76.7'F... too cold?


Active Member
I was having issues getting my temps down since im in a closet. but i rigged me up a little setup and they are at a constant 76.7 degrees F. Do i need to bring them back up a little or am I fine there?


not sure what night time temps are yet beings i just got this set up


bud bootlegger
nah, 76 is just fine.. that is about where my garden is most of the time.. by the way, if you think your night temps get too low, you can always run the lights at night and leave em off during the day time.. i do this in winter time and also summer when day temps are higher and in winter when the nights are cooler and it works out great..


Well-Known Member
nah, 76 is just fine.. that is about where my garden is most of the time.. by the way, if you think your night temps get too low, you can always run the lights at night and leave em off during the day time.. i do this in winter time and also summer when day temps are higher and in winter when the nights are cooler and it works out great..
How can you be so quick to answer that when you have no details? if the room is 76 and he's doing hydro with uninsulated res then 76 is a little too high since water temp will be a couple degrees lower and 74 for water temp is too high. If he's doing soil then 76 should be fine although I think 70f even is called for. If water temps are too high just run a sterile res(h202 a lot) , if room temps are a little high supplement co2.


Active Member
How can you be so quick to answer that when you have no details? if the room is 76 and he's doing hydro with uninsulated res then 76 is a little too high since water temp will be a couple degrees lower and 74 for water temp is too high. If he's doing soil then 76 should be fine although I think 70f even is called for. If water temps are too high just run a sterile res(h202 a lot) , if room temps are a little high supplement co2.
soil grow. WW strain with t5 lighting. still seedlings.. i figured 76 would be fine but if 70 is more idealistic then thats what ill strive for.. first grow btw


Well-Known Member
soil grow. WW strain with t5 lighting. still seedlings.. i figured 76 would be fine but if 70 is more idealistic then thats what ill strive for.. first grow btw
Don't take my word for it but I'm pretty sure thats what I read, then again I think the same article said weed quits growing at 85f which sounds crazy if you come from where I do , the weed gets to over 15 foot tall and its a hot humid bitch there. I'm only on my second indoor grow but so far I'm more impressed with my first one where my temps were way out of hand (room 95f , water not far behind)not to mention humidity. I got all that under control and seems like my yield isn't gonna be anything near the first one, maybe close but I've got 2 more plants going than I had the first time. Whatever the case, good luck and happy growing.


Well-Known Member
oh wait, you say seedlings? research that a bit before you set the thermostat at 70f . Seedlings I don't deal with, clones here.


Active Member
Soil temps of 70-75 are a good range for seedlings. After a couple of sets of leaves the night temp should be 10-15 degrees cooler than the day temps.


Well-Known Member
Soil= 85 lights on and 73 lights off.....This is optimum Ive read. Thats what I keep my flowering room at and its great. For vegging you shouldnt get that cool at night though. maybe like 80. The cooler temps for flowering helps induce flowering.


WW was created outdoors in amsterdam, it can deal with some cool weather in there. it doesnt really get much hotter in the hottest days in amsterdam. For seedlings and small veg, i would stay around 75-80, then drop it when as you lead to flowering. If you wanna have fun with it, look at what the weather was there this yr from june 1 till now, thats your plants life cycle temp range.

For flowering, you are recreating fall for the plants, even in the hotter areas, this mean low 70s during the day, and 50s-60s at night. as long as you keep it above 45 you have no worries, below that is still ok, but risky.but I try to stay in the low 50s at night and low 60s with light on. try to keep it within 15-20degree change.

I prefer to keep my flowering rooms as low as possible. The lower temps bring out some awesome colors.

Keep it below 80degrees and above 50 and try to keep it consistently within a 20 degree difference from day and night. above 85 they will stop flowering until conditions get better. If the water/ground temp is too low you will shock the roots and they will stop flowering till temp improves. More stress leads to higher chance of hermaphrodites.

Stonedblownskiller is pretty much right on, but IMO and experience lower is better, look at places that are best outdoor naturally (canada, alaska, amsterdam, islands, etc.) all places with cooler environments.

so where you are is perfect to answer your question.

Now just keep your humidity between 30-50%


Don't take my word for it but I'm pretty sure thats what I read, then again I think the same article said weed quits growing at 85f which sounds crazy if you come from where I do , the weed gets to over 15 foot tall and its a hot humid bitch there. I'm only on my second indoor grow but so far I'm more impressed with my first one where my temps were way out of hand (room 95f , water not far behind)not to mention humidity. I got all that under control and seems like my yield isn't gonna be anything near the first one, maybe close but I've got 2 more plants going than I had the first time. Whatever the case, good luck and happy growing.
yep over 85 slows flowering usually- i missed this post-Im from FL and now im in CO, so ive grown in hot n humid now cold n dry, same nutes and same grow methods, it tends to be the plants and where they come from. also as long as the environment is consistent with nature, you should get good yield. Ive done great when they were too hot and too cold, so it all is in the plant.

Dont forget, outside they start in late spring early summer and they have their hottest times in their early life. as they grow the temps and light drops, so make sure you can make it colder in there to flower by a good 10-15degrees. so you are looking at 60-65 day temps and 50 nighttime. You will get some sick ass white widow. Just raise the pots up off the ground if its concrete- floor is much colder usually and will make the soil colder than the air. Water shouldnt be too cold, shocking the plant isnt good, but you can get some nice colors if you do it right.


Well-Known Member
yep over 85 slows flowering usually- i missed this post-Im from FL and now im in CO, so ive grown in hot n humid now cold n dry, same nutes and same grow methods, it tends to be the plants and where they come from. also as long as the environment is consistent with nature, you should get good yield. Ive done great when they were too hot and too cold, so it all is in the plant.

Dont forget, outside they start in late spring early summer and they have their hottest times in their early life. as they grow the temps and light drops, so make sure you can make it colder in there to flower by a good 10-15degrees. so you are looking at 60-65 day temps and 50 nighttime. You will get some sick ass white widow. Just raise the pots up off the ground if its concrete- floor is much colder usually and will make the soil colder than the air. Water shouldnt be too cold, shocking the plant isnt good, but you can get some nice colors if you do it right.
Howdy neighbor, north denver here, where the cops are rapists. I keep night time temps at about 66-68 and day temps at 70-72, my purple urkles leaves look black they're so purple.


Well-Known Member
If I had my option to choose a constant air temperature, for my growroom, it would be about 76.7*. Seriously man, that's perfect.


Active Member
Soil= 85 lights on and 73 lights off.....This is optimum Ive read. That's what I keep my flowering room at and its great. For vegging you shouldn't get that cool at night though. maybe like 80. The cooler temps for flowering helps induce flowering.

The word optimum in this statement is misleading, 85 is the maximum, not optimum temp for good growth. At temps above 85F the stomata of the plant close and respiration stops, halting growth until temps cool down. At 75-76 your plants are getting everything they need for good growth. To answer your initial question, your temps are just fine. The best growth for plants is in the 60-75 range.

Attached are some photos of this years Tora Bora flowers which were grown through the flowering period at day temps ranging from 50-80 and night temperatures ranging from 34-50. If another recipe for culture care would improve my crop I am open to suggestions, but I do not heat my cold frame and have to rely on mother nature to do her thing. I would be perfectly happy to harvest buds like this every year.

