7 week flowering advice please Island Sweet Skunk

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
Jesus, that's pretty big. Well, you'll get a lot of good smoke from it, and it's nice to have your plant count that low.

Try this - next time take a few pics far away like that and a few more up closer of the canopy at a 45 degree angle so we can some more detail.

What you have to do is take the pics right before the lights come on, or right after the lights go out (this is what I usually do). Just do what ever your schedule permits, but if you take the pics with the lights out and using the FLASH we'll be able to see things much more clearly. HPS light blows for pics. You can also normally take the plant out and put it under some flourescent lighting and the pics will come out much better, but with the size of this plant that's not really an option for you.

Take these other pics and we should be able to tell you a lot more about how much time is left and when to start flushing.


heres a cell pic of my sweet about 6 weeks in its in its 8th week now under digital 600 thats just the top plant is a lil over 3ft



Well-Known Member
I think it's not that fat because of all the buds jesus thats like a dream in a gold room very nice