8000watt, 2 10x10 room harvest once month.


Well-Known Member
Ok so a friend asked me to draw up plans for legal grow for 2 caregivers who each have 2 patients... the law here is each caregiver can have 24 flower and 12 veg(seedling) per 2 patients(anything above 2 patients not allowed more plants).
So those are the rules this needs to abide by. These are my drawings of how venting/ac/co2 and lighting along with buckets will work. Also a parts list with prices that are rounded off to my best knowledge.

So i figure only 24 veg and 48 flower. Veg in one room all 24 for 4 weeks, then swap to first flower room for 4 weeks, then switch to next flower room for last 4 weeks. Does that sound like it should work? Plants may not be the largest with only 4 weeks veg but this will set things up on a system to harvest once a month correct? Obviously after the first batch goes from start to finish.

Obviously, there would be nutrients to buy and co2 refilled about once everyother harvest by spraying 3 times a day. Any comments. This will by 3 10x10 tents. Forgot to add the 1800 for the tents under the list but its already added into the total amount.


Active Member
that's a hell of a set up man! I say go for it. the electric bill is going to be outrageous... but pull it off, and you and your friends will be more than happy :) strains? medium? nutes? IMO I feel you could get away 600's and save yourself on cost/bill's.


Well-Known Member
Plan is to go led... im good with wiring ect... not hard to do just a matter of correct nm's to get. So it will be enough leds to equal 4kw hid lights. So 4 different light fixture that i made with 1kw equivalent hid on each. He will probly use clones off the big bud xxl im using my for 12 pot setup.

Nuetrients i heard were the best were advanced nutrients. Odds are he gets few gallons of that line. Just wanted to make sure i can do the harvest one time a month situation ect. When drawing plans for him i wasnt sure cause so many diff types of growing. Hoping with only 1 month of veg that they will turn out decent size still


Well-Known Member
that was going to be exactly what i was going to do, just get 1kw lights. the only thing i can see that is going to give you issues is the way the plats are layed out they will need to be staggered in there like this

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Brother Numsi

Well-Known Member
I know you prolly have thought this through a number of times.....but is there a reason you want to go with this set up other than maxing it out for two caregivers? You might do better with less. Let us know if you would consider less of a complex set up.
Good luck!!


Well-Known Member
i'd highly recommend against ebb and flow bucket systems for a grow that large. and if you decide to stick with them; then get your control bucket out of the plant rooms as well.
Have you ever set up a grow room before? Not trying to sound condescending, but I highly recommend starting very small and gradually building your way up- start in a tent and do fewer plants in dirt until you figure out what's going to happen. Going big in hydro your first time is a recipe for disaster.

The reason that I and others will diss your plans is because you neglect to mention the most important parts of a grow, such as electrical sources, environmental controllers, humidity/ac, cfm of your fans, duthe sizing, if there will be carbon filters....

Best to start small and forget the financial projections- kudos on the planning and posting on here for advice, and definitely consider what I said about starting in a tent with 1 or 2 lights and a few plants in dirt or soilless/promix.

If you'd like more advice feel free to pm me or just browse these forums. Happy growing!

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
go for it ricky, dont start small go with your plan. learn as u go, but i already think u have a few runs under your belt. good luck have fun.


Well-Known Member
Well to start its not for me lol, i was just asked to setup up plans and a list cause i just set my room up with a 12 an 12. Also, the kid doing it is experienced but we will see how experienced when it come to 48 plants for flowering haha... everything is pretty much there btw i didnt list the obviously things because they were obvious. I could write out plans for electrical but i have whole fuse panel empty so its all running 10guage wire and 30amp breakers. Prob not needed for led IF im able to put together something nice enough for led.

Also didnt add ducting for lights cause led. As for hydro system if you look on paper its written small so prob overlooked but it says im using bigger buckets for complete ebb n grow. Just getting the kit for 120 and making larger scale system. Bucket is always outside room to water stay at good temps. If ballasts are used they get mounted on wall outside tents with fan on them. To be honest though i overlooked the carbon filters cause i am not sure how strong smell is at this scale.

One more thing is yes im sure it can be considered to go less amount of plants. Actually thought about that so if god forbid anything happens with a cop it common sence that im legal rather them nitpicking my stuff trying to find that one extra plant ect. Hell for my own 12pot setup in my 8x4 i thought of running 10 cause i feel they close together. Same as i wanted to switch to 2 1kw in mine as EVERYBODY said its overkill. Except for the people locally who are running same setup that i physically see and they harvest 9lbs wet and just about 4 dry. Hard to take away from my setup if i ssee it working so well with someone else lol... sorry missed you mentioned ac. There is extremely large commercial size ac in the garage so its just matter of adding ducting to large end into one room and the fan sucks air from one room to other and back again. Then small section off ac itself goes into the veg room. Thats why ducting i have 200 per room which overkill. I have it setup this way in my setup with 3 1kw in 8x4 an stupid tents get to 66* if i want. It moves serious amount of air.

Im not being sarcastic in this in anyways. Im posting cause i know you guys are so much more experienced. Please add in comments and advise... scooby i know you are well known and if you feel i should go smaller which makes me more legal and still end up in a very close senerio of harvest times ect then feel free to post em haha. Its all about staying legal and max yields


Well-Known Member
why's that? its a great system.
what up Doc...glad to see you back around these parts. my new account; they closed my phillipchristian account. LOL.

i was just goind based on the size of the grow and the payout. i really think there are more efficient ways than ebb & flow buckets for running a FLIP like that with that many plants.


Well-Known Member
Soil an ebb n flow type systems are only ones im familiar with... ive been reading about aeroponics and bubbleponics ect just to learn but they all seem like they used for doing really small an 160 plants situations or 3 or 4 big plants. In my eyes ebb n grow seems like only consistant system. Never tried another one though.