62 days of flowering. Bagseed sativa 150W HPS.When to harvest?

Mack Buchanan

Well-Known Member
bro, a old school rule of thumb is look at the buds toward the bottom of the plant are the red hairs on the bud 3 quarters red?..if so cut that bitch down


Active Member
Props on the first grow!!! Thats a hell of a plant. Bagseed hermie or not those are some pretty flowers. Would you mind taking some more pics of the buds? Not right up on them but a few of the top parts of the branches.
I have some from yesterday.Ill take some more today ,when light turns on :)

edit: Mack i would say maybe half of hairs are red/brown so not ready yet :)


Well-Known Member
How dense are the buds? Pic two is the best one. The leaves have a good color to them, ive been really pumping nitrogen throughout flowering this grow to see how it turns out and i hate not having the big pretty banana leaves. Ive got 5 or 6 days on mine (whenever next tuesday is) and i wish i had better looking flowers. They will smoke great but its not all about potency sometimes its just nice to take in the beauty we create.


Active Member
Well they are not very dense like some indica strains, but they are dense. I would say something between dense and fluffy :)

edit: I fert them only 2 or 3 times in flower with some 3-5-7 NPK and in vegetation with 8-4-4 NPK.Now im pumping them with only water and some molasses.
btw calyxs started to swollen pretty good


Well-Known Member
I wish i had some pictures of my atemps at sativas. Im horrible at growing them things they always turn out like shit. You are going to be amazed once you get some solid indica genetics.


Well-Known Member
Dunno man, sativa's are the best to me, leaves you medicated as fuck, but not couch bound and lazy.
Of coarse I have the benefit of some hardcore african sun and then it is normally a 6 month grow from seed to harvest.


Well-Known Member
Im sure i could do better if i could grow outdoors. Last time i LST and it didnt do to bad, the time i tried super cropping it turned out horrible. I just dont care for them they give me to much of a panicy feeling and i medicate for PTSD. I feel you on the couch lock i let my white russians go to 11 weeks once and it was so devistating. I usially harvest when they are all cloudy with a tad of amber (only amber to allow there to be no clear left.).

Also not fond of the 100+ flowering time. I wish i lived in a more liberal area and could connect with some more knowlegable growers and really try some sativas done right.


Active Member
lovemug maybe im just lucky with this one.I will see my next grow how will turn out.Here are some more pictures of buds and i found 1 seed today on the floor of a growbox :) .My first seed :) yeaaaa :).

I Grow My Own

Active Member
Nice job I have the same setup with GH nutrients in DWC. I'm gonna SCRog it.... I'm at the end of my first week of veg