6th Official Party Cup Grow Competition!!!!!!

I've never understood the need for https either. If you believe that the government is reading everything that is passed through routers, then you should also believe that they have a method to beat an encryption scheme. The tunneling protocol is not necessary then either, and would slow down a site with this much traffic.

Believe me, I'm all for keeping every member safe, and to our knowledge no one has ever been busted for posting here. The site owner has taken every precaution to protect our servers. We don't log IP addresses, so your proxy method of posting is not required, but please do whatever makes you feel comfortable enough to participate.

While the site admins may not be actively logging the IP addresses within the forum software, you should read the Terms and Rules link at the bottom right of all pages here that says that they are using Analytics which does log your IP Address - EVEN IF THE SITE ADMINS DONT UTILIZE THE DATA. If anyone is concerned about this (as they well should be unless you live in a legal state) you should take a look at installing an analytics blocker plugin for your browser and start researching how to use Tor. Simplest way would be to go download the Tor browser if you are technologically challenged.

I find the HTTPS comments hilarious personally. They're worried about SSL overhead vs BASIC security (which honestly is such a minimal hit in this modern day of computer processing technology). That's basically the equivalent of saying - you know, thieves can pick locks so I'm not going to bother locking my doors.

Without SSL, LEO can work with a carrier and do the simplest man in the middle attack to grab all traffic to the site and no one would even have a clue about it. To the end user it would look just like a normal session to rollitup.

Not picking a fight or ribbing on the admins or anything, just stating my opinion and trying to educate some users on some basic security they can use to protect themselves when visiting forums.
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Yeah there are a lot of ways to do it without logging, but I'd like to confirm. Storing logs on a site like this is a no-no in my books. If I were a hacker working for say the DEA, their user tables and logs would be some of the first things I'd go after if I got into their network.

We told you correctly, we don't include the IP addresses in our Log files. Sevren is correct, too, that we can see the IP addresses of our members. Also, we take every security precaution available to protect our servers from intrusion. We've been here for 9 years now, and have never been compromised.

Tor is the ideal protection if you don't mind browsing/uploading at dial-up/dsl speeds.

I2P is a nice alternative to TOR

Ghostery for your browsers to block analytics/tracking/other ad services

VPN + Ghostery for a mostly protected browsing experience.
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Tor is the ideal protection if you don't mind browsing/uploading at dial-up/dsl speeds.

Ghostery for your browsers to block analytics/tracking/other ad services

VPN + Ghostery for a mostly protected browsing experience.

I find that my own local TOR proxy DRASTICALLY speeds up browsing. Pretty easy to do and you can even find kits with Wifi that run on a Raspberry Pi right out of the box. When you want to use it jump on the wireless for it and go. When you're done, jump back onto your normal wifi.

And for those that just want an easy way to do this stuff, you can always grab a thumbdrive that runs a secure OS complete with TOR installed already. Pop it into your laptop/computer, reboot do whatever you need to do online, reboot and remove the thumbdrive.
One main problem here is that FrozenChosen has lied to you all. He was told before this contest started that there would be NO prizes allowed to be awarded or promised, and definitely NO free advertising for companies that were supplying prizes. He ignored us, and did what he wanted to do.

We've allowed the contest to continue, but any talk of prizes being given by outside companies will not be allowed.

Also I find it funny when FrozenChosen and AlaskaMedMan reply to each other in this thread, because they are posting from the same internet connection.

Thanks for your consideration.


I have a question for you. This is the 6th Official Party Cup grow, why is it that we are now getting red flagged for supporting a competition on this site, and not before. This is the most activity i have ever seen from forum admins regarding this competition and we have been supporting it for a number of years.

Im not trying to be mean or cause any trouble, im just really confused as to why RIU is now taking a major interest in this and not before
Also I find it funny when FrozenChosen and AlaskaMedMan reply to each other in this thread, because they are posting from the same internet connection.

We told you correctly, we don't include the IP addresses in our Log files. Sevren is correct, too, that we can see the IP addresses of our members. We've been here for 9 years now, and have never been compromised.

I have to say that I'm a little bothered with the over generalized comment of "we don't log your IP address" and I really wish you guys would stop saying that, especially when you turn around and tell folks that two users are coming from the same internet connection. I'm not sure how you guys are determining this as I'm not familiar with running Xenforo, I'm assuming that the forum software shows you the last IP address from where the user logged in, in which case, the software is doing some logging - it may not be persistent, but that would be logging. I know, this is me nitpicking at semantics at this point, but after years in IT I really hate misinformation - especially when it comes to basic IT security. Heck, just checking headers I've seen at least two different web server types and an unkown (Nginx, and one that didn't return server type - kudos to that admin for locking that down) - and all of these out of the box log the IP - granted systems are usually configured to roll over so they won't be there long, but you see my point - there's many more places than just the forum software.

Once again, not bashing, picking a fight or anything, just trying to make sure that users are informed. I'm stopping here and won't comment on this anymore, but would suggest that folks go and educate themselves on basic security on the net. There's a lot of steps involved when you request this page, and a LOT of that is actually outside of the control of RIU. Don't forget that they have Cloudflare service in front, so there's a whole other entity that has connection information as well before it hits the RIU servers (pay attention to their security features), not to mention your service provider as well.
and all of these out of the box log the IP - granted systems are usually configured to roll over so they won't be there long, but you see my point - there's many more places than just the forum software.
That was my concern and why I asked for verification, the default with almost any server I've ever worked with captures and logs the IP's so unless it's specifically turned off, there are logs there. Roll over on many defaults to 7 days roll-over which is enough to capture a ton of data. hopefully that's not the case...
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I don't know the finer details of Xenforo, but in other BB/CMS's the IP sits right under the user name and title, on every post. If you poke around in the admin settings and lookup any member, it has their IP in their profile info. Some BB/CMS's let you click on it and have basic security features like trace and block masks, others just show it to you and that's it.
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I have never intended to create waves through this competition. It seems that when there's a squeaky wheel, it gets greased... So that you are all aware, I have shared both my laptop computer and 3g hotspot with @AlaskanMedMan so it would only make sense that he has had the same IP, ISP, and MAC address as me. I don't feel like I have to explain my friendships, or how I spend my time. I have stopped talking about prizes and stopped providing free "advertising" for these companies that you say are "SPAMMING".
I don't know what you are trying to accomplish here, but its things like this that drive people away from RIU. How come now, after so long these party cup competitions are not ok? How come it took til the 6th for an admin to come in? And most importantly, why won't you take anyones money for advertising? I personally know of at least FIVE companies that would buy advertising space here....
Either way, this drama has become a bit much. I hope if there is a 7th, all of this can be worked out
I'm going to text my friend Sam aka @AlaskanMedMan and have him drop a line so everyone that wants to see our DIFFERENT IP ADDRESSES can.
Geez, I wish I had not said that you two were posting from the same IP. I figured that you were roommates or something, and I said it was funny to me that you were replying to each other. I say the same thing when I see a Husband & Wife who respond to each others posts.

My main message is that Frozenchozen was told before this started that there would be no prizes awarded. If prizes were given in previous contests it was done without the approval of the site owner, who has always maintained that prior approval is required for anything.

I don't know why the site owner will not respond to advertising requests. I've told him a dozen times about it.

I know this is happening because of me right?
@rollitup Can you see my IP address? I think its hilarious that you dont think people share internet amongst their friends. This dude has helpped me out immensely in the past 2 months. Got me back on my feet and hes helping quit drinking. This man has given basically a new outlook on life. He's even invited me over to have dinner with his wife and family. If nothing else @rollitup Thank you for allowing this to happen, even if i cant win a prize, i have made a great friend in @FrozenChozen
I'm sorry if I have broken any rules, that was not my intention. It was also not my intention to "ignore" you. I have a lot of respect for you and what you do, monitoring a forum is difficult work. I was following suit from the previous competitions. I was pretty certain that I wasn't breaking any rules, sorry that I didn't ask for consent first. As you can see, this thread/competition has gained a fairly large following in just a couple months. I'm sorry if any of my previous comments have offended you or upset you in any way. I am only trying to help make RIU into a better place for everyone. You will not see me rock the boat again

Thank you for your time and consideration @rollitup

@AlaskanMedMan turn the Joanie Mitchell off, no one wants to hear sob story! J/k I got tons of love for ya brotha! Thanks for the kind words!
It sucks these great sponsors can't give prizes or the host can't post stuff on there awesome deals it's just getting more people looking at this site and joining it and wanting to join this fun comp. man @rollitup could be making a lot of money from advertising. Hope they get going on it so they can post awesome deals like @provisionseeds has done for they have put on a lot thanks to @FrozenChozen.

Hoping my last cup will show its lady parts so I can choose my cup once it does I'll post the one I pick! Good looking plants everyone. :clap: bongsmilie
Update #5 - Day 35

Starting to worry I may have made the wrong choice. Tarnation is starting to shine into a beautiful monster, Shuteye my contender, is starting to fade fast and look stumpy. Good news, my tester is packing on the trych's nicely. Hopefully some teas and fulvic acid will perk Shuteye back up.

cup_update_5.jpg cup_update_5_2.jpg cup_update_5_3.jpg black_tower.jpg
This contest has attracted new members to this website. A bunch of people got some exclusive deals on this website, which potentially attracted new members to this forum. This contest attracted real companies with money ready to throw (see 'shut up and take my money' meme) to this website.

Yet somehow it makes logical sense to shut down prizes and ignore potential advertizing opportunities. Because explicit permission hadn't been granted? Really, @rollitup you would rather drive members here to other forums over something so petty?

No disrespect implied nor intended. I just fail to see the problem.
I can see a process wasn't quite followed. The moderators seem to be more than patient... Sometimes too patient...j/k..

Personally I didn't want to say anything to be rude, but I wasn't planning on collecting a prize if it came up. Just doing this for fun.