70 mg 4 aco DMT: UNREAL

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Welll ... that is just for reference !
I can not wait till OP comes back.

Hope he is OK !
With his freshly bruised 'EGO' !


The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
Now thats for the freebase form correct?
4 aco dmt fumarate (which is most common because its more stable) is a little heavier so you need a bit more for dosage
It doesn't say. But I know from much experience that 20-25mg is equal to about an eighth of shrooms is not quite on the strong side. LMAO

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Let's just say .... he certainly had a 'Circus like, experience' in his head !
We have no idea on the purity of the product.
So double dosing ... any TrYpto will put you there !
Right in the ..... Front seat !
Whichever way you administer !

Note. This is his first trip out of Tetrachloride !

Just to clarify, I did know the dosage and I am certain about the purity of the 4-aco DMT. I did my research using Erowid and I must have stumbled across too many exaggerators who talked about doing 150 mg and enjoying their trip. I was over-confident in my ability to handle a 70 mg dose, but in a way I managed through it alright. I am still in high-school and despite my heavy trippage with my friends I managed to stay confined to my room pretending to sleep without waking anybody up or sobbing to my parents or some pussy bullshit like that. But still, I did make a rather bad decision, and if I do decide to do hallucinogens again (which I probably will), I will be sure to control the quantity I intake. That was too intense for my taste, and i feel no need to boast or lie to better myself in the eyes of a bunch of online strangers. The reason I asked if my experience seemed like one that could be derived from 70 mg of 4 aco DMT is because a lot of the effects I underwent were not similar to trip reports from online sources. I was making sure my head wasn't fucked up for the future or anything. Thanks for everybody's posts, and I appreciate the feedback.


Well-Known Member
4-ACO-DMT sounds like some good shit :) Glad your okay and nothing is fucked up with your mind. The fact that you made it shows some strength!

sven deisel

Well-Known Member
info is the water that fills a pool. diving into empty pools will break your neck. be carefull. come here first and learn