8 days flowering can you see any sex sign yet?


Well-Known Member
hhmmm. when i flowered it took about two weeks, dont get discouraged haha. its a male, the parts will look like.....an aliens antler, best way to describe i guess. lil skinny stem with a ball shape at the end. female parts will look like a a lil white hair, it will stand out tho. hair isnt really a good descrip, cuz its not like hair on urhead.

have you ever seen those lightbulbs at spencers that have hot glue "dollups" all over them? the tips of those is what the hairs look like...wow im baked


Active Member
lol,i spose im like all first time growers here -impatient,but i thought i could see a pistil but who knows,i just have to wait haha.


Well-Known Member
patience are a virtue meng. growing can bea bitch f you dont have some weed to smoke while the growing is happening. then you just stare at ur plant salivating, then it turns out to be male and you jump off a bridge. anyways, good luck!


Well-Known Member
it looks very young to be flowering but the top almost looks female with one little hair poppin out. im with granite


Active Member
well i sure hope you guys are right =] , i thought i would post it because it looked like it was but its a tough call but again i hope your right =] cheers.



Active Member
woohoo thats made my day,im sure i have runa marathon with this plant lol,move the pot here ,move it there ,lift it up here now i know it was all worth it .always wanted to grow a plant just to see what its all about and im enjoying the metamorphisis :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
that pictures funny cuz the cluster of leaves on the oppisate side of that pistil, at a quick glance, looks like a flower pod. i was scrolling down an was like wtf, then looked more closely an realized waht it was.
Stick with it man, it feels so rewarding when u sit down for ur first smoke, an u take two hits and you taste the green-ness. its very satisfying knowing that you and only you just got ur self 100% baked. It felt good to give it to people too, like, IM going to get you baked, i made that. haha, maybe its just me


Active Member
that pictures funny cuz the cluster of leaves on the oppisate side of that pistil, at a quick glance, looks like a flower pod. i was scrolling down an was like wtf, then looked more closely an realized waht it was.
Stick with it man, it feels so rewarding when u sit down for ur first smoke, an u take two hits and you taste the green-ness. its very satisfying knowing that you and only you just got ur self 100% baked. It felt good to give it to people too, like, IM going to get you baked, i made that. haha, maybe its just me
That's probably the most inspirational thing I've read this week.


Well-Known Member
hahaha, thanks man, its how you feel when u burn that first nugget....

i felt like someone could drop me from a helicopter in the woods, and as long as i had a pocket full of seeds id be alright


Well-Known Member
i thinks its a thought that all growers have had. that fuckin plant, like a good disease. becomes part of you, part of me anyways.


Well-Known Member
My wife is pissed cause I spend most of my time tending to and manicuring my plants,, she just doesnt get it,,, its got a hold of me in a good way..:peace:.........