75 dollars too much for a clone??


Well-Known Member
Got all my clones for free... just happened to meet the right people in town when they had extras that rooted well but there was no room for them in the veg rooms. All trainwreck I think, although there might be one or two strawberry coughs or sour diesel sages in there. $75 is a lot but seeds are at least 50 for some good femmed ones so 75 for a nice clone that for sure will give you a healthy mother isn't that bad.


Well-Known Member
i could never imagine paying that much for one clone. i feel lucky to be able to buy bomb strains from my club and know all ready that im buying clones that came from seeds ordered online, you know, prize winning shit. But the last 9 i bought turned out to be stunted and it has taken over 2 months to veg 4 plants 18 inches tall. So thats something to look out for.


Well-Known Member
Pizzzh,when was the last time you met anybody in your area selling rooted clones,all these prices being thrown around from other parts of the country are meaningless to you unless you have the same connections & can get them,especially legal club prices.

The price in your area is like anything else,supply & demand,low supply plus high demand equals high price but its a one time nut you gotta bust if you want the strain.

I find it odd that people would rather spend the same amount of cash on seeds that are not even gauranteed to show up at your door,even if they do arrive by the time they do come that one lowley clone you buy can be a healthy mother plant ready to give up half a dozen clones.


Well-Known Member
Im just guessing that you wouldnt be considering this price if you can get plenty cheaper from someone else,,,,, consider your options for the area you live in and if other people have them cheaper for the same strains go for it,,, but your always going to hear from the legal smokers how cheap it is and how your getting jacked, and the others who have plenty of weed in their areas so its cheaper,, but,, If you wanted seeds you would have asked about them so you must have your heart set on clones, if its hard to get, than get it, if your not happy with the price than play lets make a deal with this person...:peace:.....


Well-Known Member
Also, you need to ask him a little bit about his mother selection. He could have selected the best mother out of a ten pack of seeds or more. If that is the case, I would spend $75 on one. See if you can smoke some of his product. Then you will know. If he doesn't have any, he might not know shit about his mommies.



Well-Known Member
There are a few sketchball companies on the 'net that will try and mail you clones. I'm not even going to link them, they freak me out. But even they are cheaper. Maybe you can get a little reduction by showing your friend one of those sites. >shrug<


Well-Known Member
If you trust him. I would give any of my friends a free cutting but if you arnt immediate then i would charge you upwards of a bill or more. Its my freedom im putting on the line selling you a clone so its got to be worth it. Keep in mind, this is Ohio after all.


Well-Known Member
that's not a friend...

you can turn one clone into 250 clones in less that 4 months.. and you can turn 250 clones into 20,000 clones in less that 8 months...

I love making money and spending money and making paper airplanes outta money....

But charging $75 for a clone.... is just dickish and 50 dollars for an unrooted clone is PURE dueche bag :cry:

Your friend is either a KAK GUZZLER or a Crack Head...

BTW- i'll sell you a picture of a clone for $25


i agree with you
not much of a friend at all...


Well-Known Member
Pizzzh,when was the last time you met anybody in your area selling rooted clones,all these prices being thrown around from other parts of the country are meaningless to you unless you have the same connections & can get them,especially legal club prices.

The price in your area is like anything else,supply & demand,low supply plus high demand equals high price but its a one time nut you gotta bust if you want the strain.

I find it odd that people would rather spend the same amount of cash on seeds that are not even gauranteed to show up at your door,even if they do arrive by the time they do come that one lowley clone you buy can be a healthy mother plant ready to give up half a dozen clones.
this is the first time


Well-Known Member
price is very subjective, i don't know anything about OH, your situation, availability of clones, yada yada...

he is by no means your friend, but if you want it, and you have the money, then buy it. it certainly isn't out of the realm of possibility for me to think that in some parts of the country without knowing other growers, that someone would feel that that was a worthwhile thing to spend 75$ on.


Well-Known Member
i'll pick up one..
he def made it expensive enough that i'll only be able to grow one lol.
Like you guys said maybe he's not as great of a friend as i thought he was. He did tell me tho that he would take me to his grow, so i could get an idea on how to set up my lights. So he must somewhat consider me a friend. Maybe he just thinks i'm an idiot and can charge me whatever he wants


Well-Known Member
He can charge you what ever he wants. He's got all of the supply, and you've got all of the demand. :-| I would take him up on the offer to see the grow--make sure his plants look healthy. Get him to take the clone in front of you from a healthy plant, for that kind of money it needs to be healthy.

You don't want a clone drowning in pyrethrins that was taken from some mite infested plant that got the boot.

I speak from experience. :evil: Once I was young and stupid. Or at least, younger and stupid-er. As it were.