8 BubbleHeads start 12/12


New Member
I supercrop until almost the end of the grow! Not that LST is bad but it's a little more dangerous the supercropping. Too much weight and snap! When they are bigger like that you almost have to be a little rough with them to break that outer support structure. They respond be getting even thicker as in "try and bend that mofo!" LOL! Who knew that my bra-snapping days would have practical applications in the grow room?


Well-Known Member
I supercrop until almost the end of the grow! Not that LST is bad but it's a little more dangerous the supercropping. Too much weight and snap! When they are bigger like that you almost have to be a little rough with them to break that outer support structure. They respond be getting even thicker as in "try and bend that mofo!" LOL! Who knew that my bra-snapping days would have practical applications in the grow room?
bra snapping, lol:eyesmoke:


Active Member
Here's my update on week 5 of 12/12 with my lanky sativa, Embry. She's smelling very dank already, but it might be a long haul. She's finally stopped stretching for sure, but managed to push almost 10" through the ScrOG, during flowering alone. She's startin to build colas for me, i'm sooo happy.:weed:
I can see why ppl like sativas, she has small trichs all the way out on some of her fan leaves even...

Canopy shot.

A side shot of the ScrOG.

And close up. see the small trichs?




Elite Rolling Society
Here's my update on week 5 of 12/12 with my lanky sativa, Embry. She's smelling very dank already, but it might be a long haul. She's finally stopped stretching for sure, but managed to push almost 10" through the ScrOG, during flowering alone. She's startin to build colas for me, i'm sooo happy.:weed:
I can see why ppl like sativas, she has small trichs all the way out on some of her fan leaves even...

Canopy shot.

A side shot of the ScrOG.

And close up. see the small trichs?

well, I am jealous! I haven''t seen any trichs on mine yet.

I got to go look again!


Elite Rolling Society
If you are considering starting a grow,

it is MUCH MUCH easier to do an indoor grow in Winter time,
than in the Summer time.

It is easier to bring heat to a cool room, than to bring COOL air
to a Hot room.


New Member
DD, Please don't send the midwest any more rain! 4 inches in last 3 days! Glug glug! 55 and finally sunny. Room is so much easier to cool. 71 ambient, 69 res - 62% hum. with the door closed and the squirrel cage going. Plants are having a good day! Probably start nutes later this week. Should be about 4-5 weeks for me to join the 12/12 gang!


Well-Known Member
DD, Please don't send the midwest any more rain! 4 inches in last 3 days! Glug glug! 55 and finally sunny. Room is so much easier to cool. 71 ambient, 69 res - 62% hum. with the door closed and the squirrel cage going. Plants are having a good day! Probably start nutes later this week. Should be about 4-5 weeks for me to join the 12/12 gang!
great mc, cant wait for you to hop on board. i guess this is where the real patience comes in, lol.


Elite Rolling Society
What are growers supposed to do that are Flowering, right in the middle of changing to Day Light Savings Time?

I was on 7:30 to 7:30. I want to stay on that cycle too.

Will it mess them up bad to change by one hour to stay on 12/12. ??


Active Member
DD, Please don't send the midwest any more rain! 4 inches in last 3 days! Glug glug! 55 and finally sunny. Room is so much easier to cool. 71 ambient, 69 res - 62% hum. with the door closed and the squirrel cage going. Plants are having a good day! Probably start nutes later this week. Should be about 4-5 weeks for me to join the 12/12 gang!
By your forecast I think we live close to each other....


Well-Known Member
What are growers supposed to do that are Flowering, right in the middle of changing to Day Light Savings Time?

I was on 7:30 to 7:30. I want to stay on that cycle too.

Will it mess them up bad to change by one hour to stay on 12/12. ??
If you do decide to change it, be sure that your plants get their scheduled 12 hours of darkness, so be sure and change it with the lights on, which will work it out in that way.

I've moved mine back and forth before, no harm was done.


New Member
I've heard from many sources over the last year or so and this always comes up. The concensus I've heard was to leave them dark an extra hour to readjust with no harm done.


Active Member
i have 3 32 watts=100 watts a piece =300watts total 27000 k at the top of my plant can i get a cola
and on one side i have 2 32watt= 100 a piece =200 watts w/6500 bulb 100 watts=300 blue light
otherside 100 watt = 300 red & yellow
the reason i dont have the big bulbs up top anymore they cant fit plant touching them now
any suggestions