7 plants under 400W ASTIR LEDs in Hydro-Aero System






Great !!!!!
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Not to put the pressure on ya Ganja2 but I really feel this is the single most important grow going on RIU right now. Big results here will probably result in big changes in many people's growing style. At least that's what I'm thinking. Best of Luck Ganj and Be Safe!:clap:
Yes that's right but this time keep it real.. I don't trust your last g/w results .. Not even you do in all fairness ..
I can still be wrong but ... Youknowwha I mean? ;)
And you seem such a nice guy other than a great grower

Peace to the egotistical
By cocojoe
Trust me ,he is as honest as a person can be ....

I bet my life on that ....

No cheats there ....
Neither lies about what he got ....

But still ,he remains ,something like Mr.X ..
1% of the growers ...

So ...

I got 18+98 =116 gram from 192 Watts (on peat,though with unknown genetics..Anyway .... )

0.6 isn't that bad ,for this quality (and price ) of leds used ...

I wasn't there ....

But I trust ,that he really got those 215 grams from 132 watts of cheapo leds ...

I really believe so ....
I've seen of what he's capable ,regarding his growing abilities -in general ,not just for weed ....

Great farmer ...

And really a great person ....

One of the few with pure souls,left .....

Really ...
Yeah I know he really seems so! I trust your results much more in all fairness, and it is good results already indeed!
Well if I am wrong, I do apologise ..

But there is also somebody asking here at the beginning of the thread if was keen on breaking his last results, ganja answered, no, I don't think so with this genetics or something like that

I would have thought one that breaks that g/w would have been keen on replicate or do better?

His answer seemed more like: no this time I keep it real:D

But again, I do apologise if I am defaming a genuine result.. I am just confessing up my doubts openly

Peace to the patients
By cocojoe
Well ,I'm sure he meant something else...
They were some " doubts " also from his closest friends ....(and mine also ,..But I live (resident) away from the rest of them ...)

"Ok ,the curtain ,doesn't cut off HPS's light from ceiling or from floor .."

"oh..Come on,he leaves the curtains on ....HPS & leds ..."

"He doesn't trim close... "(=>that was stupid me telling so ! )

And some more ...

Thing is he got 215 grams.. (for that, I do not think any of the rest of his company ,have any doubts...)

Thing is that he belongs ,really ,to a 1% of growers ...

For me his results -no matter ,if he does it x20 times or he reaches 3 gpw -doesn't count as "average "=>where I and most of us fall into .... ....
So ...

Thing is he is proving something else to me ....

Much more important ,than his results ...

He has showed one way ,pretty clear by now ...

The right way ....

By ,time ,'others' will follow that way -if already haven't- and " prove it ",maybe even in long pdfs ...
Ya'll see ....
No doubts about the way

Also that Myth that one watters couldn't get good buds or penetration...

I am glad it's been shown that was a false myth
Yes that's right but this time keep it real.. I don't trust your last g/w results .. Not even you do in all fairness ..
I can still be wrong but ... Youknowwha I mean? ;)
And you seem such a nice guy other than a great grower

Peace to the egotistical
By cocojoe
you're right, to me too 220 grams seemed like a lot. That's why I weighed it again in a better balance.:-P


Are very simple the things… which profit would have Ganja, if it said to us lies???
Until now they have shown almost everything from project.....

I did not make this comment in order to blame you

personally I do not know him closely, but from the previous forum where we found ourselves it appearred that it made marvels in his cultures
Haters gonna hate...:cuss:

Doubters gonna doubt...:o:confused:

But Believers gonna follow...:eyesmoke:
...and researchers gonna find out for themselves...:dunce::bigjoint:

love your work Ganjaman :weed:
Currently the growroom has more than 25 real life subscribers :bigjoint:. Everything used for this grow is known since i haven't made any important changes at my setup (except the hydro system and now the leds). I also use flora series for feeding since i started hydroponics. What i do is to update my hydroponic system and experiment with temperatures, light, PH and EC. I feed according to what i see and what the plants tell to me. Sometimes i will sacrifice something to earn something else.
I also like to experiment between different strains to find which suits me better.

The little plant, is proved to be amnesia lemon. That's great because it's a lady for sure, but it can't handle too much food. So i try to keep it to the limits without underfeeding the other plants. It is a great strain in my opinion.

As for the weight of the blueberry, it's because of the leds . The buds produce a lot of crystals. Thus, though it had dried for 5 days under a fan and 20-22 celcius, the buds were still resinous, like a paste and pretty heavy. From now on i will have some help with the photos and you'll see some better pictures.
The only thing is that no matter what crop i get, it's never enough (big company, a also use it as medical). Next grow is going to be for big yield. Probably only BigBUD feminised. There we'll see some true g/w. :)

P.S My english suck and i only translate them via google translate :S
Someone from the 25's :P has to be here to write these posts for me. Some of the things i have tried to answer myself may have been wrong. I think photos are just enough for a journey in my growroom. I hope sometime i can invite you to visit it freely and share a joint :bigjoint:

Peace and love to you and your plants :weed:
Currently the growroom has more than 25 real life subscribers :bigjoint:. Everything used for this grow is known since i haven't made any important changes at my setup (except the hydro system and now the leds). I also use flora series for feeding since i started hydroponics. What i do is to update my hydroponic system and experiment with temperatures, light, PH and EC. I feed according to what i see and what the plants tell to me. Sometimes i will sacrifice something to earn something else.
I also like to experiment between different strains to find which suits me better.

The little plant, is proved to be amnesia lemon. That's great because it's a lady for sure, but it can't handle too much food. So i try to keep it to the limits without underfeeding the other plants. It is a great strain in my opinion.

As for the weight of the blueberry, it's because of the leds . The buds produce a lot of crystals. Thus, though it had dried for 5 days under a fan and 20-22 celcius, the buds were still resinous, like a paste and pretty heavy. From now on i will have some help with the photos and you'll see some better pictures.
The only thing is that no matter what crop i get, it's never enough (big company, a also use it as medical). Next grow is going to be for big yield. Probably only BigBUD feminised. There we'll see some true g/w. :)

P.S My english suck and i only translate them via google translate :S
Someone from the 25's :P has to be here to write these posts for me. :grin:Some of the things i have tried to answer myself may have been wrong. I think photos are just enough for a journey in my growroom. I hope sometime i can invite you to visit it freely and share a joint :bigjoint:

Peace and love to you and your plants :weed:
I think mine is better:-P
Yes that's right but this time keep it real.. I don't trust your last g/w results .. Not even you do in all fairness ..
I can still be wrong but ... Youknowwha I mean? ;)
And you seem such a nice guy other than a great grower

Peace to the egotistical
By cocojoe

mate don't forget the combination of Ganja's DIY aero/hydroponic system plus many years of experience this man has.... we never believed that his great g/w ratio came only from Astir panels... of course i'm sure they helped too.. :bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint: