6week strain

In Cali when dealers are breaking the law and exporting, It is likely that they send the cheapest thing they can get. But I agree most of the good growers here grow for them selves and friends and the real shit may not be easy to find as the market is flooded with cheap commercial junk now that its legal and every random person who smokes twice a month is a grower lol. Also it is true that new strains are loosing the unique kinds of high that older breeders prioritized. It is good that land races are being preserved by some seed companies again and some people are taking the time to breed the high back in to their locally popular varieties.
I don't think you really grow bro. Everything you've said is nonsense. Especially afghan hash plants don't make alot of resin.....the trichromes or resin are what's used to make hash.
He doesn't have any pictures to brag about.
Inside joke. Posted some pics in wizs' fishing thread and pudgewarrior decided to educate me on the fish I catch in my water. When I asked for his pics he miraculously didn't have any because he 'doesnt need to brag'. Yeesh. I see why you guys are all over him always.
And I was the nice one to him!
I'm so glad when I was young there weren't cameras around to take pics of all the shit we were doing. Now I'm glad I have one on me all the time, but back then....hell no.
Even back then pics were a no-no. Pics get you caught. It's just evidence against you. I even went as far as not telling anyone I grow. Not a soul. My weed was always 'from a buddy up north'
Even back then pics were a no-no. Pics get you caught. It's just evidence against you. I even went as far as not telling anyone I grow. Not a soul. My weed was always 'from a buddy up north'
Yup. My first year I was in grade 11, my big bro got me some clones. I could not help but brag and guess what, they got nabbed right before harvest. Probably too early but I can’t remember nor would I have known back then.
Yup. My first year I was in grade 11, my big bro got me some clones. I could not help but brag and guess what, they got nabbed right before harvest. Probably too early but I can’t remember nor would I have known back then.
Loose lips sink ships man. Seen it happen. You tell one guy he gets drunk brags to someone else (the wrong guy) and bang gonzo. People are ruthless. They will do anything with no remorse. Once you add potential money and black market commodities things can can dangerous fast. Even just a few plants people will do crazy shit for. Up the ante to potential thousands or hundreds of thousands of dollars and things escalate quickly.
Edit;. Things have obv changed some with legalization. Weeds flooded everywhere so it's not so easy to get rid of a.bunch of premie stolen weed anymore but thieves are thieves and they will steal anything depends how desperate they are.
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I was going with a 'hard no', but I'm no master grower.
Shit me neither, but I’ve had enough 8 weekers go for 10-12 to be very skeptical of any crazy claims. I’ve had some stuff where a pheno would be done in 58-63 days but it’s siblings would still need a couple weeks. More often than not the faster pheno would be the least impressive smoke