That's a cute argument if you keep a light for 11 years. You fail to figure that when this technology is properly made and marketed that in 2 years we will be buying it for HPS prices and you'll have paid 10x the price for something instead.
It may be better technology, your just paying the early adopter fees similar to something like an iPad.

Oh no, I have to replace a $30 bulb every year right now, waaaaah.

$30 x 11 = $300 which is STILL a lell of a lot cheaper than $1200.
Show me where the math makes me spend 20x the money. We shall then laugh at your math since it isnt possible.
Name SKU Price Quantity / Update Subtotal
Lumatek 400 watt Dual Voltage HPS/MH E-Ballast
gl_db_004 $154.95 $619.80
Hortilux Blue (Daylight) Super Metal Halide Bulb, 400 watt
Individual or Case: individual gl_b_003 $98.95 $395.80
Cool Tube 6" and 8" (Diameter) 29" Long
Choose Size: 6 inch gl_rh_011 $69.99 $279.96
Subtotal: $1 295.56
$1 295.56
4 x 400w = $1300
Add up your fucking power bill per year.
Add up your cost of upkeep with these bulbs.
Now 1x 300watt G2 Plasma ( true draw 288watts )
No upkeep Long bulb life even longer internal life....
Name SKU Price Quantity / Update Subtotal
Lumatek 1000watt HPS/MH Dimmable E-Ballast, 120/240v
gl_db_006 $315.95 $1 263.80
Hortilux Super HPS Bulb, 1000 watt
Individual or Case: individual gl_b_001 $98.95 $395.80
Adjust-A-Wing Large Reflector w/Cord
gl_rh_014 $179.50 $718.00
Subtotal: $2 377.60 Total:
$2 377.60
Decent bulbs Cheap reflector Lumatek ballasts
now for 4 x 1000 watt bulbs have fun paying your bill let alone replacing $400 dollars worth of BULBS....
now for $2400 dollars ill buy two G2 lights spend a extra 160 bucks a pop on light movers... now a 10x10 area is run by two lights vs four lights with no UPKEEP, almost instant power up. And a Constant Spectrum....
dude if you cant see past that you need to get your brain checked.....
Maybe 20x is a a bit exaggerated, i did not know you were a challenged person... sorry its x 5.25394849583939203840303 better.... you fucking tard.....
laugh away while i blaze away and laugh at you!
Fuck ebay, i will use a selection of online stores and hometown hydro... Discrete shipping, and a full warranty any problems i take it back :O
Think about quality not quantity.... i bet you use cheap ass nutrients as well.......
this shit has already come down, think about how much money it takes to make these lights work.... of course your paying more for something new that's better and more efficient....