8 bubbler site pod what size to i grow to if i have 8 plants in 1 bubbler


Well-Known Member
if i have 8 plants in 1 bubbler all clones wut the best time to start flowering so things dont get to bunched up its a 8 gal


Well-Known Member
LoL I did 8 in a 2 gallon LoL

I let them grow to about a foot
the ones that grew faster got topped
every week you have to prune and leaves that are shading there neighbor
I like to get really baked and just look at them.
before I cut a leaf I fold it up to see what kind of light cutting will
offer the lower branches.
I've also tied up the tops with a bread tie to let more light
to the bottom branches.
pruning will stunt the growth of your plant to a certain extent
don't go nuts when you prune. I try to only cut 1/3 of the leafs
off of a plant.
you might want to root prune to if your roots get out of control.


Well-Known Member
can i see some pics of what you did id like to no how to tie emdown and stuff......how many grow if im doing 2 foot plants ?