Well-Known Member
I've heard of others using the evap. coil from a dehumidifier. I don't think you'll have a problem with this. And yeah it is pretty much needed for UC. All that constantly moving around of the water must make it quite warm.My res temps were high 70's and plants pretty much just stalled. Still green but no growth. I run the under current and the water pump running 24/7 and the lights in the tent do nothing but heat up the water so I have no choice nor does anyone else running a under current its mandatory for it. So I bought a used dehumidifier and bent the evaporated right into the reservoir for now. People are worried about copper leaching but we used copper for water pipes for ever so I just said screw it and less mess and what not. Dropped my res from like 79-80 right to 66 degrees in about an hr i guess. It was fast either way and I put it on a 24 hr light timer with 15mins on and 30mins off. Ill see what the temp is in the morning to get an idea anyway.
I poured my tea from the top down to for the most part but with the under current I run about 30-40 gals of water so its a lot i put in. lol.