6under6 GDP


Active Member
Very Nice work 4tatude. Thanx for all your help and advice I think I made it through with my scare with root aphids. For the most part its still on course with your grow. But I'm feeding on the heavier side with 1100ppms on the heavy side. Going to peak around 1200-1300 then back down 200ppms every week til harvest. Do you have a dimmer on your ballast?

Lady Ash

Active Member
wy thank you lady ash!!
and welcome to my little venture, glad to have you along.
im watching yours closley, got plans for something simular and wanted to watch your grow.
kinda shortens the learning curve too.

:leaf:Yes, definitely! I'm sure we can learn form each other through both our ventures.

Lady Ash

Active Member
View attachment 1533233View attachment 1533232

i now have 100% sucess with cloning, even cuttings taken in flower...
my secret?
fuck if i know...
i neglect them and never change the water lol
i checked ph and adjusted 2 times then said hell if they want to live they will grow roots without me creating a perfect environment.
i have not changed water, added anything to res, not even checked the ph in 3 weeks. im on my 2nd batch of clones and no prpblems. beginners luck i guess...
:leaf:That's awesome man! One day I'm going to figure out how to make a cloning chamber from a 50 some gallon fish tank I have sitting around. :leaf:


Well-Known Member
great gardening skills mate :)
skills... aaah not really, mostly taking advice from all the wonderfull people here on riu and working through the problem. i can tell you this, ive grown expenentially during this grow. i have learned so much its hard to believe. las you have been a tremendous help and i just want to thank you again brother.


Well-Known Member
Very Nice work 4tatude. Thanx for all your help and advice I think I made it through with my scare with root aphids. For the most part its still on course with your grow. But I'm feeding on the heavier side with 1100ppms on the heavy side. Going to peak around 1200-1300 then back down 200ppms every week til harvest. Do you have a dimmer on your ballast?
G37 so glad to hear those fuckers didnt kill everything in sight. did you use that recipe i sent ya or what did you do? im scared to death of bugs... ive so many plants around the house i just know its a matter of time till i have a battle on my hands. i found some white flies on some peppers i had overwintered the other day but eradicated them with some "concern" made by necesary organics. ive been spraying my vegie seedlings but had not did any maintenance to the inside plants, i dont know how they started but i soaked their ass and all the sourounding plants for insurance even though i didnt see any others.
ive also koten past my clawing problem and goten my ppms back into the 1000 range also, they are loving it!!! guess i kinda leaned them out a little with all the discovery i had to do to eleminate all the possabilities of why they were clawing. glad your back on track :)
no my dimmer doesnt im its a straight hps magnetic, why u askin?


Well-Known Member
:leaf:That's awesome man! One day I'm going to figure out how to make a cloning chamber from a 50 some gallon fish tank I have sitting around. :leaf:
would be easy as pie to cut and put some of that reflective coated insulation on top where its recessed and set your net pots through. could wrap the tank also and would keep out light and help keep stable temps. small pump and couple sprayers and your in business.


Well-Known Member
pullin some sereious hours at work may be a couple days before im back but got some exciting sh*t about to happen


Active Member
G37 so glad to hear those fuckers didnt kill everything in sight. did you use that recipe i sent ya or what did you do? im scared to death of bugs... ive so many plants around the house i just know its a matter of time till i have a battle on my hands. i found some white flies on some peppers i had overwintered the other day but eradicated them with some "concern" made by necesary organics. ive been spraying my vegie seedlings but had not did any maintenance to the inside plants, i dont know how they started but i soaked their ass and all the sourounding plants for insurance even though i didnt see any others.
ive also koten past my clawing problem and goten my ppms back into the 1000 range also, they are loving it!!! guess i kinda leaned them out a little with all the discovery i had to do to eleminate all the possabilities of why they were clawing. glad your back on track :)
no my dimmer doesnt im its a straight hps magnetic, why u askin?
Ahh ic. I was asking because since I have a dimmer on my ballast the guy at the hydro shop told me to start dimming my lights down to 75% my 2nd to last week and then finish off at 50% a week before harvest

Lady Ash

Active Member
would be easy as pie to cut and put some of that reflective coated insulation on top where its recessed and set your net pots through. could wrap the tank also and would keep out light and help keep stable temps. small pump and couple sprayers and your in business.

:leaf:Gotcha, I've got some extra panda film to seal the light out. Probably take some ply wood and cut holes for the pots to sit in. Should be easy enough. I'm having a blast learning too! After smoking for so many years I finally get to put my knowledge and time into growing my own, it's just too kool!


Well-Known Member
Ahh ic. I was asking because since I have a dimmer on my ballast the guy at the hydro shop told me to start dimming my lights down to 75% my 2nd to last week and then finish off at 50% a week before harvest
makes since since your trying to replicate mother nature.
my only concern would be posseble loose buds, like outdoor grown. jmo but i think the high lumes in final hardens up the buds. i have no proof or have i seen it refered to but its a thought that fluttered through my head when i read this.


Well-Known Member
:leaf:Gotcha, I've got some extra panda film to seal the light out. Probably take some ply wood and cut holes for the pots to sit in. Should be easy enough. I'm having a blast learning too! After smoking for so many years I finally get to put my knowledge and time into growing my own, it's just too kool! :leaf:
Ash the panda film will do fine, but i would recomend something other than ply. you will have mold issues!! use something sythetic. plexiglass painted would work. anything organic will mold and milldew and you dont want to start out that way. a pc of stirofoam would be ideal and easy to work with,
yes it is just too kool!!!


Well-Known Member
stick another week or so on that????? looking good though mate :)
Las noted that may be even better as will give time to fatten up those buds!!!
im excited but not in a way that will make me compromise just because
youve been busy lately mate, lota good things happening for you, im glad...


Well-Known Member

having no idea why other than being able to closley examine the plants, and their slower grow time ive decided to do a soil grow. there are other reasons as well but that will come later.
so i took a aero clone out of the cloner and made sure the plant was ready for the transition. not knowing really what to look for i just checked the roots for health and vitality, the stem for strength, and the leaves for healthy growth. this plant seemed to foot the bill real nice.


Well-Known Member
i started off with a healthy clone
she soil is Roots Organic by Aurora. 707 formula
filled 1/2 the pot with soil, adjusted so root ball would sit in middle, gently filed in around roots tjll soil level was at rhe rim. gently compressed the soil till 3/4 inch below rim.


i then watered lightly so as not to saturate, just settle the roots in.
you can see some yellowing in the clone fan leaves, thats normal i understand and is not a defency.
up to now only water has been used on plant, i plan on starting a nute reg in a couple days. ill keep it mild at 100 ppms for starts and run a test as it progresses to see where this girl likes it.
i didnt want to start a new journal so ill be reporting on both aero and soil grows here as they progress.


Well-Known Member

Guess this could be a plug for the aurora co but i have no connection to them what so ever... just like the soil so far

since i dont have an avatar i wonder how i could use this as one, maby some of you teckies can turn me on to avataring 101 lol


Well-Known Member
Formula 707
Ready to use 20 gallon grow bag. Just cut, poke holes and plant directly into bag. Formula 707 was created for a special kind of gardener, one who wants to control their own destiny. It is different from the other potting mixes created by Aurora Innovations. It was designed with greater water holding capacity, less perlite and pumice, and specific ingredients for large container gardening. In fact, the bag itself is a 30-gallon grow bag containing just less than 20 gallons of the finest quality potting mix. Made from only the finest ingredients, coarse peat, coco fiber, compost, perlite, pumice, worm castings, bat guano, fish bone meal, soybean meal, feather meal, kelp meal and much more.

this is the mix im using, straight out of the bag. no changes.
the ingredients looks like it has it all. doesnt coco have a mag def problem? seems like i read that somewhere. ill keep a close eye out to see.
has anyone else tried this mix ???