8 Plants 1 Pot

Think this out thoroughly

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Well-Known Member
not any more but its about his sig now, besides...im bored and hes easy to vent on. but im pretty much done! (until his next post anyways}lol
Why don't you just make a sig of his stupidity, pretty easy to do, lots and lots of stuff you can use from his posts.


Well-Known Member
Legitimate thoughts/facts.


2weeks in from seed. soil. 24 hours light, then I move away from light to a dimmer spot for 20 minutes. then they get pitch black for 3-4 hours. I'm just pretty much experimenting on my 1st grow.

I didn't plan on becoming a grower. I just threw some goodgood bagseeds in my chandelier with miracle grow and I have 8 babies looking pretty sexy. using 3 normal house ceiling lights. anyways.

Legitimate thoughts/facts on 3

3 GO!

edit: 2 pairs of plants are already holding hands

will provide pictures/videos when possible
hardly ideal but they canstill grow. repot in about 2 weeks,at 12/12 remove males, train females to grow out side ways,remove lower branching -bottom50%.


Well-Known Member
I would suggest taking a deep breath and posting some pics when you get them. There really is no use or advantage in bickering with people who are out just to bury you. It's a prime example of people letting you know that they are better than you and always will be. It's gone from an experiment (a funny one) to a debauchery. Grow with what you got man! That's what I used to do, They are plants... Not people, don't feel bad for experimenting and failing. How do you think all the info we have now days came about??? Automatic knowledge? hahah. but I would post some photos if you can, find, steal, or borrow cash. I only wish you good luck man!! Just ignore the people that make the nasty comments, and don't make any your self until you get some proof up here dude!! If you don't respond they will loose interest and find someone else to go harass and embarrass.


Well-Known Member
I would suggest taking a deep breath and posting some pics when you get them. There really is no use or advantage in bickering with people who are out just to bury you. It's a prime example of people letting you know that they are better than you and always will be. It's gone from an experiment (a funny one) to a debauchery. Grow with what you got man! That's what I used to do, They are plants... Not people, don't feel bad for experimenting and failing. How do you think all the info we have now days came about??? Automatic knowledge? hahah. but I would post some photos if you can, find, steal, or borrow cash. I only wish you good luck man!! Just ignore the people that make the nasty comments, and don't make any your self until you get some proof up here dude!! If you don't respond they will loose interest and find someone else to go harass and embarrass.
you must have not read all 55 pages


Well-Known Member
hardly ideal but they canstill grow. repot in about 2 weeks,at 12/12 remove males, train females to grow out side ways,remove lower branching -bottom50%.
Should I flower them so early? It's been a little over 3 weeks for some plants since seedlings.

I would suggest taking a deep breath and posting some pics when you get them. There really is no use or advantage in bickering with people who are out just to bury you. It's a prime example of people letting you know that they are better than you and always will be. It's gone from an experiment (a funny one) to a debauchery. Grow with what you got man! That's what I used to do, They are plants... Not people, don't feel bad for experimenting and failing. How do you think all the info we have now days came about??? Automatic knowledge? hahah. but I would post some photos if you can, find, steal, or borrow cash. I only wish you good luck man!! Just ignore the people that make the nasty comments, and don't make any your self until you get some proof up here dude!! If you don't respond they will loose interest and find someone else to go harass and embarrass.

Auto knowledge is my favorite...haha, jk. but yeah. I've been hustling in these blizzard conditions. I went to wal-mart last night at 3am and they didn't have any Y splitters for the lights or any decent priced light bulb plug in things... I was very astonished that they didn't have anything.

I have a couple plants giving off a nice marijuana aroma. there are 2 plants on the sides that are absorbing so much light and outgrowing the others. the baby that was about 4-5 days old died, I transplanted it because I had to transplant them all and I had no choice but to bring the baby who was a day old into the new pot. it lasted just for a few days before it croaked. I'm working with 7 plants. 2 beast plants and 4 above average plants and 1 plant that is looking a little below average but not too worried about it. I pinched it to help bring it back alive. it was a little stunted and it was the only plant to get a nute burn from the soil. I pinched it a day ago. night shift is about to start in a few minutes. going to let them sleep for about 6-7 hours and then another light shift for around 18-20 hours. I'm going to see how some of the bigger plants do after this shift and decide on lst'ing them around the basket to help even out the grows with the other plants


Active Member
I have a couple plants giving off a nice marijuana aroma. there are 2 plants on the sides that are absorbing so much light and outgrowing the others. the baby that was about 4-5 days old died, I transplanted it because I had to transplant them all and I had no choice but to bring the baby who was a day old into the new pot. it lasted just for a few days before it croaked. I'm working with 7 plants. 2 beast plants and 4 above average plants and 1 plant that is looking a little below average but not too worried about it. I pinched it to help bring it back alive. it was a little stunted and it was the only plant to get a nute burn from the soil. I pinched it a day ago. night shift is about to start in a few minutes. going to let them sleep for about 6-7 hours and then another light shift for around 18-20 hours. I'm going to see how some of the bigger plants do after this shift and decide on lst'ing them around the basket to help even out the grows with the other plants
PICTURES? pleeease


Well-Known Member

That is what the new pot looks like (maybe about 4-6 inches deeper)... The inside has Pure white sheets and plastic wall wrap under that for drainage.

That looks like a great container to grow in.

I'm not sure if you need to increase your meds or cut them ... or just start taking some ..... but it's one or the three for sure.

Brick your killing me here in fact T-bag is giving me a great laugh also!


Well-Known Member
I didn't read all 55, but I read a bunch. I saw both parties are involved in name calling and put downs. But you guys back dude in a corner with his "grow", and he did keep his cool for a while which is commendable, He did say please keep your personal feelings at bay and tried to get some help or knowledge, but there were people str8 up name calling and putting him down with in hrs of his post. Thats just crazy to me, a holier than thou mentality almost immediately? Why? whats the point? Whats to gain in backing people in a corner? So your better than him at growing, do you live in the artic circle or where ever the hell this guy lives? Maybe he doesn't make enough to buy pots, $30 bags of soil, $100 in nutes and lights. Why can't he make due with what hes got??? Ohhhh, because he's stupid for trying to do that, I forgot.. If your less fortunate your stupid for even trying. thats just sad.. To me.
The poor dude, If people can't post here,, then where do they post? People are so quick to jump all over people with less experience, knowledge, and ideals than them and I don't get that.. But different strokes for different folks I guess. I'm a firm believer in constructive response. If you don't like this guy then don't bother with him, go somewhere else, dislike someone in person. Or don't hahah, It's a free world:)

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
I recently grouped 3 headband's in a 6" pot...I plan on training 3 single colas from it...this is week two of veg and they are doing great...I think I will get a good pull from it... good luck to you.


Well-Known Member
I really enjoy MacGyver grows acctually. It's like a harmless train wreck haha. He's using a basket for goodness sake!!! How awesome is that?? you guys seem to take it personaly? I think it's great!! I'm gonna grow in 1/2 a grapefruit peal next!! ha


Well-Known Member
I recently grouped 3 headband's in a 6" pot...I plan on training 3 single colas from it...this is week two of veg and they are doing great...I think I will get a good pull from it... good luck to you.
haah Whats up Ruiner!!! go get em!!!!
Got any new bands I need to check out? and did you check out textures, or after the burial?
That sounds like a really cool plan BTW!!


Well-Known Member
I recently grouped 3 headband's in a 6" pot...I plan on training 3 single colas from it...this is week two of veg and they are doing great...I think I will get a good pull from it... good luck to you.
I want to get a word in before somebody calls you a faggot! haha

how many nodes or leaves till you think I should start flowering? a couple plants are about a foot tall already at 3.5 weeks of age.... wow, it feels good to finally be able to ask a question safely.... i feel like it's a new world

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
I dug textures man...I didnt check out ATB...

I heard a little bit of some Black Math Horsemen that sounded really fucking cool. Other than that I am still trying to wrap my head around Krallice...
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