86 Degrees On First Test Run


Well-Known Member
Hello all,

I've got a basic setup that I'm preparing and hoping to have all the issues worked out by July. The lamp is 400 watt and the fan is 170 cfm. The room is about 70 cf. As you can see from the pictures I have a small oscillating fan going as well. I left the setup running for around an hour and a half and the temps were sitting at 86 degrees (the thermometer is at lamp height on the right wall). Any suggestions on how to drop this temperature? Any other comments and suggestions are welcome too. Thanks everyone.


(I plan on mounting the fan and filter better, as well as, run chains for the lamp)


Well-Known Member
place the exhaust fan as close as possible to the bulb....or get this hose right to the bulb. place another fan just between the bulb and the tops...the more fans the better.....this fuckin bulbs get really hot!


Well-Known Member
Any chance of using an air-cooled hood? That move would likely make the single largest difference. If that is cost prohibitive...

I'd start by getting your scrubber under that shelf so you're drawing out the hot air that's probably being trapped under there. Also, how is the intake air getting in there? Depending on what you've got now, you might want to try increasing the intake area to best utilize your fan's performance.

So we have a better sense of what your up against, what's the temp differential (i.e. difference between inside temps and temps of the room you're drawing the air from)?

FWIW, I take all my temps from where ever I anticipate the canopy of my plants to be in relation to the hood--in other words, 8-10 inches directly below the bulb in my case.


Well-Known Member
I thought about getting an air cooled hood if I can't manage to get the temps down but price is definitely an issue.

The air is coming in through a 1 inch opening all the way across the bottom of the door (the standard gap on a closet door) and it's pulling from a room that is usually at 75 degrees or so.

I'll see what I can manage with filter placement when I get home this evening and recheck the temps soon.

BTW I just decided to start a grow journal and someone suggested the same thing. I'm probably going to migrate this issue over to that thread to avoid clutter



Well-Known Member
Better rethink that july start. Depending on where you live but aug. is the hottest month of the year. I started later than i wanted and before I thought about it I realized I was going to go to july. I changed to night time light when I went to 12/12. Running from 8pm to 8am and it is making a great difference. Especially with the heat wave we are having right now. I have learned my lesson I will grow mainly in the winter now!