Well-Known Member
Thanks Zig, If you were close I'd do it for yadman man looks excellent, makes me wanna pay you to come build me one...
Thanks Zig, If you were close I'd do it for yadman man looks excellent, makes me wanna pay you to come build me one...
Thanks Dredone I be tryinthat's a really nice set up you got there, keep up the good work
Thanks, NFT...But not really a largescale op just a small scale op making the most of limited space or at least tring to . ...just closed in a portion of my garage to look like an 8 X 12 work shop. Lights come on at 1a.m. and my girlfriend makes sure all is O.K. cause I'm still at work and they go off at 1 p.m. which is about an hour before I go to work. I do all my gardening when I get home before I go to bed around 4am.... Heres a really cool note, I have the lights vented into the attic in the summer and the heat is dispersed through a vented gable and the soffits (vent coverings from the roof overhang) but this is the cool part....In the winter time I vent the heat from the three X 1K lights into my central a/c and heating duct in the attic and use the heat generated to help warm the inside of my house and there is no tell - tell heat sig to stand out in the winter months.awesome setup mate wish i had the room for a large scale setup
In the winter time I vent the heat from the three X 1K lights into my central a/c and heating duct in the attic and use the heat generated to help warm the inside of my house and there is no tell - tell heat sig to stand out in the winter months.
but this is the cool part....In the winter time I vent the heat from the three X 1K lights into my central a/c and heating duct in the attic and use the heat generated to help warm the inside of my house and there is no tell - tell heat sig to stand out in the winter months.
Thks Bugs... I didn't even think about it till yall posted the kudos for my venting soultion...I just posted it on the DIY thread to share with everyone else.fuckin super sweeet! +rep for the idea, anything to make it suck for uncle leo
In the winter time I vent the heat from the three X 1K lights into my central a/c and heating duct in the attic and use the heat generated to help warm the inside of my house and there is no tell - tell heat sig to stand out in the winter months.
Reason 987087432987432987 for the Legalization of Marijuana.
tat2ue great handy work.
Are your plants sitting in a large container with a wooden frame around it or is the entire table made from wood with a lining to kep it from leaking? If its not too much trouble wold you be able to take a pic of the inside of the tray please?
It is simply a 3 x 8 frame made out of 2x4's screwed onto a piece of plywood and lined w/ rubber pan liner. The pan liner is a thick rubber sheet used to line areas in the bathroom before you put in a bathtub. But any thick plastic liner will do.
And since the inside has no channels to completely drain all the water out there was always between 1/8 to 1/4 in of water in the bottom. I had to figure out a wat to completely drain the table or I would start to develope root rot. So I placed 12"x12" ceramic tiles in the table with about 1/4 in of spacing . This displace almost all the water and the roots stay on dry tile till the next ebb and flow feeding. I will shoot you a pic later today and show the inside before I put another batch of clones in there today.
Brilliant! Be sure to take a snap shot of the flood & drain pipe line. Thanks tat2ue.
Here are the pics I said I would put up for you. In these pics you will see 1/2 of ebb and flow table empty and the other half filled with my next harvest. Just a side note...I harvested just the tops a week ago and left the bottom halves in for an add'l week to soak up some light and get a little bigger and harder. the 15 tops I cut weighed 1310 grams after I trimmed them down and I just put them in jars last night. They dried to 12.5 zips. The bottoms (40 plants) weighed 2509 grams after trimming for a total of 3,819 grams wet weight. Thats 8.5 pounds of wet bud after trimming. That should cure out to about 2.0 to 2.25 pounds....Not bad production for a 3 x 4 area (12 sq ft)
First of all thats an awesome result with such a simple DIY method!
And thank you for making the effort of taking those pics.
Approx how many grams/oz is that per plant?
hey how do you get the nasty air that u pull out of the grow room out of the attic
Well some of the plants were monsters and some were small to average. But a mean average across the board was 95 grams per plant (wet weight). I'll give you the final dry weight in a cpl weeks.