7 light cfl grow


Active Member
I have been growing since 3-11 and have been keeping a journal the whole time. As of right now I'm growing 1 indica strain and have just put the mother into the flower box a couple weeks ago. It has 21 colas now and is being tamed with speaker wire. The buds are starting to develop quite nice. I'm using 6 26w 2700k, and 1 40w 3000k in a 25w x 16d x 30h box. The second picture was taken before it was tied down just to show the light setup.



Active Member
No. It was a seed on 4-20 then been used as a mother for clones untill 7-26 when I put it in the flower box.


Active Member
Not sure yet, I've had no problems without, but my past harvests were a little light. Any suggestions are appreciated.


Active Member
No sorry that was almost true. I added Humbolts Bushmaster to it twice maybe 3 weeks before flowering.


Active Member
Well I've come to the conclution that my plant is a she-male. I've noticed little ball sacks in a couple spots before, but I let it go to see what happens. Now I'm noticing little white flowers opening up. Hahahaha lol. This should be fun. Strange when I opened the box this morning I got a real strong wiff of haze. Now, I was pretty sure this was an indica strain, but haze is all sativa. So I'm a little confused right now. I got this stain from a clone, and I've let it veg for 3 months. I was taking clones and pruning it down the whole time in order for it to be a nice fit for the box. So maybe it would have been mad tall at this point. I don't know. Maybe I'll have haze seeds, cool.


Active Member
When should I harvest? All my buds are sparkling with tricomes and some have changed color from white hairs to an orangeish. Smells great tho.


Active Member
Well here is the last clone I took at the start of flowering and it's been on 18 hours since. It looks like it has taken root well. I'm thinking I'll use this as the new mother.



Active Member
The clone is doing very nice. Looks pretty healthly. I just harvested the 2 headed clone today (55 days) along with another tiny one. You wanna know what happens when you 12/12 a clone from the start it? You get maybe a blunt out of it. Maybe from seed it would different but from clone, it sucks. But they do look very tastey and smell great. Smells like a lemon haze. So they are hanging right now in a small aluminum box. The big bitch is still flowering looking very nice. I messed up in my notes and never wrote the exact day that she went into the 12\12 flower box. From other events around that time I think it was around 8-11. So it's been around 38 days so far give or take 4 days. I planted 8 pregerminated seeds yesterday into a mix of fine garden soil and perlite. I plan on planting 4 more into rockwool tonight to see wich one is faster at starting seeds. I'll keep posting.



Well-Known Member
You wanna know what happens when you 12/12 a clone from the start it? You get maybe a blunt out of it. Maybe from seed it would different but from clone, it sucks. But they do look very tastey and smell great.
I've been wondering what would happen if you did the 12/12 on a seedling. At least you got a blunt, it looks good for it's size.

So it's been around 38 days so far give or take 4 days.
How long until harvest do you think, two weeks maybe?

I planted 8 pregerminated seeds yesterday into a mix of fine garden soil and perlite. I plan on planting 4 more into rockwool tonight to see wich one is faster at starting seeds. I'll keep posting.
Keep us posted. Do you happen to know what the N/P/K numbers or %'s are for that garden soil?


Active Member
I use a garden soil that is .08-.05-.05 NPK. Yes I'm thinking about 2 more weeks for harvest. I average 52 days. One of the seeds from the 8 in soil is visable now. Ilm thinking about adding sugar for bud swelling but I'd have nothing to compare it to, plus I'm not sure how much to add.


Well-Known Member
look up subcools organic sub topic...he mixes a super soil and just adds mostly plain water till right before harvest...i think he adds like a natural brown sugar or raw sugar...dont remember...sounds super easy though...just add water