80 plant grow.


I have done a few grows in my time but nothing near 80 plants. My plan is for 80 plants now and i have got the space to do it but i need your help. Below is my shopping list and was wondering if i will hit the spot or need to change the list etc :)

Soil grow. Im still on the look for soil but since Im needing a fair amount of it i wont be ordering from online so need to see what the grow shops have in stock. Same goes for food, not 100% sure what i will be getting yet.

Any tips / /hints / recommendations / advice etc welcomed :)

Dutch Passion White Widow x80
Rhino Pro Filter - 4000m3/hr 315/1000
Ruck 12” Extractor Fan 315mm 1770m3/hr
Ruck 10” Intake Fan 250mm 1170m3/hr
SMSCOM Fan Controller
Fan Silencer 12" 315mm
Acoustic Ducting 10” 250mm
Acoustic Ducting 12” 315mm
Heavy Duty Timer 22 amp x8
Small Fan
Parabolic Reflector 1 metre x8
HPS Ballast x8
600w HPS x8
300w Blue 6400k CFL x8
2L Pots x80
20L Pots x80
Hydrometer + Thermometer
Ona Gel Pro 1L
pH Meter
EC Pen
GSM Security


fucks man i am wanting to my first one but will need as much help as possible .. what 0z do you accept to get from that and any pics of this amazing set up !!!
Looks like your missing a lot, 55 gallon tanks, pumps, nutes, power box, ac, dehumidifier, light hangers. bunch of materials at home depot. Gessh the list goes on.


Thank you for the reply - Why would i need 55 gallon tanks? Pumps? Power box? AC (air condition??) ?

Forgot to mention i have got a dehumidifier in my house so that's covered. Nutes i am still figuring out what i will be picking (any advice on what would suite would be great).

I will be able to pick up all the black white wall sheets, flooring materials and light hangers no problems.

Anything else needed? and is my lighting + ventilation enough for the job?
You need a res to mix your water in nutes in. Pumps to pump the water or at least keep it mixed up. AC to keep your room temps down, even with venting the lights it still gonna heat up quick. I know there is so much more you need but can't think off the top of my head. I know my receipt for everything was like 3 feet long.

Also what about an RO System? You gonna feed 80 plant tap water?

kevin murphy

New Member
subbed i grew 64 on my first ever grow stop by my thread anytime bro..but im subbed looking forward to this...rep given...bring the pics...


wow 1700+ pages! I spent about 3 hours so far reading it lol! How many grams did you end up with dry from that 64 plant grow?

kevin murphy

New Member
got just over 1600 grams mate 2-3 weeks early cut beacuse of ex mate..u welcome to post on my thread anytime..got a grow goin now if u want follow it its in a 75 litre pot veggeing it for 13 weeks lst topped fimmed and supercropped then putting 260,000 lumens over it and vertical aswell all organic grow....


New Member
got just over 1600 grams mate 2-3 weeks early cut beacuse of ex mate..u welcome to post on my thread anytime..got a grow goin now if u want follow it its in a 75 litre pot veggeing it for 13 weeks lst topped fimmed and supercropped then putting 260,000 lumens over it and vertical aswell all organic grow....
so that what you doing, i cunt find it on your thread, spellon Subbed

kevin murphy

New Member
nice one bro great thnat u have time to read it...leave a comment on mi thread when u read it mate and subb up its always active so any probs u have just stop by loads of help is on offer plus plenty of great growers chill on it at night whilst gettin blazed talking bout allsorts..post what u like mate..


Active Member
80 plants? Damn. I'd be interested in hearing about how you plan on maintaining discretion.

If I were in a position to grow 80+ plants, I wouldn't do soil, instead I would do a stadium style hydro grow with a constant drip feed. I know soil is easier but you're going to need to buy so much of it. Then you'll need to find out how to dispose of a mountain of soil when you're done with it, not to mention the plastic bags it comes in. Also It might look weird if you're hauling in bag after bag of soil into your home. Then you'll need to water them all, which will be a pain. Good soil isn't cheap, either, and I suspect hydro would be more cost effective in the long run.

I've seen empirical evidence that a light mover offers drastic improvements in light efficiency -- you can get away with fewer lights and have the same yield because the light can be kept closer to the canopy without burning. This would help mitigate excessive heat and conspicuous electricity consumption.

Unless you have awkward ducting, you probably wont need an intake fan. If you do, I wouldn't get it with the same CFM as the exhaust. The carbon filter will reduce the stated CFM of the fan's exhausting capability, so you'll be left with a positive air pressure inside, which invites scent leakage. You want a negative air pressure.

What is "GSM Security?"


Well-Known Member
Yeah man id defiinetly set up some kind of dripper system and maybe even run coco/soil/perlite mix. A light mover would also be a good idea like said above.

We have lil over 200 plants at the collective grow between all the patients wit drip to waste set up in custom mix soil w/ perlite n coco. Yeilding alomst 2 lbs per 1k of sour diesel.


Well-Known Member
I have done a few grows in my time but nothing near 80 plants. My plan is for 80 plants now and i have got the space to do it but i need your help. Below is my shopping list and was wondering if i will hit the spot or need to change the list etc :)

Soil grow. Im still on the look for soil but since Im needing a fair amount of it i wont be ordering from online so need to see what the grow shops have in stock. Same goes for food, not 100% sure what i will be getting yet.

Any tips / /hints / recommendations / advice etc welcomed :)

Dutch Passion White Widow x80
Rhino Pro Filter - 4000m3/hr 315/1000
Ruck 12” Extractor Fan 315mm 1770m3/hr
Ruck 10” Intake Fan 250mm 1170m3/hr
SMSCOM Fan Controller
Fan Silencer 12" 315mm
Acoustic Ducting 10” 250mm
Acoustic Ducting 12” 315mm
Heavy Duty Timer 22 amp x8
Small Fan
Parabolic Reflector 1 metre x8
HPS Ballast x8
600w HPS x8
300w Blue 6400k CFL x8
2L Pots x80
20L Pots x80
Hydrometer + Thermometer
Ona Gel Pro 1L
pH Meter
EC Pen
GSM Security
I wouldn't go with parabolic reflectors. They aren't that good.

And 20L pots?