800 cfm vent vs Open door


Well-Known Member
i need some advise

i wasplanning on getting an 800 cfm vortex fan and venting my closet (4/5/8ft)

i am useing 2x400w HPS
the temps in the summer can hit 85f

i need to know if it would be better to not get the vent fan and just leave the closet door open when lights were on, with a large box fan blowing in

stealth is not an issue for me.

so what will cool a 800w grow closet beter, 800 cfm vent exhaust or just keepen the door open with big fans blowing in (the door way is standard door size)

for lights off i will get a 200 cfm vent fan to keep the RH% down when i shut the closet for lights out


Well-Known Member
Either way will work but each way has it advantages. The advantage of the vortex fan is that you can split the discharge off the fan with a tee and direct the air where you want it. From one branch off that tee you can connect directly to the 400's (assuming you have a sealed fixture) to keep the fixtures cool enabling you to put it closer to the plant, and the second branch off the tee can supply fresh air to the room or possibly a Mom closet. I have a 800 vortex and I'm doing something very similar. I have a 6" round pipe discharge going in to a tee with a damper on each branch. One side of the tee continues with 6" all the way to my (2) 600's where it tees again to (2) 4" lines. These are connected directly to the fixture. The other side of the tee reduces to 4" immediately and penetrates a cabinet where another 400 fixture is supplying the Moms. The advantage to an oscillating fan is twofold. Its much cheaper and can provide some wind ( to strengthen stalks) as well as provide ventilation.