8 Plants 1 Pot

Think this out thoroughly

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Well-Known Member
tafbang, maybe you should stop this thread and put the time that you put into writing on the computer and spend some time making a better grow setup, work more and get some money for better equipment, read some of the information from people that do really know what they are talking about. But most importantly leave, just read a bit of this thread and was wasted time that i'll never get back.

Seriously, rootbound, soap and 70W of CFLs!!!!!! Educate yourself!


Well-Known Member
lol i have to know what makes a moron like you think he can come on here and troll away, i would also commit murder if you were my kid as long as you werent able to walk this earth again i could sleep well at night. Anyone else notice how he calls us faggots but yet be calls us cute and kiss , things like that. He must be gay, was touched by his uncle and hates the world for it. Its ok laffy taffy they have doctors that can turn you into the rignht gender. Something to get all that hate out of you. We attack cause you are the moron of this thread.


Well-Known Member
just kiddin bout last comments taffy, but yea, lose the damn soap and quit pullin peoples chains
3 of my plants including 2 of my BIGGEST ones were wilting like shit, they looked like they were melting. don't give me no shit because it's over your head

Considering how the word you were looking for was "idiocy" I'd say that would be you champ.

now what...you and your Government of retard friends = Idiocracy


Well-Known Member
On an update. My plants are dying much bigger and greener and are back to better than before.

Thanks to me and my poison snow. just last night they all grew at least 2 inches each except the baby got 1 inch and a new node and a new almost completed node since the last time I posted.

you guys have been nothing but wrong and clueless

randy leopard

Active Member
bricktop, you are obviously a very smart man. why are you wasting your time with this retard?
you could be in other threads actually helping people with their grows. hes not even reading your posts!
really, ANYTHING would be better than trying to rationalize with him.
noone is gonna get through to him, no matter what they say.


Well-Known Member
hey taffy heres an update on some real first time growers plants, hundreds of hours spent on this site researching, asking questions and most of all LISTENING TO VETERAN GROWERS; (IT MAY SEEM UNREAL BUT THEY ACTUALLY KNOW WHAT THEY'RE TALKING ABOUT) TAKING THEIR ADVICE. miracle grow cfl's and HARD FUCKING WORK, I spend about 4 hours a day tending/configuring my plants to what seems best, and heres what that can get you in 8 weeks:



Well-Known Member
1 grown naturaly, with 4 main tops, the other lst'd with 4 main tops-30 new tops in the middle, get that soap out of there spend 2 dollars on party cups and 10 dollars on 4 26 watt cfl


Well-Known Member
if hey look thin its cause i trim the inner leaves, thats why my girls are so thin in the middle, -new growth needs as much light as possible, trimming is very important when using low watt/low penetrating cfls


Well-Known Member
ya man only put em on 12/12 about a week and a half ago + those pics are about 5 SEXY days old, theyre showin some SEXY-almost-buds ahah, but im planning on flowering for another SEXY month and a half, but ya never know with SEXY bagseed, but theres still alot of SEXY time for them to grow, just switched over to some SEXY bloom feed,.... lmao but yeah I should be seeing some legit buds within the week :hump:

randy leopard

Active Member
ya man only put em on 12/12 about a week and a half ago + those pics are about 5 SEXY days old, theyre showin some SEXY-almost-buds ahah, but im planning on flowering for another SEXY month and a half, but ya never know with SEXY bagseed, but theres still alot of SEXY time for them to grow, just switched over to some SEXY bloom feed,.... lmao but yeah I should be seeing some legit buds within the week :hump:
ok TAF. :)


Well-Known Member
thanks man, ya see this is the what roll it up is about, a community sharing and helping. if taffy wasn't such an asshole he'd comprehend the idea of people helping people ahahah

Burger Boss

Well-Known Member
3 of my plants including 2 of my BIGGEST ones were wilting like shit, they looked like they were melting. don't give me no shit because it's over your head


now what...you and your Government of retard friends = Idiocracy
NO asshole, that is just the word YOU misspelled, but low and behold, it DOES have a meaning:
Idiocracy Meaning and Definition

  1. (n.) Peculiarity of constitution; that temperament, or state of constitution, which is peculiar to a person; idiosyncrasy
No you fucking clown, the word YOU were fumbling for and misspelled was IDIOCY. And a "government of retard friends" is NOT the meaning of "idiocracy". So, "now what".

Burger Boss

Well-Known Member
It seems to me that we spend too much time tossing toxic words of reprimand at the Tafster. It should be obvious to ALL that we are dealing with a shameless troll, who will never change it's ways. Therefore, I am going to show some "tough love" by posting a few "real grow op" pix, in the hope the the sheer beauty of proper growing procedure, and the results thereof, might overwhelm the perverted and illogical botanical ways demonstrated by His Tafyness.
I would encourage ALL of you to post up pix of some of your best efforts, lets show this lost soul what a proper grow should look like!
Are you with me Brothers?
Then post on..........>

;-) Good luck & good grow.......BB ;-)



Well-Known Member
Try coming up with "Evidential Contradictions" do your research before you post, because you guys are just lost in your egos.

and to say that plants don't need oxygen... that could be worse than what djruiner has said about everything he's said, including him talking about education while spelling his whole paragraph wrong
I never said plants don't need oxygen, try reading comprehension 101. The roots obviously need oxygen, but the leaves don't. You know what the plant shits out after photosynthesis? Oxygen. Do you eat your own shit laffy taffy? NM don't answer that, weve seen 2 girls 1 cup before.

This is what this thread is about. Idiocracy.


Kenji Kohan

View attachment 1355698 i am going out on a limb and saying this is mainly sativa pheno,tommorrow will be 6week of flower , i hope they fatten
Looks like sativa with a loooong flowering period. Shoot I'm at week three of flowering and some of the strains have buds three fingers wide, but I did choose short to medium flowering period strains because I tend to be impatient. I would look into flowering additives. I'm currently using 12 ml/week Awesome Blossom to help on that end. Seems to be working so far. Keep that light close. Good luck!
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