80;s tunes that bring you back!


Well-Known Member
I have a concert story. I once attended a show headlined by Ozzy, with Alice in Chains and a 3rd band opening things up. I can't even remember the name of the 3rd band because they didn't show up. The show started late because of the 3rd bands absence, but eventually several roadies carried a large couch out and placed it dead center on the stage. A few moments later Layne Staley came out with crutches and a full leg cast on one of his legs. He sat on the couch and the roadies carefully helped him get his injured leg up there,too.

Some one gave him a mike and he apologized for the 3rd bands absence and how they claimed they were just not feeling well, but Layne believed that they really just didn't think our city was worth their time and effort because they had already pulled that shit several times during the tour. He then told us about how earlier that same day he sustained a compound fracture in his thigh bone, thus the cast. He had spent 6 hours in surgery, but wasn't about to even consider not putting on a show for us.

The rest of the band then came out and AIC started kicking some serious ass. The crowd, however, was not getting into it. Between every song you would hear the chant of Ozzy, Ozzy, Ozzy. Eventually Layne started getting annoyed at this and did what no other band at the time could have successfully pulled off. He took a gamble and told everybody that he didn't appreciate that and if he hears just one more person chant Ozzy then they were going to stay on stage all night and we wouldn't get to see the great Oz. Sure enough, everybody got real quiet. Then they started jamming again and people finally started paying attention. Everybody loved them, too. If any other band would have tried that, I don't think the chanting would have stopped.

This was an AIC story, but they were of the nineties so I'll have to include an Ozzy song with it.



Well-Known Member
Haha now you're talking my language. Love Megadeth.

Just saw these guys a few months back.
