7 plants under 400W ASTIR LEDs in Hydro-Aero System

the fact is that the 380 grams got from an overdried stuff cause the temperatures are too high...
no matter what the essence is great and it makes very nice head... :)
and we still have the lemon inside for a while to get ready..(she needs her time...:wink:)
yeah I saw that ..
I've done it before and had a problem with the salts clogging the tube. in the end did not work neither.
In the video he says to clear salts soak ring in a vinegar solution. Also, my guess is by combining a moderate power pump (like my 320 gph) + ~ 40 second on time that the holes stay clear.
In the video he says to clear salts soak ring in a vinegar solution. Also, my guess is by combining a moderate power pump (like my 320 gph) + ~ 40 second on time that the holes stay clear.

Good job done and the ph down. but it is a lot of work for me
Sunday will unveil the new hydroponic Astir of (very cheap and reliable)
Don't mean to shove it down your throat, but I only installed the HH Drip rings last Thursday, and am blown away. Come by my thread to see today's pics.
and lemon at 75 gr.. finished another grow successfully total of about 465 grams.
Starting next grow hope to make good on what the weight per watt.
thank you all for being here.
We wait for the next ..

Smoking and peace

So 465 gr ,from 400 Watts ?

New light sources for horticultural applications, intended to replace HPS lamps or
fluorescent tubes, are currently being introduced in the market.
Special attention is being devoted to LED technology, which
permits optimisation of the spectral distribution of a light source. Consequently, LED lamps are generally assumed to be more efficient for
driving photosynthesis that HPS lamps, for which much of the wavelength is outs
ide the photosynthetic optimum range.

In order to investigate the efficiency of LED technology
in greenhouse applications, different types of LED lamps were compared with
conventional HPS lamps in a series of experiments with Euphorbia pulcherrima.

Cultivation took place in greenhouse conditions with natural daylight and 100 μmol m-2s-1
supplementary lighting, supplied by white LED, red/blue LED or conventional HPS
lamps (control).

Plant development and photosynthesis rate were monitored over 4 months.
Shoot elongation was highest for plants grown under HPS lamps, as was fresh
weight. Measurements of photosynthesis under the different light sources revealed a trend
for higher photosynthesis when white LEDs were used.
However, when photosynthesis
was measured at different light intensities using red/blue LEDs, plants grown under HPS
lamps had the highest photosynthesis. The air temperature in the canopy was lower when
the light was supplied with LEDs than with HPS lamps, thus delaying development. We
concluded that the quality of light supplied was a significant factor for plant development
in greenhouse conditions with supplementary light. There was a lack of correlation
between measured photosynthesis and biomass production.

I think even Asian cheap white pc leds ,if used properly ,can beat HPS lighting by now,regarding plant growth ...
That you 've proved couple of times ,already ...
Great job,brother !
Note that down ...
( Πρέπει να δοκιμαστεί...Trust me )

8x NW 5000K ( 80 CRI )
8x WW 3000K ( 80 CRI )
8x Red 640 nm

( Δύναται επίσης , να αντικατασταθούν τα δύο ΝW από τα 8 ,
με ένα Violet 390-410 nm και ένα μπλε 460-470 nm -στο κέντρο του πανελ ..)

Μιλάμε ...
Note that down ...
( Πρέπει να δοκιμαστεί...Trust me )

8x NW 5000K ( 80 CRI )
8x WW 3000K ( 80 CRI )
8x Red 640 nm

( Δύναται επίσης , να αντικατασταθούν τα δύο ΝW από τα 8 ,
με ένα Violet 390-410 nm και ένα μπλε 460-470 nm -στο κέντρο του πανελ ..)

Μιλάμε ...
the tests never stop.
will always trust


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