6lbs grow with only 4x600hps on 24/7


Well-Known Member
I guess I see where your coming from InvestInMe...you want to get the most out of every hour in the day...fine. But for someone who is preaching making things simple you sure are making it more complicated than it needs to be. Moving plants, moving lights, not using a timer...you're just introducing a TON of unnecessary variables that could mess up your crop in the end.

I get it, you're motivated, you put your mind to something and you do it. If you're willing to put in the work, and clearly you are, then go for it. I wish you nothing but luck in your grow. 6lbs will take forever to trim...:bigjoint:

well thanks for stoping by and i hear ya oin the trimmign but im a head of that game as well. had 15 lbs last summer to trim so we invested in a TRIMPRO AUTOMATIK from canadianwholesalehydroponics.com last year and saved almost what it cost to pay pickers . but will defently pay for it self after this one


Well-Known Member
invest....im more intrested in how you get your yeilds what nutes n doses? im using ebb n flow with nutri plus and my yeilds are way low

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
DAMN dude that thing is a serious piece of equipment!

I always wondered though...don't those things knock the heads off of the trichs? I mean, it looks pretty rough on the buds.

I bet you can get some mean hash when you clean it at least!


Well-Known Member
15 15 lbs was out door i grew in a swamp with 80 litre buckes sopme times half full of water with all the rain then we jsut added a cheap veg nute from hydropponic store and then for flowering we used sensi A and B bloom and big bud and feed at about 1600ppm and the last 3 weeks we kept it at 1200


Well-Known Member
DAMN dude that thing is a serious piece of equipment!

I always wondered though...don't those things knock the heads off of the trichs? I mean, it looks pretty rough on the buds.

I bet you can get some mean hash when you clean it at least!

yea not as much as you would think we thought the same thing so we trimmed 1 lbs by hand and did the rest in a fairly warm room and really didnt notice a difference in smooe we got high off it all :P

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
this is not a good idea. id pay the 1500 not to have to move shit every 12 hours for 2 months.
Yeah, I think we're past talking him out of this idea, but if we're not, I'll throw my hat in the ring once more for that idea.

$1500 ain't much, especially when you can get your whole system automated so you can go to dinner, take vacations, etc.


Active Member
If you have four reflectors/bulbs you can use two ballasts controlled buy a flip flops and a timer.

This way you can have your ballasts constantly running so they never powering off, and every 12 hours the power can be flipped from two bulbs to the other two. This way you could have 2 rooms, each running 12/12 with two ballasts and no big power draws.



If you have four reflectors/bulbs you can use two ballasts controlled buy a flip flops and a timer.

This way you can have your ballasts constantly running so they never powering off, and every 12 hours the power can be flipped from two bulbs to the other two. This way you could have 2 rooms, each running 12/12 with two ballasts and no big power draws.

I think if you build it on the "lazy susan" premis you just might be able to pull this off. You said that space was not a problem, so choose a room that would allow you spin your boxes in and out of the light, the shit should be handy as you are renovating. Build a dummy wall that spins on an axis, with your boxes connected to either side,simple spin and you have darkness, foam strips or whatever on the ends to help seal in place and block out the light, you asked for idea's man this might be a little far fetched ... but then so is 6LBS from 4 lights lolbongsmilie


Active Member
Like I said on the first page, watch the SeeMoreBuds "15 Pounds in 80 Days" video. One room (4'x6' if I remember correctly), 4x600w hps, over 6lbs. yield. You said you want to make it simple but seem to be doing everything you can to complicate matters.


Well-Known Member
I think if you build it on the "lazy susan" premis you just might be able to pull this off. You said that space was not a problem, so choose a room that would allow you spin your boxes in and out of the light, the shit should be handy as you are renovating. Build a dummy wall that spins on an axis, with your boxes connected to either side,simple spin and you have darkness, foam strips or whatever on the ends to help seal in place and block out the light, you asked for idea's man this might be a little far fetched ... but then so is 6LBS from 4 lights lolbongsmilie
I like this idea cause my idea of building a structure to place around the plants would now work as i would need to be able to pick up an 8ft x 8f tent like structure and then place it over another set of of beds LOL maybe a bit more difficult...

but ya I like this idea . There Is a chair that was left by the last people whom lived in this place that spins around. I mat be able to get the assembly off it and build this type of room

hey blaze thanks alot for stoppin in and taking the time to think somthign up like this


Well-Known Member
get timmers. use 1 light and 1 timer on 18/6 in a vegging area. use othe lights in flowering area. use a timmer for each light 12/12 stager times on timer by 20 minutes. turning on your stove is more than your lights. alot of people start to cook diner when they get home from dinner.. just thinking out loud
Ok let me try to get this back on track here....

IM a person that doesnt complicate things
I say im goging to do somthign i do it .. I have to be home at the times i pick because it meaning full for mee to be there so all the timer talk is not my concern ...... Its only 60days from the day i palce my clones in there.
I must be there to do it! Like thast the whole point its 1 grow 6 lbs .. Its worth it to me to be there ...

my concern is the cost of another 4 6 watt digital ballast I jsut ordered 4 and it was 1600 and with my fans and pots I already spent 3k on items Im done spending

My aprment unit is rune down and will be renovated for the 3 months while i do a grow there i will be there every day.

I jsut lost alot of money on my last flip due to how long the flip sat on the market

So spending more of my savings right now is not somthign I or my wife can afford .

IM dertemin on making this grow a sucess
Im just lookign for better ideas on now to improove my method ..

Like it was said I dont want to be there for 2 hrs a day rotating everythign around IM Id rather sped my time wating and maintaing my garden I need a fast way to swap lights or plants ...

So Again thanks for comming by adn can you give any ideas on how you would run such a set up thanks
Ok moving plants or lights from room to room is way too much work/trouble/construction and completely uneccessary my man!
What you wanna do is run 8 lights, 4 in each room.... but using only the 4 ballasts you already have! Its very easy to run 2 lights off of 1 ballast as long as they arent running at the same time! You will need 4 more hoods and bulbs but not ballasts which are the most expensive thing we buy light wise.
My buddy ran this same set up but with 6 600s each. Im not 100% on all the details but I do know that all you have to do is splice the cord going to your hood and connect a 2nd cord which goes to a 2nd hood . So that way each ballast is running 2 lights on alternating cycles. This will keep your cost down since you already have 4 ballasts and prevent any power spikes. And this isnt harmful at all to the ballasts themselves either.
You will need timers though! Ive seen so many people try the manual thing and have never seen it work!
If you wanna run 2 rooms without 4 new ballasts and no power spikes this is the only way I see it working. Unless your extremely dicsiplined, at home 24/7, and want severe back problems from lugging all those plants back and forth every day! And then after the 1st cycle youll have build a 3rd room ta compensate for your increase in herb consumption thanks to your new back pain!!!
You know what... with this set up you could even start a 2 room perpetual harvest where you could complete the first half of the flowering cycle in one room and then finish them off in the other room. Or say if you have an 8 week flowering cycle you could have half the plants in each room 2 weeks apart, then every 2 weeks youll be harvesting fresh buds! Either way would be really nice in your situation, that way you wouldnt be stuck with trimming/drying/storing/hiding/rationing 5-6 lbs at a damn time ya know! That much herb takes up a decent amount of space, plan on investing in another fridge!
I think I explained all that right....
Lemme know what ya think


Well-Known Member
in not sure what you mean by splicing the cord from 1 ballast into 2 light?-------------
Igot a 600 watt digital blast that says it can only light 1 light?


Well-Known Member
i would say if u put the lights on some sort of gallow like arm, and then put that on a platform with wheels on it u could wheel them around, could be easy of the rooms were side by side.