62% humidity on new bud to jar ,do I need to burp?


Well-Known Member
So dried the plant wet for 7 days one was ready the other I've left to dry another day or two .. anyway I've got the fresh trimmed but into jars for curing and one is 62% the other 65% and one 60% humidity . I have another plant in hard sitting at 59-60% humidity but it's been curing for nearly two weeks .

At those levels either I dried too long or too fast . Humidity levels where 65% in the dry room and 18-20°c so they were pretty optimal for a longer drying out.

Do I need to continue to burp daily at these th levels or just wait and see if they crop up and then burp if necessary.

Should I burp once a week on the two week old

And what about the fresh bud that's 60% already ? Once every few days once a week ?
What they said. And if you want a good alternative to jars, thick 1 gallon Mylar bags. 30pack $1/piece on amazon. Smell and light proof, they don’t get that static charge that pulls trichomes like glass jars either.

Mylar beats turkey bags due to not being static, I second this recommendation, you will get less "shake" at the bottom of your bags when moving buds around or opening/closing bags.