after about 2 days you'll notice some secondary growth taking place.


Active Member
i feel like i'm already seeing secondary growth! i will have pics up tomorrow after i feed them again, they seem to be taking the nutes sooooo well
Why would you top a baby plant like that? PH is not necessary in real Organics. Also ec is not needed or ppm. Also when are you PHing? After you put your nutes in? that kills nutes.


Active Member
cannasutra, not sure why to top but they seem to be loving it.. they're leaves have gotten healthier and they're starting to get bushy + taller.

I've heard that too that PH isn't necessary for organics but in the beginning i had a problem with nute burns and i had to check the water for a flush. other than that i havent really had a need to check it again.

Here we go! new pics :) day 22 from clone ( i think?bongsmilie)


kush groove

Active Member
looking good bro...i top all my plants before flowering, im sure youll love the results.....i always end up with at least 4 to 5 big buds per plant, as the lower branches are able to catch up and grow tops as well


Active Member
thanks man i appreciate it.. good thing because bubba kush gets bushy i feel like the light will be blocked to the bottom, this way more bud spots will rise up and get mas light resulting in a higher yield :)


Active Member
update! transplanted then tied some branches down..roots were ridiculously blocked and were started to stick to the bottom..im pretty sure i could hear the roots rip from the bottom of the old pots.

we got these weird new 3lb grow tote bags, guess they're new they're supposed to promote side growth("Aerates the Root Zone for Rapid growth, air pruning for healthy root structure"). they almost look like a big purse with handles on it. also going into flowering fairly soon.. finallly the picsss!



Active Member
update! transplanted then tied some branches down..roots were ridiculously blocked and were started to stick to the bottom..im pretty sure i could hear the roots rip from the bottom of the old pots.

we got these weird new 3lb grow tote bags, guess they're new they're supposed to promote side growth("Aerates the Root Zone for Rapid growth, air pruning for healthy root structure"). they almost look like a big purse with handles on it. also going into flowering fairly soon.. finallly the picsss!

i will be follwing this thread. plan on starting my first grow in a month. for now im just going to soak up all the knowledge i can! i plan to do something similar to what your doing. :)


Active Member
nice man, im definitely expecting some good results and things weren't very difficult at all thanks to the help from people on riu. let me know if you have any questions at all about anything and i will try and answer to my best knowledgebongsmilie


Active Member
nice man, im definitely expecting some good results and things weren't very difficult at all thanks to the help from people on riu. let me know if you have any questions at all about anything and i will try and answer to my best knowledgebongsmilie
haha your going to regret telling me to ask you questions because im full of them haha jk (kinda lol). the one thing im still getting confused on is the right soil, nutrients, and how to properly feed them :/


Active Member
haha no not at all, i'd like to give out the help i got back because i know how much it can have an effect..

first off i would decide on the strain first then choose soil and nutrients, figure this out by either doing research or going to your local grow shop and seeing what they think is best..

for feeding you just learn to eye the babies out.. fist couple weeks is water only then you slowly introduce nutes into the water and see how the plants react to it.

got a question, im thinking about getting some type of reflective material for the closet.. any one have experience with something that worked well?


Active Member
soooo some new things..
had to transplant again because during the last one we ran out of fox farm and had to buy some shit called super soil from home depot.. we decided that wouldn't cut it so we re-do them all also got another 6 inch inline fan, a little oscilating fan, a new clone (Vortex-sativa), and the grow room is currently being rearanged and i will have pics when it is done but here they are currently :)

Hey: Its me...its been awhile since I've peeked in on what you got going with yoru BK's. Let me say They are looking good actually they are more and more greener. I havent dont much research on how much a Bubba Kush can eat but by the looks of things I suspect you are not feeding them enuff. But if you are feeding them what you feel is adequate amount then this tells me that your ph is out of the correct range. If you had a seriously rootbound problem like you said with the roots sticking to the bottom...thats what I call 'a good problem to have'. But that yellowing I continue to see in your pictures says to me your plants is still experiencing a deficiency, but if you having monster roots...then I'd like to think you just need to increase your Grow-Nutes. what are you feeding that plants and at what amounts?


Active Member
hey hardy, so yeah it was bugging the shit out of me too so we decided to do another flush.. im guessing it was nute burn because we had to transplant twice then fed them and obviously gave them too much.. this is my nute mix Grow Biotics Grow Nutrient (4-4-1, 2 tbsp per gal) and Seaweed bloom Advanced Floriculturue (.17-.027-3.278, 1 tbsp per gal), and Sensi Cal Mg Mix (3-0-0, 2 liters/ liter).. we got a tent for them i'll have some pics up tonight to see how they're doing
Waaay Waay too much on the Grow!!!!...geesh. I noticed you used the term 'tbsp' and not 'tsp'. Well if you did indeed use actual tbsp's then yea.. you might be a lil to heavyhanded on the grow nutes...but but once again let me say, I dont know what the exact EC of your Nutrient line up is but from the amounts you are feeding at relative to the average amounts fed amongst different nute lines when used in addition to other fertilizers, is that you're feeding amounts are a little high....I suspect you read the back of the bottle and fed to spec as they recommended. But did not realize that, the specs are best to follow when using Only that fertilizer and nothing else, but when used with other ferts. you have to adjust dosages and also factor in the particulars of your strain. some strains might be so sensitive that they cant take even the recommended dosage from a single bottle of nutes. , As to avoid nute burn which can happen very quickly when mixing ferts, just remember its ok to do so but just keep in mind that less is better. As far as your Sensei Cal Mg Mix( my 2 cents on that is...if you Look at the NPK breakdown on that bottle and compare it to the NPK breakdown on the "Sensei Grow A" bottle you'll see that they are pretty much the same thing (which I can go into detail for anyone that needs an explanation on my generalization or maybe even more, some specifics you dont know about.)

But I make the comparison, to let you know that the Advanced Nutrients Calmag really doesnt cut it as a true Calmag supplement for me. See, 'Advanced Nutrients' have capitalized on fragmenting their product line, by taking micro Nutrients and the Macro nutrients that could go in 1 bottle and separately selling each product separately...if that makes any sense to you lol. By definition they're calmag is just that Calmag(Calcium, Magnesium, Iron, and Magneese) But it isnt a COMPLETE supplement because its missing 9 other micro nutrients that your plant needs in very small amounts but still need and cant be left out.....what kinda sick twisted company does that!!?? wtf!

So I would suggest replacing your AN Calmag with something like Botanicare calmag+ (dont forget the 'Plus' when you say it) or go with the FFOF nutrient line because their "GROW" and their "BLOOM" nutes contains trace minerals as well(by trace minerals they are refering to those micro nutrients that your plants require....I mean....you already have the soil so why not get the nutes) ;-) Dyna-Gro is another tried and true oldschool brand that offers the COMPLETE line of Nutrients in their Grow and Bloom nutes.But they are not an organic Fertilizer, they are a chemical fertilizer and a great one at that. One thing some growers like to do is Use a chemical fertilizer for their Vegging stage and then when it comes time to Flower,thats when they start using organics Blooming Nutes...which makes sense if you think about it.

Now I talked to you about your Nutrients and what I THINK is too much...but I have to say, ONCE AGAIN I CANT BE EFFECTIVE AS NEEDED WITHOUT THE NUMBERS so I say again...you gotta get you a bluelab ph and EC meter pen brotha..But in the mean time less drop your grow from 2 Tablespoons to something like: 1-1/2 TEAspoons of Grow...speaking of Grow...your NPK numbers looks kinda funky...after checking the Biotics Grow site I didnt see a Grow Product with that NPK breakdown the closest thing I saw was (3.7-4.3-1.4) I'm guessing you rounded off to the nearest whole number....(sneaky bastard..lol) but anyway back to what I was sayin bout your dosage regime. lets go with something like 1-1/2 TEAspoon of Grow Biotics, and 2 TABLEspoon of Their Bloom Mix and nothing else!(That bloom mix is cool but just know you'll prolly need something wit a little more muscle when it comes time to Bloom. Anyhowzers lets see how the plant responds when you put the feeding at this mark. BUT!!! DONT just go trying this out without a game plan. You have to set it up right!, If you already fed your plants Today or Yesterday then just wait for the next feeding cycle to come around.

But once the feeding cycle has come and you have adjusted your feeding dosage After you give the plants this...we have to wait a day for the results. BUT!!!! THE KEY TO THE RIGHT FEEDING IS to NOT ACCUMULATE YOUR NUTES FEEDING, meaning you feed them on Monday, /Tuesday-you dont feed cuz they dont need it/ Wednsday you dont feed them cuz the pot feels 50% heavy, then Thursday-you dont feed but you notice the pot is getting light, then Friday you notice pot is Light. And your plants are kinda drooping so you say...'HEY LET ME GIVE THEM SOME NUTES...its time for another feeding'....WRONG!!!! dont do that!

What you would do...no matter how hungry they look, is you will FIRST FLUSH THEM OUT BEFORE FEEDING!...this is protocol specially with FFOF soil(as they do mention this on their feeding chart google it) but thats what you do, I've tried some other feeding techniques such as Feed-feed-flush-feed-feed but This can only be done once your plant gets its appetite fully established. But even then you cant do that kinda thing week after week. But with that said...ONCE YOU have flushed them you can feed them immediately after flushing or wait as long as another full day because you are giving the pot some time to drain fully and allow the root hairs total availability for full uptake. This works very well because if your potting soil drains well then..on that next day when you do feed them...they're more likely to retain more Nutes as oppose to only a small percentage of the nutes had you fed them immediately after flushing. The only advantage to feeding them right after a flush is you kill2birds with one stone by getting they flush and the feeding done all in one session.


Active Member
you're right hardy.. the guy at the grow store wrote the wrong dosage but we flushed and were back on track, its day 5 flowering and they seem to be doing a lot better in the new tent + set up a new veg tent with a 125 or 150w cfl with 7 first generation skunk clones :)

and now the pics!

The flowering tent =)

Here are the new girls



Active Member
hahaha i left town for 4 days and came back to this.. week 7 dont remember how long they've been flowering its written somewhere

this is the bottom of a pot... i couldn't believe it
I highly recommend these smart pot things.. the plants have made hugeee improvements and the root growth just keeps going. supposedly i could also get this pot if i wanted to and fill up another smart pot with soil and put the lady right on top and root growth will keep continuing. these things are legit

and now the girls :)



Active Member
beeen a little while since i got some pics up.. here are my pretty little girls at week 10, week 4 flowering? im too high i can never remember

these be the skunk clones and the 2 in the very back of the tray are purple kush

and a vortex we were planning on mothering but no dunno what to do with it and a sour d clone

i'd say for a first time grow, things are going verrryyyyyyyyy well :)