7 weeks flower sign of male flowers maybe


Well-Known Member
That is a... the term slips my mind... a fake seed pouch or something like that. It's a natural formation that can be found in Sinsemillas (spanish sin=without semilla=seeds). The plant will just pretend to have been pollinated and swell up as if it were growing seeds.Interestingly enough, this only happens to the plants cola and very rarely to the other budsites. This is completly normal.

By the way, your plant looks very close to being done. Send some new info in 2-4 days.
false pregnancy


Well-Known Member
i can see red trich on the red pistol today on the best lookin buds the trichs are smalerr than the big ones if that makes sense its 7 week 1 day today what do you think it looks moldy coz thers than many crystals on parts


Well-Known Member
we are getting back to opinions on when its done. its done when god says and guess what, you are god, mines guna die now


Well-Known Member
wet im afraid, yeah used a small pot and turned out good, going to stick to 12-12 from seed now and small pots

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
Adam, it's quite normal for trichomes to shrink, since the watercontent within the vesicles starts to drop. Also, most sativas will never grow naturally to have more than 20-30% amber trichs. Send a pic flying our way to see how things are cookin in your buds.

Del, congrats on that harvest, that really must be some solid, dense bud there.


Well-Known Member
ill have to open new thread on this with the pics call it are they done check em for me an del new u couldent wait mate looks sweet that pic of it