63 degrees


Active Member
I'm doing a basic journal on it, mostly just pics every day or few days, all 7 of my journal entries are of these ladies


Active Member
so i reviewed the temps while the lights are off and theres barly a change, like 3-4 degrees too bad though i was getting excited because i would have assumed it was going to drop quiet a bit more then thanks, thanks for the good information though guys // and anymore tips or indoor growing information anyone wants to share feel free always like a good read
that's not to bad. might not be enough to cause purpling. Just quite ( since its about 6-7 Degrees difference in °C ) But you never know! and either way will keep them nice and healthy. And where you testing at late night ? or earlier in the morning? ....

But if you got any more questions, I'm sure the lovely people here can help out with anything you need! Happy growing my friend


Well-Known Member
hippy i have to move my grow outdoors too and i think it will get down to about 40F at night also in the box how to did you manage to raise the heat even out in the cold? I went to your journal and see you hung blankets up, is that a way of trapping heat from the lights ?

and mario i just checked the temp like 5 minutes before i turned the lights on for the day, and earlier in this post i said im putting them outside so the 15F change will definitely be happening now good to know about the purpling this will cause man thanks and happy growing to you too.


Had a few questions about overnight res temps and you guys answered all of them! Thanks for the help and happy growing from a first timer!!


Well-Known Member
Bharv this site is epic for new growers man look around on here for pretty much anything about pot and it here. happy growing to you to my friend.


Agreed!! I've been on here constantly since I started (just flipped to 12/12 tonight) and have learned soooo much. It's incredible how much there is to learn about this stuff - I'm sooo hooked on it! Thanks for the kind words - best to you as well!


Active Member
yes, I actually hung blankets to keep in some heat, I got the smallest forced air heater I could find and moved the walls in with blankets and it became much easier to keep the temp up, the first few hours the lights are on in the morning I take off half the ducting so the heat from the light warms up the room in the morning. maybe next month I can afford some real walls on my shed. lol, the things we do for the ladies :)


Well-Known Member
Check it out! You'll find it anywhere online that colder temps for your night can/will bring out the purple's/blues in a strain! Tho some are just naturally purple .. but Normally a 15 degree difference between your days and nights can cause the purple to come out! (like in fall temps how the leafs change on the tress!) Tho not all strains will As I've read! try to keep it within the 50 range..( stay away for 40's! ) after a certain point it can cause plant growth to slow down. so experiment!!! not every strain will turn purple! some more then other's

Right from high times!

"The origins of purple cannabis are as much of a mystery as the origins of the plant itself. However, purpling is as natural as the changing colors on the leaves of deciduous trees in autumn, which is attributed in part to the pigment anthocyanin. Anthocyanin expression is controlled by both genetic and environmental factors"

They say you learn something new everyday! even if its something useless!

mario im getting a change of like 10-13 within the entire day, hoping on purple my friend its going from 70 in the day to 55-60 at night you say 15 is ideal so im sure i will be seeing at least some darkness in upcoming weeks.

If anyone has pictures of grows that you simply use the temperature change to get some purple post away would love to see it done. :weed: