80;s tunes that bring you back!

Think I might be about to pass out here, so if I just disappear, at least you guys know I'm home and safe. Haven't been this drunk in quite a while.

Not quite yet. As long as I'm concious (spelling prob again) that's not out of the picture. Right now I'm what you could call....Dr. Feelgood. It's a very thin line....

Now cheechako, you do realize that since I always lose these little battles that we get into, that means that if I survive without surrendering then I finally win. You do realize this, don't you?:grin:
I used to watch this show. Yeah, there's music eventually. An early version of The Dream Before with vocals by Laurie's "clone" starts around 3:00

A Laurie two-fer - now at the end of the eighties:

My mind is now complete mush. I couldn't even try to pick out a song to post. It just so happens I have watched this one many times, so I know I'm safe with it. haha You wouldn't believe all the mistakes I have to correct as I type this.:spew: It starts off with star wars music, that's always cool.

Your post of Alannah reminds me of this Kim Carnes tune. Don't really know why as this one came out in '81. May be it's the somewhat similar voice/singing style.:p Then again.....


my mom used to sing me this song ............right on talon!
The morning after a night of hard drinking....forgot about this part of the game.
