8 Weeks Flowering, How Close???


Well-Known Member
By my count, I believe they have been flowering for 8 weeks. How much longer should I let them go? Trichromes all appear cloudy, with a few possibly switching to amber.

I had plans of going to Home Depot on Wednesday to get the parts needed for a carbon scrubber/filter to make a rubbermaid dryer.

Also, I had harvested 2 branches already, seems to have yielded about 16 grams or so from them, so a little more than a half O from the 2. I have a pic of one of the buds, let me know what you think.
thats awesome. I've got some bag seed going now.. the bud was pretty rockin, so hopefully my shit turns out as good as yours.

I have nice weather predicated for the next ten days. No rain, highs around 70ish, low 40s for the lows. I am going to harvest some time between Wednesday and Saturday.

Oh, and I just had some more of the early harvest, and it is so nice. 2 or 3 hits have me feeling good.
As I was going to harvest my first plant tonite, I ran into a problem. Due to how I was harvesting, I could only take a few branches in at a time.

Well, after I get about 3 trimmed, I go back out, and some ASSHOLE decided to jack the rest of my plant and jack my bigger plant that still had a couple weeks left. :evil::evil::evil: At least they are getting marijuana that isn't completely done. I didn't even to get the main cola of the plant I was harvesting. :cry: I am sick to my stomach right now.

This was a backyard grow in which I told no one about them for obvious reasons, and not just because of the threat of them getting taken, but for the fact that they were in my yard. The only thing that I can think of is that some kids have probably smelled them, since I could go to my car and occasionally smell them. I don't know, but it sucks. How it would happen on my harvest night I have no idea. Now I wish that I had harvested that plant yesterday which was a possibility, but I decided to wait til tonight.

At least I got some of my harvest in. I was hoping for 8-12 ounces with the look of my second plant, but will have to settle with the 2 or so I got to harvest. Will have to let it dry and find out at that point.

Anyways, I am so pissed right now. I am going to go smoke, and smoke, and maybe smoke some more.
dude make sure u cure that right..that nug does not look to it full potential like that shit should be crystals and fluff...take ur time dont rush it u will regret it if u do
So disappointing. sick to your stomach.. yeah that's how i would feel right now. I doubt it's any consolation but maybe you could find some cofort in the fact that it was thieves that found them & not law enforcement. Sorry to hear about that :(
That's the chance you take with an outdoor grow. Go inside and do Hydro. More control, no bugs, and no thieves!
Well, the first half of what I harvested is in a jar right now. Dried up at 50g, so just shy of 2oz, and I have about another 2-2.5 oz left drying and then I am done. Looks like I would have had about 6oz from this plant had I got the whole thing, but I have to settle for about 4oz, and missing the 6-10 oz I would have had from the other plant. Gives me some encouragement for next year.
this happened to me, almost the same. harvest day and all. i was SO annoyed.
i feel for you.
bud looks good though
Man thats real bad , feel sorry for you right now.
I'm growing in the back yard so I can relate a little to how it could occur.

Better luck next time. At least you have success with your growing methods.
Insight comes from knowledge .
You'll be prepared for the next grow.

Most definitely. I didn't use any nutes other than some molasseses, so I don't know how much bigger they could have been. It was a nice learning experience though and I will use that in future grows.