7weeks into flowering PICS day 29.11/4.12/12.12


Active Member
Its really to late to try to do anything about this but its killing not being sure what this is, i´ve watched the PH very well and that i was nute burning them so i lowered the EC (1.7 now tap 0.3) anybody have any ideas?

First PIC is day 35 not looking to bad.

Next PICS are from day 40 looking bad.

Final PICS are from day 48 lookig really bad.

Please tell me your opinion.



Well-Known Member
Its really to late to try to do anything about this but its killing not being sure what this is, i´ve watched the PH very well and that i was nute burning them so i lowered the EC (1.7 now tap 0.3) anybody have any ideas?

First PIC is day 35 not looking to bad.

Next PICS are from day 40 looking bad.

Final PICS are from day 48 lookig really bad.

Please tell me your opinion.
Have you checked this? http://www.greenmanspage.com/guides/plant_abuse.html


Active Member
From what I've read on here, I'm going to say nuteburn. Might want to wait for more replies however. Good luck!


New Member
Serious nute burn due to ph problems. Check your ph of your soil and let me know what it is to further be able to figure out whats going on in your grow. It can be corrected with time to save your grow and to provide you with a decent yield.


Active Member
Whats your fert and how often are you using it. Do you ph the water before you add nutes or after. What soil are you using?
get some flora kleen and flush ur plant, then feed with water till harvest and turn that stuff into hash. if u have bubble bags that is.


Active Member
Thanks for taking the time:eyesmoke:

This is a hydro grow and i´m using ATA hydro a+b plus all the additives (atazyme xl boomblastik (started using pk 13-14 then changed to bloombastik, was told that it would not influence) i started a little hard i think EC 1.3-.1.4(tap EC0.3) and using 100% additives. (i´m wondering if theres a possibilty if that is burning the plants ?
+forgot using ata bloom also ml/1l in the beginning. i have a good digital PH meter and i usually mix the ph after i mix the nutes the PH has been a little over 6 usually..... dont know why but i always lower (higher) the PH in small steps..... maybe a little to small steps

on day 20 during flowering i changed water
on day 29 during flowering i changed water (saw something was happening, tryied to have some influance. restricting the additivs. 70%)
and again on day 41 i changed water again (maybe not the best thing to do chaning so regulary but i have had about 10 dif. ideas what this might be and havent been doing a good job of containing this.) ..... anyways i was told to raise the P-K +30% so i tried that.... didnt help much

the PH now is below 6.

I´m sorry for the bad english and thank you so much for taking the time.
Is there anything i can do to make sure this doesent happen again.

QUOTE=ghostsamurai25;3518152]Whats your fert and how often are you using it. Do you ph the water before you add nutes or after. What soil are you using?[/QUOTE]


Active Member
Do you have a fan directly on the plants? If so either turn it down or aim it indirectly at the plants, in other words above or below. A fan directly on the plants can dry them out and turn the leaves brown. The plants only need air ciculating around them so they can pick up oxygen as it moves past the leaves. So I would check that then see what happens.


Active Member
Thanks, didnt know that but the wierd thing is i have one fan blowing on the system straight ahead on it, but the worst plants are on left and right ends furtheest away :/

Do you have a fan directly on the plants? If so either turn it down or aim it indirectly at the plants, in other words above or below. A fan directly on the plants can dry them out and turn the leaves brown. The plants only need air ciculating around them so they can pick up oxygen as it moves past the leaves. So I would check that then see what happens.


Active Member
doesent anybody have a theary ?
I was having the same problem with my fan so I aimed it up above the plants. A friend of mine on here told me air should tumble through your grow space, esp if you are using co2. Even if you aren't it's the best way to circulate the air, to tumble it above, around below, and back above the plants. Since I started doing that my plants look a lot better. No more browning of leaves, at least that stopped so I think it did the trick.

Good luck!!