7 weeks old when will it show sex?


New Member
God this plant has grown slow. Out door most of the time unless it got cold at night. When started the temps were around 40's to 60's now 60's to 80's grown in regular store bought bag of dirt and peet moss. When will it show sex and when should it start to flower?

also dont know what strain. Its bag seeds haha good bag though. Smells really nice to :)


It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
It should show around 8 weeks. You will see a small pod at the base of the branches. If the pod has a stem on it it's a boy. If it has small hairs coming out it's a female.

Depending where you live it may not be ready til oct, nov. It will start to flower when the sun shines for only around 12 hours a day. Depending on the strain it may take 8 to 14 weeks. You can tell by the color of the trich's....


New Member
Ok thanks :) gah its going to be crazy to have to wait that long. Its going to take like 3 more months untill it gets on a 12 12 cycle. Thats if its ends up being female. Which i pray it does. But if it is female its going to be a beast by time it starts flowering :) So how is it looking?