7 foot outdoor plant, being brought indoors help?!


Well-Known Member
its a trailer park for one, therefore, no backyards really, they just found a crop a mile or 2 from my house worth 1.8 mil, the guy that owns the plant has told some people, plus the traffic back and fourth to check on it, draws suspicion, and pest, i dont want it to get ate, if it dont put off any bud, then fuck it, i didnt pay for it, and tbh, either did he, his gf traded for it, i got 9 lights on it now, and ill try and take pictures, im really tryin, and no one is really TRYIN to help, just tell me to put it outside
If you don't think I'm trying to help you wtf did you think I was trying to do? I've easily given you the best advice regarding your situation. It's not my fault if you don't listen.
yes you gave me your advice, i told you it couldnt happen, i will prolly top it, but i doubt i can get the money for the supplies, before its too late

sicks string samurai

Well-Known Member
yes you gave me your advice, i told you it couldnt happen, i will prolly top it, but i doubt i can get the money for the supplies, before its too late
Get a job? Sell some crack?

You sir are stubborn, and clearly lack the mental capabilities to take something and make something of it. 4-5 people in this thread have given you the best advice there is to know. Yet you dismiss it as if you're looking for something else. If you don't take the advice given, then suit yourself. Let the shit die. You can always start over, ditch the 7footer, and grow some bag seeds.

My 2 cents.
the 7 footer is bagseed, and its not the i dont wanna take these peoples advice, i dont have the finances to do so at the moment, and thats why im here, i k now what i should do basicly, bus i need alternatives, cus it will either live or die in that bathroom, and so far, its doing pretty good, ive tried to tell my buddy to put it outside its on him
heres an update, i completely quit messing with the plant, it ended up getting moved outside, the copters hovered over yesterday, and i believe it was pulled up by my paranoid neighbor(even though he deals)(way more than pot) but o well, im planning an indoor autoflower grow this winter, and gonna try and grow autoflowers outside starting next spring, fucking lame, the fate of that plant coulda been so much better


Well-Known Member
Wrap the pot in plastic to stop the soil falling out and lie it down. Place cfls along its length, basically a giant lst. That is the only way you will get shit out of this plant with a 1000w hps and a rude boy growroom.
Hope it all works out for you man