650 watt mixed led over two raspberry cough


image.jpeg image.jpeg So I just recently moved and I'm down to a 4x4x8 closet to grow in. I have two of nirvanas raspberry coughs going in 5 gallon RDWC with a 1/10 chiller with 3/4 tubing and a 370 GPH inline pump.

The chiller is kept in a linen closet and the tubing is run under the house to the chiller to keep the heat down.

I have two platinum led p300 full spectrum lights with a timber diy 300 watt cxb3590.

All the total lights pulls little over 650 watts from the wall.

Using the complete hydroponics line of nutrients.
Going into week 1 of bloom with the brand new cxbs installed now.
Vegged 5 weeks under the p300's

Having a slight temperature problem right now. With the new lights installed. No windows nor am I close to window access so window unit isn't very possible. Looking into a small portable for the mean time.


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Temps vary between 75-80. Generally hotter in the morning and cools off as the day gets hotter and the house ac comes on more


Well-Known Member
I have a very similar light set up half of it tho hans panel and 2 x 72v cobs will stick around to see how it turns out


Iv found that running the cobs without the panels on causes them to run hotter due to the panels have active cooling bringing air from the top and blowing out the sides which then blowing through the pin cushion heat sink allowing them to run cooler. The difference if clearly noticeable to the touch of the heat sink. But found that taking the directional cover off my ac vent it allowed more air to just freely flow into the room instantly lowing temps 3-4 degrees


Just a little update on the raspberry coughs
At the end of week 2 of flower. And they look great. Can't wait for the real bud development.



Active Member
WoW Man! loving the Setup! Love The Strain as well. Sticking around to see how things go.


Here we are with another update on these raspberry coughs. On day 35 and they loving it. Ran into some problem with the roots wanting to run through the drains and slowed down the outtake while the intake remained constant due to the dual pump design being used. Really stirred up a worry when I checked the roots one day and the water was an inch from over flowing. Will post back later with pictures and how I fixed it for the moment and hopefully get some feedback on it.



Well-Known Member
Aeroman, I'm jealous. My raspberry coughs were lacklustre at best. Super leafy and tasted like garbage.

Yours, however, are looking great! Maybe I just got a crap genetic roll with my seeds ha


So I'm terribly sad to say that with this hurricane Mathew that came through. My crop got ruined from losing power for days.
Oh well shit happens. Will be starting a new run very soon. But instead of running two in RDWC I'm going to do one monster in a brute 20 gallon trash can under a double scrog. But hurricane season at its end so hopefully I'll have a nice Christmas


Well-Known Member
ah man that sucks! they were coming on nicely but best not to dwell on it on to the next one and who doesn't love a monster scrog!!!


Exactly !! Looking forward to it. Going to be running complete hydroponics nutrient line from start to finish. Started switched some over st the beginning of flower and boy did it start showing ! :grin: So I can't wait to see what it can do from the start