80 Marijuana Plants Seized At Valrico Home, Deputies Say


New Member
So since the governement says medical marijuana is illegal but 14 states have passed med laws that say it is legal, which is it? Is medical marijuana illegal in CA or is it legal. Do I need to draw a cartoon for you? There is a difference between just plain illegal and legal but not doing it.


Well-Known Member
So since the governement says medical marijuana is illegal but 14 states have passed med laws that say it is legal, which is it? Is medical marijuana illegal in CA or is it legal. Do I need to draw a cartoon for you? There is a difference between just plain illegal and legal but not doing it.
Depends on what side of the debate you want to stand on.

Do the states have the right of sovereignty (thus lending legality to the Secession of the South)?

Or is the Federal Government, despite the most ardent of objections by the Federalists in the Federalist Papers, truly a supreme authority that is not an agent of the states, and thus is free to trample all over their sovereignty?