8 years ago tomorrow, where were you?

Osama had a quote a few years after the attacks that described the main difference between Muslims and non-Muslims. Mainly it said that Muslims loved death and are not afraid of it and Christians loved life and are afraid of death.


Well-Known Member
8 years ago I was experiencing one of the most horrible feelings of sadness & confusion I have ever felt. Still there today as well.

Hank's Hooter

Active Member
I was in the "hole" in federal prison. Got sent to the "hole" because a guard found my little steam roller (a playing card rolled up and taped. then the metal eraser holder from a pencil for the bowl. pinch one side down almost flat- slice a hole in the card tube and insert crimped end of metal in tube.worked great!)

I remember hearing two guards talking about it down the hall. I assumed it was a small plane and went another week in the dark.

When I got out of the hole and released back into the housing unit, one of the buildings falling was on tv. HOLY SHIT! An inmate looked at me and realized I just found out what happened. He filled me in on the details.

The prison made a disaster plan. They said they got enough plastic and duct tape for everyone to tape up windows and doors should there be a chemical/biological attack. they also said that the lake nearby could be purified for drinking water should it come to that. Needless to say, it was a fucked time to be locked up!! (I guess they are all bad times)

Anyway, I got out three months later and have been glad to be free.



New Member
8 years ago I was experiencing one of the most horrible feelings of sadness & confusion I have ever felt. Still there today as well.
Yes, I too still feel the sadness. 8 years later.

I also see the very same mindset that brought 9/11 to us repeating itself.


Well-Known Member
The cyclical cycle of things I guess. The human species is so difficult to understand at times.

poke smot420

Well-Known Member
i was in sarasota florida (where george bush was at the time) in my geometry class. we were all watching the TV, eventually schools were being let out early because they thought the schools might be targeted.


New Member
i was in sarasota florida (where george bush was at the time) in my geometry class. we were all watching the TV, eventually schools were being let out early because they thought the schools might be targeted.
Wow.... and yes, I read above where someone thought mothers were being paranoid snatching their kids from school. It is quite natural for mothers especially to gather their flock when they wake up and watch planes impacting in the heart of NYC. Nothing paranoid involved when reality is moving at 500mph.


Osama had a quote a few years after the attacks that described the main difference between Muslims and non-Muslims. Mainly it said that Muslims loved death and are not afraid of it and Christians loved life and are afraid of death.
Osama is a dumbass. I think the truth is that most Christians value life and terrorists do not.


Well-Known Member
In the barbershop. The T.V. was directly in front of my chair, and the channel was already on the Today show. They were showing footage of the 1st tower hit. They didn't show the plane...just the smoke and fire coming from it. I sat there for a while, and saw the second plane hit. After that my mom called and told me to come home asap. Went home and g ot the biggest hug ever.