Ace Yonder
Well-Known Member
You're right, you never said you used Berkley and Jensen. I never said that you did. I said that I thought you were using them. I also said that YOU specifically said you were using Western Family, and you posted a picture of a western family bag, as you say here:Are we seriously still on this crap.... First of Ace Yonder, I never claimed that they were berkley jensens or whatever name brand you mentioned. I never mentioned any name brand other than making a reference to the person asking what my cups were in which I replied I already posted a picture of them in my original post. SO please do not sit there and try and said I said that they were a certain name brand but I showed a picture of something else in my post. Because that is not the case. Btw the picture of the blue cups with western family is not the same bag that I took a picture of with "supposed cups".
No problem, if you take a look at my first post with pics I took picture of the cups and packaging, they're western family value cups and are 16oz as stated by the packaging. I even pulled them out when first got them and measured 16oz from a measuring cup just to be sure.
But I looked up those cups, and Western Family doesn't make ANY cups that look like yours. The only company that DOES make cups that look like yours is Berkley & Jensen, and they are 18oz. THAT'S why it's a problem. So I am saying that you are CLAIMING to use Western Family, but are in FACT using Berkley and Jensen. Sorry if the apposition confused you.