6th Official Party Cup Grow Competition!!!!!!

Thats cool... Except your trying to push your experience off as mine. I highly doubt that western family has misspackaged their product for over a year. You also said there was no such thing as western family ridged cups, which I also just proved wrong. Mine also do not say 573ml on mine like yours does. This cups are at all the local yokes around my area, I dunno about other stores as I have not checked them because yokes is where I shop.

and with pictures here is 16oz of water in the cups as well.. You can try and say they are 18oz all you want but I have shown multiple varieties of evidence that they are 16oz, you can argue all you want and that is fine but in my opinion it would be just grasping at air now.
Well my point was that the 18 on the bottom of yours is the indicator of side, 16 oz cups say 16 on the bottom, so that's all the proof I need, I was really just tryin' to commiserate and help explain that the packages are not always accurate but the markings on the cup are. You have indeed proven that western family sells those cups, and thus proved you did not intentionally cheat, but those are still 18oz cups as indicated by the marking on the bottom.
You can still say they're 18 all you want but yet again I have shown they are not. Why argue? the stamps do not always indicate size just as many other brands don't have stamps or any related number, lettering stamps that actually indicate what they are. So yes on some brands they do indicate what they are but not all brands do. Your putting a generallaity on all cups, brands.
You can still say they're 18 all you want but yet again I have shown they are not. Why argue? the stamps do not always indicate size just as many other brands don't have stamps or any related number, lettering stamps that actually indicate what they are. So yes on some brands they do indicate what they are but not all brands do. Your putting a generallaity on all cups, brands.
ALL cups are stamped with size somewhere on them especially any food grade product like drinking cups you might wanna do some research b4 calling people out
ALL cups are stamped with size somewhere on them especially any food grade product like drinking cups you might wanna do some research b4 calling people out

negative, i'm sorry I have seen multiple people post cups without any stamp indicating size so I do know what I am talking about, you can think what you want but not all cups are stamped with the size. again yes some brands do, not all brands do.
I wish I knew how to use phone to post links the FDA requires once again for all u special needs people identification on ALL food grade cups,packaging,etc,etc do your own research on this
I wish I knew how to use phone to post links the FDA requires once again for all u special needs people identification on ALL food grade cups,packaging,etc,etc do your own research on this

Once again please point me to where it states such markings or a listing that in fact tells you what the stamp numbers and letters mean. Again people have posted pictures of cups without identification markings other than the triangle with the code inside indicating what the material make up is for recycling purposes. I am not an idiot and stop trying to imply it. I know how to do research. I have supplied evidence in different ways showing its 16 oz so you can say what you want, Ace can say I have showed it might be miss-packaged and that all I have showed is I was not trying to be a cheater. If you seriously think I was trying to cheat do you think I would have actually given two fucks when called out and actually posted what was ask for by everyone? I would have kept denying it with no evidence. at this point its a he said she said deal. you can say all you want but it is again nothing more than your opinions, where as I have shown more than enough evidence that says otherwise that I am correct while everyone trying to call me out is doing nothing more than arguing for the sake of arguing with nothing to back up evidence wise of what they are saying. If you can prove me wrong and shut me up than do it..... if not than shut it, because I have shown more than plenty of evidence in my support. and you can chalk it up to my opinion if you will whatever it is you wish to think.

BTW I have also contacted western family in this regard and requested a formal acknowledgement of what they're stamps mean and if it could have been miss-packaged or miss-stamped, and to verify what the actual stamps on the bottom really indicate. If they say that it was a mishap and is in fact 18 ounces than I will acknowledge that and apologize and digress on the situation, until then I once again have shown more than enough evidence that it is 16 ounces. At least I can support what I have shown and said. I don't like being called a cheater, and have no reason to cheat. End of argument period!
Someone else should count the number of fucks that everyone gives about your opinion at this point. Oh wait, that number is zero, and you've been DQ'd. So please, with all due(again zero) respect.

Nice. I have respect for myself at least, that is why I am DQ'd. I won't bow to a an idiot and take orders only fit for 8 year olds, lol. Looks like you will, what does that say about you?
Once again please point me to where it states such markings or a listing that in fact tells you what the stamp numbers and letters mean. Again people have posted pictures of cups without identification markings other than the triangle with the code inside indicating what the material make up is for recycling purposes. I am not an idiot and stop trying to imply it. I know how to do research. I have supplied evidence in different ways showing its 16 oz so you can say what you want, Ace can say I have showed it might be miss-packaged and that all I have showed is I was not trying to be a cheater. If you seriously think I was trying to cheat do you think I would have actually given two fucks when called out and actually posted what was ask for by everyone? I would have kept denying it with no evidence. at this point its a he said she said deal. you can say all you want but it is again nothing more than your opinions, where as I have shown more than enough evidence that says otherwise that I am correct while everyone trying to call me out is doing nothing more than arguing for the sake of arguing with nothing to back up evidence wise of what they are saying. If you can prove me wrong and shut me up than do it..... if not than shut it, because I have shown more than plenty of evidence in my support. and you can chalk it up to my opinion if you will whatever it is you wish to think.

BTW I have also contacted western family in this regard and requested a formal acknowledgement of what they're stamps mean and if it could have been miss-packaged or miss-stamped, and to verify what the actual stamps on the bottom really indicate. If they say that it was a mishap and is in fact 18 ounces than I will acknowledge that and apologize and digress on the situation, until then I once again have shown more than enough evidence that it is 16 ounces. At least I can support what I have shown and said. I don't like being called a cheater, and have no reason to cheat. End of argument period!
Your cup said 18oz not 16 I'm sorry for u being butthurt
Your cup said 18oz not 16 I'm sorry for u being butthurt
View attachment 3382992

It shows a stamp and as I implied it does not indicate size nec.

I'm not butthurt but if you choose to be one of the ones who want to continue arguing for the sake of it go ahead. NOBODY INCLUDING YOU, has proved me wrong with any supportive evidence. I have shown more than enough evidence indicating the size in my defense, where is yours proving me wrong? your continuing to do nothing but blow hot air, sorry.
It shows a stamp and as I implied it does not indicate size nec.

I'm not butthurt but if you choose to be one of the ones who want to continue arguing for the sake of it go ahead. NOBODY INCLUDING YOU, has proved me wrong with any supportive evidence. I have shown more than enough evidence indicating the size in my defense, where is yours proving me wrong? your continuing to do nothing but blow hot air, sorry.
Im not arguing, never said snowboarder u r a cheater, but by no means will I back down your wrong it happens tomorrow I will do your homework and post a link of marking on solo cups just 4u OK will that get your panties out ta wad
UPDATE, Day 28 being above ground,

All plants are looking good, the SunShine Daydream fanleafs are curling probably due to being root bound. Roots have already taken over the inside of the cups. All have taken well to being topped. Only one showing sex so far possibly is the Kimbo Kush looking female.


Im not arguing, never said snowboarder u r a cheater, but by no means will I back down your wrong it happens tomorrow I will do your homework and post a link of marking on solo cups just 4u OK will that get your panties out ta wad

Actually you were arguing by continuing to insist they are 18 ounces. I never said you called me a cheater bud, that was more implied towards Ace, for original comments made and for his comment in regards to saying all I did was show I was not cheating after all by showing the cups from the store. Again I am done with the argument until someone can actually provide evidence proving me wrong, I have provide mine. no one has provide anything against me.

@Sire Killem All , I have already said I would post a video with my original pictures when I was first accused of using 18oz cups, I stated I have it and tried posting it to no avail, I specifically asked everyone on here to tell me how to post a video and it would be done with no reply. IF you want the video then tell me how to post it, I HAVE NOTHING TO HIDE. again no one has showed evidence supporting their argument against me. I think I have already shown more than enough to be satisfying, if not well then people in this comp are really out to just get people DQ'D so they can win by default. Until evidence can be provided against me, seriously just stop the arguing as you have nothing to back it up. Once Western Family gets back to me I will post their email response to me for everyone to view. IF they show that I am wrong and their was something wrong on their end with packing I will apologize to everyone and digress. I'm not here to argue. I am here to grow. UNTIL the above mentioned has happened this conversation is over.

Happy Growing's everyone!
Actually you were arguing by continuing to insist they are 18 ounces. I never said you called me a cheater bud, that was more implied towards Ace, for original comments made and for his comment in regards to saying all I did was show I was not cheating after all by showing the cups from the store. Again I am done with the argument until someone can actually provide evidence proving me wrong, I have provide mine. no one has provide anything against me.

@Sire Killem All , I have already said I would post a video with my original pictures when I was first accused of using 18oz cups, I stated I have it and tried posting it to no avail, I specifically asked everyone on here to tell me how to post a video and it would be done with no reply. IF you want the video then tell me how to post it, I HAVE NOTHING TO HIDE. again no one has showed evidence supporting their argument against me. I think I have already shown more than enough to be satisfying, if not well then people in this comp are really out to just get people DQ'D so they can win by default. Until evidence can be provided against me, seriously just stop the arguing as you have nothing to back it up. Once Western Family gets back to me I will post their email response to me for everyone to view. IF they show that I am wrong and their was something wrong on their end with packing I will apologize to everyone and digress. I'm not here to argue. I am here to grow. UNTIL the above mentioned has happened this conversation is over.

Happy Growing's everyone!
Have u seen my plant I don't care if u stay or leave MY GOAL is to finish that's it none of u need to worry about me trying to get anyone DQ I made a poor choice trying Hempy in a competition when I've never tried it b4