7 plants under 400W ASTIR LEDs in Hydro-Aero System

ganja 2

Active Member
Thank you all for your kind words. I'm not a great thing.
simple try to hear what they say my plants

well done mister nice jungle there! i enjoy your journal. i hope so to achieve the 2g/w goal
next groou, ending on July 20, I hope to spend the 2 g/W :lol:


Well-Known Member
Doesn't get healthier than that^^^^^ bravo Ganja, your a very good grower/listener:).......how's the overall internode spacing under these mostly white led panels? I sense some training in your future.


Well-Known Member
Doesn't get healthier than that^^^^^ bravo Ganja, your a very good grower/listener:).......how's the overall internode spacing under these mostly white led panels? I sense some training in your future.
He said he's gonna scrog em in the next few days as soon as they show sex


Well-Known Member
Hey ..Ganja ..?
Dude ,are you planning on gettin' some "Charas hash" ,using the Indian trad ways ?
Ya know ...
Getting up early in morning ,wearing a full body vinyl/leather suit ,and start walking amongst plants ..