619SixFour First Grow HomeBox S 400W

No problem, I use them and the results are great. The only issue is that I live in the generally dry southern california and depending on your area, the frequency of burping in your area could be more or less. I usually dry my buds until they outer edges our crip. I personally cant let them dry out until the stem snaps because of my dry air. Once the outer buds feel dry and crispy In throw them in the Tight Vac jars (all black). I then check on them often for the first couple of days. At first the buds will regain their moisture levels and you will need to leave the lid off for half hour to an hour. I would rather be safe than sorry, so I also take the buds out and inspect them for mold once a day for the first week, plus I like to look at them. That is how i use those Tight Vac jars to cure my buds but like I said in your area it might be different because of temp/humid. Start out by checking them often and then let your senses take over, if they feel wet , lids off for a while, recheck and then cap or leave off. Good luck man.:weed: Good choice on curing your bud, you wont regret it.