$7000 Plasma/LED Grow Light SOLAR GENESIS VI

Again with the flaming and conjecture everyone else here is offering information not bias and flames. you fail to even review links and information posted by the users and offer nothing but "i can do this" good for you want a cookie... ? everyone here including myself are having an adult conversation about the plasma lights.. if you have nothing constructive to say leave the thread.

That's because there ARENT threads like this that exist. :) If you hae some plasma grow journals, lets see them. Feel free to link them here. We'll be waiting. :) Prefer one with weed in it, not some bullshit tomato.

Want opinions on HPS lamps? Ask ANYONE at ANY grow store, at most grow houses/locations, or anyone who's done it before. HPS light is the best option for cost and the final product. Plasma and LED's are not. Yet. One day? Perhaps. Now? No. Far from.

I'll quote the other poster here now:

Jokes aside, if you want true full spectrum and great yield the answer isn't LEDs, it's called outdoor.
LEDs are nice, in principle, but compare the number of plants you can grow under a 1k HPS to the amount it takes the "equivalent" LEDs (They boast something like 300 watt LED right?). They still don't have near the amount of light penetration, nor can they support as many plants. I grow more than 1-4 plants a light, so LED is not the answer for me. If you only grow a few plants per light then LED probably is the way to go.

^^^^^^^ This is win. This is what any grower worth his salt would tell you with respect to your LED/Plasma ideas. Its not just opinions, its fact.

Why not buy one HPS and one LED/Plasma and grow them side by side for us, pr0fesseur? =P
That's because there ARENT threads like this that exist. :) If you hae some plasma grow journals, lets see them. Feel free to link them here. We'll be waiting. :) Prefer one with weed in it, not some bullshit tomato.

Want opinions on HPS lamps? Ask ANYONE at ANY grow store, at most grow houses/locations, or anyone who's done it before. HPS light is the best option for cost and the final product. Plasma and LED's are not. Yet. One day? Perhaps. Now? No. Far from.

I'll quote the other poster here now:

^^^^^^^ This is win. This is what any grower worth his salt would tell you with respect to your LED/Plasma ideas. Its not just opinions, its fact.

Why not buy one HPS and one LED/Plasma and grow them side by side for us, pr0fesseur? =P

Plasma Grow thread.... for those TOO LAZY TO LOOK https://www.opengrow.com/index.php?showtopic=40669&st=0
https://www.opengrow.com/index.php?showtopic=40312&hl=plasma <----- More links for the lazy people...
and no were not looking for opinion on grow lights opinions arent worth the spit that waters the lips. opinions are subjective...
Plasma Grow thread.... for those TOO LAZY TO LOOK https://www.opengrow.com/index.php?showtopic=40669&st=0
https://www.opengrow.com/index.php?showtopic=40312&hl=plasma <----- More links for the lazy people...
and no were not looking for opinion on grow lights opinions arent worth the spit that waters the lips. opinions are subjective...

Wrong, troll.

That thread is from 2009. That thread did not get completed, there's NO pics of the chopped plants at the end. There's no mention of weight. All we see is tiny immature nugs.

Try again.
" If you hae some plasma grow journals, lets see them. Feel free to link them here. We'll be waiting. Prefer one with weed in it, not some bullshit tomato."
you asked and i delivered you never asked for dried weight etc... you didnt ask for anything except a link... i havent seen you post ONE link to any FACT BASED ANALYSIS or offer ANYTHING BUT your flavor of BS drink the koolaid kid ;) everyone here has posted links to validate anything they claim quit trolling and being a douche bag...
" If you hae some plasma grow journals, lets see them. Feel free to link them here. We'll be waiting. Prefer one with weed in it, not some bullshit tomato."
you asked and i delivered you never asked for dried weight etc... you didnt ask for anything except a link... i havent seen you post ONE link to any FACT BASED ANALYSIS or offer ANYTHING BUT your flavor of BS drink the koolaid kid ;) everyone here has posted links to validate anything they claim quit trolling and being a douche bag...

I need to post fact based analysis about HPS but you dont about Plasma? Ok, here's a few:

http://www.google.com - type in "hps light benefits marijuana"

When you get done with the few hundred thousand pages there, let me know when you find an actual grow journal that shows Plasmas do better, same, or worse.

I'm not arguing, I'm just stating facts. Kittys dont argue, we reason by education. HPS > Plasma > LED. You might need to look up the > symbol to understand that, though.
Facts here....
This bulb type has plenty of potential.. from what i can find these bulbs have a better penetration coefficient because of the radiant energy. From the videos and tests you can probably do a 6x6 room no problems.
Here is some info From LG PLS systems same technology same plasma generation color etc.
View attachment 1643899View attachment 1643900View attachment 1643901View attachment 1643898

And here
ACTUAL RESEARCH DONE>>>your opinion ;)
"""""These findings demonstrate the potential of using sulfur lamps for accelerating seedling production under controlled environments and validate the concept that sulfur lamps have a better spectral quality for plant growth than metal halide lamps. These results should be of interest to growers and researchers involved in protected cultivation. The LIGHTDRIVE^<TM> 1000 sulfur lamp should also provide a useful tool for studying the photocontrol of shoot development."""""
Your just showing us how stupid you are. LED's spectrum being "full" (which it is not) doesnt help the plants. HPS bulbs help plants. Show me the lumens for a 4x4 you get from them. Spend more on lights as you both do and get less in weed.

That's why I get $5200 a pound is because there are growers out there like yours.

Those tiny nugs you pasted are ADORABLE for their puny size. Lets see pictures of when they dried, I'll show you dry pictures that are twice as big as ANY of those wet plants. Oh wait, I did, its in my commercial grow journal.

Enjoy kids =P

O here we go again, hey miss kitty quit being a stupid ditsy little girl and open your eyes.... Your 1000watts are shit and of course you never read any links because your are to thick sculled and ignorant to READ.
Led has a "fuller" spectrum with little infrared heat.... It is more efficient lighting ( do you honestly think you are the only one to pick up and 1000w HID and use it.... common use your brain )

Ive seen your shit grows and there is nothing impressive there.... kinda like your glass blowing skills. $5200 a pound wtf? you from NewfoundLand? wtf is 5200 for a pound are you high on meth?!? where the fuck do you live in canada son.....

Irishboys Finished product "Little nugs " LMAO ok 0.94 grams per watt is little ( on 4 plants ) what are you high on? Inform us so we can go to la la land as well..... seems nice. but when you come back down into reality and know how to discuss something and not being a stupid little whore about things and bash pr0fesseur's ideas and call everyone stupid you can shut the fuck up and get the fuck out RUI until you learn to talk to people in a big girl voice with big girl ideas...but until then you can ...

its funny how every time you speak most of us here see your true side... Stupidity.

Just cause you bought some fucking lights and plugged them in and joined RUI in 2010 does not give you the right to talk to people like you do and i will treat you like a cheeky bastard until you learn communication.
I cannot stand to see false info from some GIRL who knows nothing be passed on..... Fuck your HID keep it to yourself OK? Comprehend ?
Facts here....

And here
ACTUAL RESEARCH DONE>>>your opinion ;)
"""""These findings demonstrate the potential of using sulfur lamps for accelerating seedling production under controlled environments and validate the concept that sulfur lamps have a better spectral quality for plant growth than metal halide lamps. These results should be of interest to growers and researchers involved in protected cultivation. The LIGHTDRIVE^<TM> 1000 sulfur lamp should also provide a useful tool for studying the photocontrol of shoot development."""""

That quote is a scientific study about overall botany potential, AND also used about a completely different lamp and wattage and setup. Theirs is over 3x more power than the light you want us to buy. Its also nothing about weed, we grow weed not strawberries. Cute research paper, but not true actual results in our industry.


O here we go again, hey miss kitty quit being a stupid ditsy little girl and open your eyes.... Your 1000watts are shit and of course you never read any links because your are to thick sculled and ignorant to READ.
Led has a "fuller" spectrum with little infrared heat.... It is more efficient lighting ( do you honestly think you are the only one to pick up and 1000w HID and use it.... common use your brain )

Ive seen your shit grows and there is nothing impressive there.... kinda like your glass blowing skills. $5200 a pound wtf? you from NewfoundLand? wtf is 5200 for a pound are you high on meth?!? where the fuck do you live in canada son.....

Irishboys Finished product "Little nugs " LMAO ok 0.94 grams per watt is little ( on 4 plants ) what are you high on? Inform us so we can go to la la land as well..... seems nice. but when you come back down into reality and know how to discuss something and not being a stupid little whore about things and bash pr0fesseur's ideas and call everyone stupid you can shut the fuck up and get the fuck out RUI until you learn to talk to people in a big girl voice with big girl ideas...but until then you can ...

its funny how every time you speak most of us here see your true side... Stupidity.

Just cause you bought some fucking lights and plugged them in and joined RUI in 2010 does not give you the right to talk to people like you do and i will treat you like a cheeky bastard until you learn communication.
I cannot stand to see false info from some GIRL who knows nothing be passed on..... Fuck your HID keep it to yourself OK? Comprehend ?

So basically you have no argument. Gotcha. This is Mr Kitty by the way. Ms Kitty would have made the arguments better and kicked your ass faster. =P

Less heat from a LED doesnt make your plant grow. Having the proper grow environment does, which you do with HPS and proper ventilation. Under 1g/watt is not good performance, in a HPS you'll get 2g/watt if everything is dialed in properly. I've done it before and my grow journal is the photo proof.

LED's sure are more efficient on energy, but that isnt the argument and never was. The argument is they dont grow comparable colas.

If Irishboy used a HPS he would have grown twice the weed.

Clean up your language and try reposting something constructive!
So basically you have no argument. Gotcha. This is Mr Kitty by the way. Ms Kitty would have made the arguments better and kicked your ass faster. =P

Less heat from a LED doesnt make your plant grow. Having the proper grow environment does, which you do with HPS and proper ventilation. Under 1g/watt is not good performance, in a HPS you'll get 2g/watt if everything is dialed in properly. I've done it before and my grow journal is the photo proof.

LED's sure are more efficient on energy, but that isnt the argument and never was. The argument is they dont grow comparable colas.

If Irishboy used a HPS he would have grown twice the weed.

Clean up your language and try reposting something constructive!

a) not everyone is a commercial grower. not everyone cares about g/watt. tell your girl to get off her commercial high horse as all she has been doing as of late on the forums since her "build thread" was talk down at people. i respect her op, just not her attitude, like shes a girl and entitled or something.

b) yes, hids will out perform. anyone who says otherwise is an idiot. LED's will get close and do very well, but just arent there yet.

Got a link to your 2g/w grow? i would love to see how u pulled 4.5lbs/2kilos from 1 lamp.
sorry had to single this one out for everyone to read ( just in case you might of missed it ;)
"LED's spectrum being "full" (which it is not) doesnt help the plants"
"HPS bulbs help plants " <-----

k Who said it was full? i do not recall that one.

It is Fuller than HID, yes. Full it is not. ..... Good job. :roll:
PLS is a Full constant spectrum

how about you think before you talk

Any bulb with a more beneficial spectrum Helps your plants...
LMAO!!!! Show me 2g per watt and quit talking out your ass your both miss kittys. I.E you have no testicles

You can not read can you... GO back in the thread and fucking read you have no argument here from the get go you keep on adding shit and think you are winning? im trying to get shit threw both your fucking skulls...

if i have to go back and show you i know your both retarded.....

Less heat from a LED doesnt make your plant grow. Having the proper grow environment does, which you do with HPS and proper ventilation.
are you seriously that stupid m8......

THANKS FOR THAT. fucking bloak

Under 1g/watt is not good performance, in a HPS you'll get 2g/watt if everything is dialed in properly


Again Show me 2g/watt.........
90% of the people in RUI will agree 1g/watt is what a lot of people strive for and fail even with 1000w HID now you have 7000watts of light and say you get 14000GRAMS OF DRIED BUD IN ONE HARVEST?!?!?!?

BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HA AHAHAHAHA LMAO!!!! xD HAHAHAHA god damn i almost shit myself laughing. this kids got jokes.
LMAO!!!! Show me 2g per watt and quit talking out your ass your both miss kittys. I.E you have no testicles

You can not read can you... GO back in the thread and fucking read you have no argument here from the get go you keep on adding shit and think you are winning? im trying to get shit threw both your fucking skulls...

if i have to go back and show you i know your both retarded.....

Less heat from a LED doesnt make your plant grow. Having the proper grow environment does, which you do with HPS and proper ventilation.
are you seriously that stupid m8......

THANKS FOR THAT. fucking bloak

Under 1g/watt is not good performance, in a HPS you'll get 2g/watt if everything is dialed in properly


Again Show me 2g/watt.........
90% of the people in RUI will agree 1g/watt is what a lot of people strive for and fail even with 1000w HID now you have 7000watts of light and say you get 14000GRAMS OF DRIED BUD IN ONE HARVEST?!?!?!?

BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HA AHAHAHAHA LMAO!!!! xD HAHAHAHA god damn i almost shit myself laughing. this kids got jokes.

ive seen 1.5gpw at max. interested in seeing his claimed 2gpw grows.
Yes i am sure everyone here at RUI will want to see this self proclaimed 2g/watt considering its a 7000watt 3 room split flower cycle....
Amazing .... 1.5g/watt is very good considering the best grow ive seen uses 10,000watts in a 10x10 foot room....
Thank you FDD2blk hes done nothing but slam everyone for everything and has yet to post ANY fact based analysis or helpful advise!? People like this make others NOT want to participate in information conversation on these forums.!
Does it come with a fucking flux capacitor for 7 g's?! GOD DAMN! i mean you could purchase and run about 20,000w for 6 months for that much dough. eek!!!
This thread is leaning towards other luxim products. No one says once in this thread that the Chameleon or w/e they call them self' is what you should look into :P and i agree with you. If it was 5000watts i would still steer clear of them. ( Rip off ) 700 + 700 i have the same fucking thing... i think they think no one knows that they can buy a DIY kit for 700... and a 300 watt LED for 700... look at the size of the leds on that POS too.... AFF.... i wonder which "Genius" came up with that idea.... Fucking morons. Why jack the price to make more per unit when you can be a company working for the consumer allowing cheaper units, and in-turn more units sold..
I really don't get some people... Greedy money sucking vultures.... they should be illegal and sent to jail not pot heads....
this thread is leaning towards other luxim products. No one says once in this thread that the chameleon or w/e they call them self' is what you should look into :p and i agree with you. If it was 5000watts i would still steer clear of them. ( rip off ) 700 + 700 i have the same fucking thing... I think they think no one knows that they can buy a diy kit for 700... And a 300 watt led for 700... Look at the size of the leds on that pos too.... Aff.... I wonder which "genius" came up with that idea.... Fucking morons. Why jack the price to make more per unit when you can be a company working for the consumer allowing cheaper units, and in-turn more units sold..
I really don't get some people... Greedy money sucking vultures.... They should be illegal and sent to jail not pot heads....