
Well-Known Member
ok so right now im growin my one plant and in a couple of days my plants will be 2 months old and is lookin good and ready to start budding and i am curretly using 2 42 watt 2700 lumen cfl's and i wanna switch to these light bulbs Find GE Reveal Three Way Bulb, 50-100-150 Watts and other Light Bulbs at Aubuchon Hardware sincey the supposidly have the full light spectrum in it INCLUDING more of the red light i need so thus helping it bud better right??? i have 3 200 watt light bulbs of that kind and here some pics of my plants at 2 months BTW this is my first grow whats ur opinion :peace: EDIT will buds come off my branches cuz as u can see i have lotsssssssssss



Well-Known Member
it looks so annarexic,so thin and fragile.u shouldve sent it into flower already,it will top 90+ in by time you flower it,and by the looks of it,u dont got enough room in there


Well-Known Member
i dont understand what u mean by it will top 90+ by the time i flower????yeah thats why im going to make it flower right NOW, but do u think switching to that kind of light bulb will help it any??? and so doeah that mean i should start fimming and ttopping???


Well-Known Member
and damn are u serious i juss barly put a month into veg ...and if it does start to top ill juss tie it down some more...


Well-Known Member
I think you should have started some LST a long time ago, Those babies are going to get so much bigger when you start to flower. If you wanted you could still do some LST and then flower.


Well-Known Member
what is LST??? and i think there only gunna grow about 1 1 and a half feet taller and i got room for that and if not ill juss take her outside and let mother nature do her job and im goin into flowering tonightttttt


Well-Known Member
lst is low stress training ie bonsai method(very very cool,but u got to start young)your plant is at 30in.and a plant doubles even tripples in height when flowering.i said 90+in cus ur plant is streched out looking for the light so i wouldnt be surprised if it got to 100inches when done

im saying it will be between 7.5ft and 8.5ft,but it will end up being 3ft cus its weak and fragile and it will fall over giving u a 3 footplant that will just die.You made a big big big mistake letting your plant get that tall,that streched and that skinny.Do some more research b4 u grow.

fyi a plant that tall should have a base stalk that is thicker than a bick lighter width wise,it should be like 1in thick or more for a tree that size,and urs looks like no more than 2cm thick.

you should be ashamed for hurting that plant


Well-Known Member
if it streched i dont care its wat i can afford so stfu and an other thing ill keep it up trust me and one more thing if it buds than im happy


Well-Known Member
um douche noob go fuck your self with a splintered log.open your mother fucking eyes and read what ppl are typing,do reseach b4 u grow and u wouldnt have ended inthe mess u are in.u dont have enough light for every bud sight,and u will have to tie it up to prevent it from toppling over.how are you goin to provide adiquate lighting to ensure a harvest?can u answer that jewtard?do u even know if its a girl in the first place?males grow tall and skinny and fast.

so give ur insight
and if u want to debate then bring it bitch:finger::cuss::finger:


Well-Known Member
HAHAHAH fukkin dumbass i knbow i need more light i know 6400 lumens isnt enough do u see on the bottom of one of the pics that there a lil light imma put an other one of those on the other side so that i would have 4 light on my plant coming up to about 9000-11000 lumens u fukkin dick and as u can see i took pics of the fukkin HAIRSSSSS, why the fuk else would i put it into flowering than dumbass, and i say again this is my FIRST grow wackymacksmallpack id expect me to do some wrong shit and tiein it down aint that fukkin hard


Well-Known Member
and an other way imma keep them from growing imma clone her to shorten her up quit a bit than do some LST to make it even shorter than once the clone is good ill throw both of them into flowering bitch


Well-Known Member
and from what i juss read it dont take that long to fukkin LST it might be hard but imma newbie and ill try it if i mess up than i mess up i got 4 more seed to use all sister of the great WW nad ill be glad to grow them better than i did this one bitch


Active Member
The link for the light that you posted looks like an incandescent light. For flowering with cfl's you need more 2700k lights. Like a good dozen or so.


Well-Known Member
well the lights i have are 200watt 2400 lumen output and imma have maybe 5 or 6 of those on my babies


New Member
um douche noob go fuck your self with a splintered log.open your mother fucking eyes and read what ppl are typing,do reseach b4 u grow and u wouldnt have ended inthe mess u are in.u dont have enough light for every bud sight,and u will have to tie it up to prevent it from toppling over.how are you goin to provide adiquate lighting to ensure a harvest?can u answer that jewtard?do u even know if its a girl in the first place?males grow tall and skinny and fast.

so give ur insight
and if u want to debate then bring it bitch:finger::cuss::finger:
Maybe both of you should understand that personal attacks arent cool here. You both acted like asses and need to stop. Im not even a mod and this shit is so childish that an adult needs to say something.

The plant , in my humble opinion, could use a tying down. If you get somethng to screw in the wall, you can take a string and tie it to the screw or hook, and then slowly bend it. I repeat slowly. Do a little every day or two and make sure you have enough light to cover the whole length of the plant(or try). You could also chop the top off, and wait for new growth, and then flower.The plant is a little skinny, but if you can get the light closer, or possibly any more light, this will go away a little if not all the way.If it becomes too much work, try from scratch or cut it and reveg to the size you want. Try, try, try.

But please, can we try to be repectful. Noone wants to read bullshit.:evil: