Well-Known Member
Again with the flaming and conjecture everyone else here is offering information not bias and flames. you fail to even review links and information posted by the users and offer nothing but "i can do this" good for you want a cookie... ? everyone here including myself are having an adult conversation about the plasma lights.. if you have nothing constructive to say leave the thread.
That's because there ARENT threads like this that exist.

Want opinions on HPS lamps? Ask ANYONE at ANY grow store, at most grow houses/locations, or anyone who's done it before. HPS light is the best option for cost and the final product. Plasma and LED's are not. Yet. One day? Perhaps. Now? No. Far from.
I'll quote the other poster here now:
Jokes aside, if you want true full spectrum and great yield the answer isn't LEDs, it's called outdoor.
LEDs are nice, in principle, but compare the number of plants you can grow under a 1k HPS to the amount it takes the "equivalent" LEDs (They boast something like 300 watt LED right?). They still don't have near the amount of light penetration, nor can they support as many plants. I grow more than 1-4 plants a light, so LED is not the answer for me. If you only grow a few plants per light then LED probably is the way to go.
^^^^^^^ This is win. This is what any grower worth his salt would tell you with respect to your LED/Plasma ideas. Its not just opinions, its fact.
Why not buy one HPS and one LED/Plasma and grow them side by side for us, pr0fesseur? =P