70 day old auto. Wondering what I can expect in terms of yield

Big bloom is the only organic of the trio ... fine for “ teas “ and myco health. But too lean on the food value.
Tiger bloom on the other hand is the “ bloom “ fertilizer.... it would have had lower nitrogen to sustain leaf health / photosynthesis.
If your large fans are dying quickly and or stripped , then it will pull from itself to sustain as best it can .

Too late to fix with bottles. Plant is pretty much done ... not in finish but health. Reason I can say this , is leaf ( yellow / dead ) ones will NEVER magically go green again even if you added a strong feed.

IMO drop cycle from 12/12 to 10/14 to force finish. This tricks plant into thinking days are even shorter and it needs that last push to finish line.

so I’ve got it in a dark tent at the moment.

should I get grow big by fox farm or is there a better alternative. Nothing too pricey.