75 AUTO FEM. AND 75 REGULAR FEM. GROW...am i doing it right?

Pot no problem.
Shrooms, Opium, Mescalin, that's a little fucking nuts, no offense.
Hope everything goes as plan, personally I wouldn't even post the other things just the pot.
Thanks man!! finally someone who recognizes and relates in terms of my energy, and experience. been getting bashed on my high ph thread all day, lol...hhaaa

guess its not worth helping people who dont want help right?? The last mono I did was with moose shit, worked awesome, 4+ flushes with out contam!!!!

Thank again for the info on the cati. poppys look ok... kinda grey tho...

I like the later flushes like 4 and 5. I find I get 12" tall monsters. Not nearly as many total count as the first -3rd. Later flushes is were its at if you like to stare at 1 single mushroom that weighs 1oz. te hehe im getting gitty. lol
And always make sure to take prints- you never know when you may need them. LC's need to be incubated and will eventually need more carbohydrates to stay viable. Prints if properly prepared, will last for decades and allow for more petri isolations. Take cambo for example-- my average cap is a the size of a petri dish. Now from that print all I need is 2 spores to germinate, mate and colonize. I never put a ton of spores on/in anything, always as little as possible. So 1 print of every strain always in storage, - nice to know there is a backup just incase a master culture contams.
Wow dude your the coolest. You must have so many friends on the internet because you grow so many plants. I found this thread because you post it on every thread your on ever so i had to stop by. Do you ever find it hard to keep track of 35 strains or are you so awsome that you know exactly what they all need? How do you deal with all the soil ph issues that us "average" growers have in our soil grows. Please teach me to be as cool as you sensai. Your so great. :):):)
Wow dude your the coolest. You must have so many friends on the internet because you grow so many plants. I found this thread because you post it on every thread your on ever so i had to stop by. Do you ever find it hard to keep track of 35 strains or are you so awsome that you know exactly what they all need? How do you deal with all the soil ph issues that us "average" growers have in our soil grows. Please teach me to be as cool as you sensai. Your so great. :):):)

yes I know, its really easy actually, grow them, feed them water them, simple right select them breed them pass them on to patients, the patients grow them, i start new stabilized strains, its really great providing for so many uniquie people. And maybe the reason I have 35+ strains is each person wants medicine for their problems, not the same old generic weed you get from soil and fert.


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Are you saying people actually request autos?
I see a lot of half-ass growers looking for a quick buck that grow out a lot of autos but don't tell their patients they are autos.
Then sell them inferior bud for the same price as they would non-autos.
some auto's have a higher thc than some reg strains dude look it up, inferior bud,,, not what I produce sorry. You see alot of half ass growers, are you refering to me, cause I guess you havent seen my thread, nothing half ass bout this, tell my wallet its half ass, tell my wife who only gets to see me for a few hrs a day, its half ass, tell my doctor who has me and about 15 other growers producing medicine for, its half ass, tell the guy who tests all samples, its half ass, tell the power company its half ass, tell the grow store where i have special orders placed it half ass.

And lastly but deff. not least. tell the patients who just signed on with me november 1st and will have medicine by jan 15-20th its half ass.

And just another thing to throw in here altor, I do not "sell" them anything dude
^only thing I asked you was, are you informing the people who "donate" to your cause (selling dude lets get real)...
that the product you are selling is autos? Do you label it auto?
If you take donations in return for giving them weed its called selling, you just found a nice way to describe it and avoid taxes.

IF someone denied you a donation would you still give them the product?
thanks crispy B, Im going to do some re arrangement tomorrow. Ill give a full update with pics then!! They are in full veg!! well except the autos, they are in full bloom!! Ill probably get close to 18-22 oz from them. And the reg. are crankin right now, a few have grown about 6inches in the past 4-5 days!! they are going to make some monsters I can tell. Im trying to wait as long as I can, but im starting to get impatient. I want those kholas stacking like fire wood!! have to get another few hundred in supplies tomm too. some more bloom nutes, some cal/mag more pots, soil, well guess I need everything, damn, I should stop spending all my money on plants, and pick up a cheaper hobby like heroin!! lol jk
yeh u shd do heroin, yo plants look ordinary u talk a lot off shit and u can spell like me and u aea big noter
Can we see some pics of your grow? It must be outstanding for you to insult SIP like that

I see you have a lot of posts and a lot of rep for being here for just about 1 month...

When you have been here longer you will smell the bullshit rising off certain posters from 5 threads away....
ooo that smell. can you smell that smell. since when did autos become more powerful than regs i want to see this information myself because ive never seen that ever. i mean autos have been getting stronger but you do not see people growing autos in competitions for a reason or for patients usually..most growers would go from clone anyway to make sure they have the right genetics to start with. because you could get random ass low potency autos because they had double recessive traits.
I see you have a lot of posts and a lot of rep for being here for just about 1 month...

When you have been here longer you will smell the bullshit rising off certain posters from 5 threads away....
This made me lol. Unfortunately I'm becoming more and more aware of this each day.

How do I get an invite to the VIP section :lol:
and you know what would happen if you get caught with over 100 plants by the feds right?

That would be the least of my concerns.
No offense to the OP.
The last thing I would do is post Opium, Shrooms, & Mescalin plants on the internet. That is like a HUGE red flag and just puts a target on your back.
What do you grow opium for anyway? Seems crazy

This made me lol. Unfortunately I'm becoming more and more aware of this each day.

How do I get an invite to the VIP section

Didn't see anything that said anything about a VIP section.