67 days from seed- AUTOMAZAR

Nice looking plant Esdreel!
Can i suggest u to use some picture resizer when u post because a 3mb sized picture taking a bit to upload... and for security reason CLEAR ALL EXIF file!!!! actually i can see your adress and coorinates where photo are taken!!!!
Im using FastStone PhotoResizer and to clear exif use just windows :D
Nice looking plant Esdreel!
Can i suggest u to use some picture resizer when u post because a 3mb sized picture taking a bit to upload... and for security reason CLEAR ALL EXIF file!!!! actually i can see your adress and coorinates where photo are taken!!!!
Im using FastStone PhotoResizer and to clear exif use just windows :D
That's some scary shit. If you're taking pics with your phone turn OFF GPS LOCATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!