$800 budget need all new everything for sog setup

It's 10f from the front to back and 10f from side to side and 7 f tall and I want to cut the height in half and do 2 3.5 rooms and a mother room out of the 2 x 10 x 7

Shoot for 2 5x5 areas 10' high...........sigh

You gotta lotta learning and reading on your own to do. Your budget is too damn small and hopes are too damn big. Start some seeds and get an online 1k hid light. Grow with that then see what you want. Your 3.5' tall grow areas are impossible with hid and you don't have money for real led lights.
This dude wants to spend $800 total! No way he will find quality leds to cover what he wants. He's optimistically hoping for 2lbs every 2 weeks. So for price range his only options are used hid lights. So he will have to deal with the heat.
Sorry, that's not realistic. If a person can do all the labour. A basic two room grow can be built and outfitted for $800. But nothing will be high end. My two rooms kitted out with led- 810watts cost $900. A large portion is dollar store and paint those walls bright white should help.
Are you building the space or prefabricated tent?

2x3s are 2.07 each.
Panda film is 57 for 10x50.
8" vent boosters are 26
Ducting is 15-25 per 25 feet
Router speed controller s are 15 (fan controllers)
Staple gun and staples 25
Kreg jig and screws 40
Clamps 5
Gorilla glue 5
Light gear is unknown and a big chunk
Mylar duct tape is 15
Black extra sticky duct tape is 10
Buckets are 10 each
Hoses are 70
Connects are 30
Nutes are cheap to absurd depending on you
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That one would be easy. Roll of panda a staple gun and little square card board tabs for the staples. Cut holes and run vents. Make a door if necessary.
Is it possible to cut that in half and make a 2 3.5s and put a 600 in each and be able to do a micro with 16 plants in each flower room all I would want is 1 oz min each plant
Is it possible to cut that in half and make a 2 3.5s and put a 600 in each and be able to do a micro with 16 plants in each flower room all I would want is 1 oz min each plant
With leds yes. But you need distance for hid lights. You can't afford leds that are worth a shit so you're stuck with hid.
But if I use the red Solo cups and only need 1 sq foot for each to set in that's 25 sq feet so if I split them and they should only get about 2 feel tall that still leaves me 1.5 feet for the light is that not enough for a 600 hps
That's the forum I was going off of and with them only getting 20 or so inches can I split the room in half with a top and bottom and still have room for the hps
That's the forum I was going off of and with them only getting 20 or so inches can I split the room in half with a top and bottom and still have room for the hps
So you wanna run full cycle plants in dixy cups... just start 1 small grow first then see what you think