

Active Member
Hey dudes and duddettes,was just wondering if anyone knew what was up with this plant,it seems to be clawing2014-02-10 19.39.17.jpgIG]2991180[/ATTACH]
Thanks for any replies,may your plants be green and bushy :leaf: peace and love



Active Member
Hey man I like your avatar,I take it you like mainlining.I dont know if this is common knowledge but Ive noticed when mainlining if you use the very first set of leaves they grow much better,I dont know why but thats certainly what Ive found.Use the first leaves and the first shoots from them if you get me and youll see a big difference in growth.


Active Member
An hps 600.My other girls are good,and shes not closest to the lights?
it may just be there is a buld up of heat by that plant whats ya temps and you got intake and outake?

Hey man I like your avatar,I take it you like mainlining.I dont know if this is common knowledge but Ive noticed when mainlining if you use the very first set of leaves they grow much better,I dont know why but thats certainly what Ive found.Use the first leaves and the first shoots from them if you get me and youll see a big difference in growth.
i used to do my plants like that and i grow them about a ft tal before i bend and take all the lower branches for new cuttings but now i dont do that i just LST and TOP then flower


Active Member
My temp sits right around 75.No intake/outtake,but I have the window open and usually the door,but I closed it and left it open just a crack cause my temps dropped to 70 the other day,so that makes sense then,the heats obviously built up,Ill keep the door open from now on.Cant wait to get my first harvest cause Im getting a good deal swapping some smoke for a tent and fan.Hey nitro your advice is much appreciated my good man,thanks!


Active Member
My temp sits right around 75.No intake/outtake,but I have the window open and usually the door,but I closed it and left it open just a crack cause my temps dropped to 70 the other day,so that makes sense then,the heats obviously built up,Ill keep the door open from now on.Cant wait to get my first harvest cause Im getting a good deal swapping some smoke for a tent and fan.Hey nitro your advice is much appreciated my good man,thanks!
yeah there looking great how old are they and what strain?
you will notice the bushyer the plant the more the air needed to cerculate i have to put 4 5" fans in my grow to keep the air moving or i get a heat build up and i run a 600 and another thing i worked out have 2 thermomiters 1 at the top of the room where all the heat will collect if there is any and 1 at canopy hight to tell you the temp them plants are in and this has helped me loads