8 months, $10,000 and a whole lotta hard work=this...

Hey new member here im not an expert on cultivation, for years i've sat on the sidelines watching how the industry is constantly evolving, now i believe its time for me to take the first steps. I have the willingness to learn Everything needed to fully understand how to setup my own grow room and run it meticulously. Lets say i have the same amount of capital 10k and i live in cali where small ops largely go unnoticed, how would i go about establishing something in the range of 1,000 sq? if possible within the budget. from what i hear one can potentially output 6 pounds of dried product per 1,000 Sq of grow space.
I'm pulling just under 5 in 100 sq' of flower space
you said a few cycles..thats great, i grew outdoors in tx for many years longer..since i was a freshman in hs actually, i just say ~15 years professional...its easy to grow fairly healthybherb. not hard atvall actually butvif you wantbto converse with actual experts about the true ins and out, your very much a newb.. humble yourslef and yiud do better

nah, dont need to puke today, i made some acid yesterday and whipped up about 40 mg of morohine...bit as with natural substances it was more like 80mg and my tolerance isnt that high..especially when combined with my "acid"

as for whisky, shit man this stuff is deadly, im.used to standard 40 bit i honestly cant tell the cask strength is 56 till im already outa there.. oretty damn good. not personally my style or flavor preference but i can.appreciate the glenlivet line anyway
personally im a fan of quality rum, which expect for.cettcircles is unheard of.. butvrum can be many times more complex than any scotch

I am a scotch and rum man myself, Glenlivet is pretty decent for the money, I really enjoy Glenmorangie and the Signatory line-up. When it comes to rum's, my go to mixing rum is Mount Gay or Appleton estate for sipping.... But, I would like to find some new drinking brands, do you have any suggestion's for both scotch's and rums? My usual 750ml range for scotch is between 38.00- 114.00 usd and rum would be between 25.00- 42.00 usd. Thanks in advance, that picture of scotch made me thirsty now I need a fingers worth!
bro i love rum, ive posted alot about em

if your looking for a cheaper but still in the sippable range..
plantation grand reserve
cruzan single barrel (the old style bottle with the sail boat is best but discontinued)

the eldorado line is nice as well, the 12yr runs ~$35

zaya gran reserva is not quite as good but again yiu can still sip
depends what flavors you like

even like rhum barbancourt is good but you may not enjoy

if you just have a completely shit selection bacardi ocho anos is still drinkable swill

personally glenlivet doeant get great till the 18, befpre that i still tend to mix.
i am a little spoiled.
i prefer to sip neat at roughly 60°


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I am a scotch and rum man myself, Glenlivet is pretty decent for the money, I really enjoy Glenmorangie and the Signatory line-up. When it comes to rum's, my go to mixing rum is Mount Gay or Appleton estate for sipping.... But, I would like to find some new drinking brands, do you have any suggestion's for both scotch's and rums? My usual 750ml range for scotch is between 38.00- 114.00 usd and rum would be between 25.00- 42.00 usd. Thanks in advance, that picture of scotch made me thirsty now I need a fingers worth!

Mt Gay is my favorite rum, and Meyer's Dark a close second.
I don't claim to be an educated connoisseur of rum and I'm always interested in a good recommendation.

So let's hear some!

well the list i gave is a pretty good start.. have you tried those,
ive heard that product is limited and distributors are having a hard time gathering enough. as such some of the rums i listed are harder to find.
well the list i gave is a pretty good start.. have you tried those,
ive heard that product is limited and distributors are having a hard time gathering enough. as such some of the rums i listed are harder to find.

Well that's my problem here. The shelves are full of the likes of Bacardi, Captain Moron, Sailor Jerry, the Kraken and other such swill for the college crowd.

Ya gotta give me a break; at least I'm not drinking Admiral Nelson or Lemon Hart!
i hear you.. i travel alot, i come into certain towns and i just stare at the miniscule rum isle

they come uo after a few... can i help you?
yea do you have any rums worth drinking? get an odd look, what did you have in mind?
start rattling off a dozen bottles.. ummm we dont carry any of those..
course not, do you have any bottles over $25? and i dont mean like a gallon of krakken

but they still have classc scotchs and whiskys, glenlivet isnt the best but available anywhere

you just dont het the same product, i like rum,. dif part of the world, dif spices flavors and tek..tyoe of still, the climate its aged in.. barrels used

like heres a post.. well a copy of a copy of one of my oists lmao

here's a post from another thread

I love that stuff for sipping. I keep my bottle in the freezer so it's like syrup, yum. If I love Ocho Años what's the best next step up for sipping, expand my palate.

theres nothing particularly wrong with the Bacardi 8, but nothing...,right either, the nose suggests a younger rum and while there are nuances of....i get dates and darker fruit, some spice as well..ans some classic butter.that's it, nice but i want more

if i can't sip neat it goes in the trash, but i always drink at roughly 60° not chilling or freeze

idk what youve tried, whats available and budget.
people on a budget or just getting into rums. the plantation grand reserve is an excellent choice. see bottom of post...
the Eldorado line up is another i highly recommend but can get relatively pricey for rum, the 12 and 21yr are excellent, and not the same rum with age dividing.
if youve tried these or have specific flavors you like i can certainly steer you in direction

the plantation
" My initial impression was of a musty leathery aroma accented orange peel and a sweet caramel molasses. I gave the glass the customary tilt and swirl. The spirit deposited light sheen of rum onto the side of my glass, and I watched as the legs formed. They were of an average size and seemed to move at an average pace down the sides of the glass.

As the glass decanted, the leathery mustiness I had noticed initially evaporated into the breezes, and was replaced by a light smell of tarnished blue-green pennies. Perhaps a bit of seaside brine and kelp was rising in the air as well. *(this brine is key in production, as well as type of still)The caramel molasses I noted earlier began to release baking spices into the air, and some charred aromas of coconut were lifting from the glass along with some banana and vanilla. I like how the complexity continued to build as the glass sat."

" That leathery mustiness hasreappeared on the palate and I taste a delicate touch of seaside brine as well. Light baking spices (cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg and vanilla) seem to evolve from the caramel as the glass breathes.

This evolution continues as caramel and honey begin to play with flavours of banana and orange peel; toasted almonds and charred coconut begin to bring an accents of marzipan and treacle to the glass; and somewhere in the currents of the flavours a hint of fermenting fruit bubbles up and brings in yet another dimension to consider. "
author didn't mention some bottles are heavy,.not too much in diacetyl (butter)

beautiful.... this just isnt found or very difficult in bourbon and scotchwhatever

itall really depends what you like, heavily peated? dark fruit? citrus? floral ? dram that taste like a cookie with chocolate toffee toastedalmonds

the glenlivet line i would recommend as easy to find intro..
12-18 nice, i like the apple especially in the young bottles. but until i get to the 18, a better sipper and 43%.. i also like to bring the wood out andappreciate say the 15 in even a mixer ..orange juice if your boring..or

2 oz glenlivet 15
3/4 oz (Fresh squeezed) Lemon and Lime juice
1 to 2 tsp sugar syrup
dash bitters (orange bitter if they are available)
dash of soda
citrus peel (use orange peel if you had no orange bitters)

Build in a rocks glass with Ice
Lengthen with a splash of Soda
Garnish with a threads of citrus peel
really brings out the wood and certain notes..try it

but so i dont have to keep typing.this is one of my favorite drinks

you can see what flavors i like lol

but rum is my style...
i hear you.. i travel alot, i come into certain towns and i just stare at the miniscule rum isle

they come uo after a few... can i help you?
yea do you have any rums worth drinking? get an odd look, what did you have in mind?
start rattling off a dozen bottles.. ummm we dont carry any of those..
course not, do you have any bottles over $25? and i dont mean like a gallon of krakken

but they still have classc scotchs and whiskys, glenlivet isnt the best but available anywhere

you just dont het the same product, i like rum,. dif part of the world, dif spices flavors and tek..tyoe of still, the climate its aged in.. barrels used

like heres a post.. well a copy of a copy of one of my oists lmao

here's a post from another thread

I love that stuff for sipping. I keep my bottle in the freezer so it's like syrup, yum. If I love Ocho Años what's the best next step up for sipping, expand my palate.

theres nothing particularly wrong with the Bacardi 8, but nothing...,right either, the nose suggests a younger rum and while there are nuances of....i get dates and darker fruit, some spice as well..ans some classic butter.that's it, nice but i want more

if i can't sip neat it goes in the trash, but i always drink at roughly 60° not chilling or freeze

idk what youve tried, whats available and budget.
people on a budget or just getting into rums. the plantation grand reserve is an excellent choice. see bottom of post...
the Eldorado line up is another i highly recommend but can get relatively pricey for rum, the 12 and 21yr are excellent, and not the same rum with age dividing.
if youve tried these or have specific flavors you like i can certainly steer you in direction

the plantation
" My initial impression was of a musty leathery aroma accented orange peel and a sweet caramel molasses. I gave the glass the customary tilt and swirl. The spirit deposited light sheen of rum onto the side of my glass, and I watched as the legs formed. They were of an average size and seemed to move at an average pace down the sides of the glass.

As the glass decanted, the leathery mustiness I had noticed initially evaporated into the breezes, and was replaced by a light smell of tarnished blue-green pennies. Perhaps a bit of seaside brine and kelp was rising in the air as well. *(this brine is key in production, as well as type of still)The caramel molasses I noted earlier began to release baking spices into the air, and some charred aromas of coconut were lifting from the glass along with some banana and vanilla. I like how the complexity continued to build as the glass sat."

" That leathery mustiness hasreappeared on the palate and I taste a delicate touch of seaside brine as well. Light baking spices (cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg and vanilla) seem to evolve from the caramel as the glass breathes.

This evolution continues as caramel and honey begin to play with flavours of banana and orange peel; toasted almonds and charred coconut begin to bring an accents of marzipan and treacle to the glass; and somewhere in the currents of the flavours a hint of fermenting fruit bubbles up and brings in yet another dimension to consider. "
author didn't mention some bottles are heavy,.not too much in diacetyl (butter)

beautiful.... this just isnt found or very difficult in bourbon and scotchwhatever

itall really depends what you like, heavily peated? dark fruit? citrus? floral ? dram that taste like a cookie with chocolate toffee toastedalmonds

the glenlivet line i would recommend as easy to find intro..
12-18 nice, i like the apple especially in the young bottles. but until i get to the 18, a better sipper and 43%.. i also like to bring the wood out andappreciate say the 15 in even a mixer ..orange juice if your boring..or

2 oz glenlivet 15
3/4 oz (Fresh squeezed) Lemon and Lime juice
1 to 2 tsp sugar syrup
dash bitters (orange bitter if they are available)
dash of soda
citrus peel (use orange peel if you had no orange bitters)

Build in a rocks glass with Ice
Lengthen with a splash of Soda
Garnish with a threads of citrus peel
really brings out the wood and certain notes..try it

but so i dont have to keep typing.this is one of my favorite drinks

you can see what flavors i like lol

but rum is my style...

Keep the suggestions coming and I'll find them and try them. The self described world's largest liquor store is between here and Denver and they carry a lot more than what's available around here.
Guess you oughtta rename the thread to rum drinkers unite.

Actually what I just did was go to my shed and tear out all the AC and all the other waste of time shit, threw it all in the trash and put in some shelves nice and plumb to the wall and now i'm going to all the reputable liquor stores in town to round up all their rhums above a $25 price point for hoarding in my discreet rum hoarding shed because everyone knows the best rhum is the one you can't find or buy anywhere ever. Oh and I threw up a sign on the door that says "no hipsters allowed" and its then that I know i'm probably not welcome.
Actually what I just did was go to my shed and tear out all the AC and all the other waste of time shit, threw it all in the trash and put in some shelves nice and plumb to the wall and now i'm going to all the reputable liquor stores in town to round up all their rhums above a $25 price point for hoarding in my discreet rum hoarding shed because everyone knows the best rhum is the one you can't find or buy anywhere ever. Oh and I threw up a sign on the door that says "no hipsters allowed" and its then that I know i'm probably not welcome.


Okay okay, I'll quit hijacking your thread!
ya i havent grouped anything. i see how there can be lots of issues with that. I'm gonna redo it from the 2x4 up this time and mess with the layers. might even do the whole house for the heck of it. i can see how this would be a very powerful tool for convincing the old lady to get into some pretty big construction projects "Look how nice it will be hun!"

i didn't even see the cut/subtract stuff il look into it now. I've now done all the doorways and whatnot and it woulda been nice to have some sort of cut/subtract tool.

Grouping is pretty much essential: I group every face to make it an object before extruding into whatever it is I want. This coupled with typing in dimensions as you draw makes building very quick. Draw a line then straight away type its dimension (eg 3 1/2"), type in the next dimension on its adjacent axis (1 1/2"), make it a box then group it: now you have the section of a 2x4, extrude this by typing its length dimension (96") and now you have a complete 2x4 stud. Hit alt/option when using the move or rotate tools to make it a copy and you're away.

I did a lot of building from scratch before I found a cool plugin that draws up stud walls for you according to set parameters like window/door openings, on-center spacing, double top plates etc. I forget what the plugin is called but worth grabbing.
ya i havent grouped anything. i see how there can be lots of issues with that. I'm gonna redo it from the 2x4 up this time and mess with the layers. might even do the whole house for the heck of it. i can see how this would be a very powerful tool for convincing the old lady to get into some pretty big construction projects "Look how nice it will be hun!"

i didn't even see the cut/subtract stuff il look into it now. I've now done all the doorways and whatnot and it woulda been nice to have some sort of cut/subtract tool.

As I say make sure you build everything on a single layer otherwise you will lose things stacked inside groups inside groups and it will make a total headache of your work. Believe me when I say this. Work clean!
for real dude! lol, fucking nuebs.... :p

how are those seeds @ruwtz ?

Babies looking perkier today, cheers! I tossed the dome and humidity is fine, canopy temps at 83F from radial heat. No idea why my hydro guy egged me to put the dome on - i've never used one for seedlings - but there you go.

I had a skinful last night and still trousered, so i'm gonna go sit and chat at them for an hour or so to make myself feel better.